Torbay CTC Album


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Sunday 9 December 1984
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Bowerman's Nose
5 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones, Robert Spence, Richard Wiseman
(There is no report for the start of this ride, but Robert Spence takes up the story once we met with him and Richard at Bowerman's Nose.)

Looking at the Nose, it is very hard to believe that Mr Bowerman is just a product of erosion. I maintain that he was built by the sheep, who used cranes and a JCB to move the massive granite blocks into place.

Richard and I had located the Dartmoor Letter Box and stamped our hostel cards with the rubber stamp therein, and the others spent one and a half hours doing the same, but it didn’t really matter because we only had a few hilly miles to Lustleigh and tea and raspberry gateau in the tearooms.

By the time we trooped out and waited for Michael Jones to put the finishing touches to his puncture mending, the glorious sunshine was fading fast and a blood red sky was coming alive. Colin chose a route that got us to Newton Abbot with very little motor traffic to contend with and our lights made a strange dance through the lanes past Seale Hayne College, the Brierly tandem setting a fast pace. Once again, the weather had been more than kind to us. Well it always smiles on the righteous!!

(Robert Spence)

[We have been unable to find attendance records for this period, so the attendance list for this event is incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants