Torbay CTC Album


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Saturday 14 February 1981
Social: Dartmoor Social

1 Participants: Colin Brierly
We didn’t have to wait a full week for our next get-together because Michael had arranged a social evening at his house for the following Saturday. Very inconveniently the hospital authorities decided that that weekend was the time to have Michael in for a minor operation that he’d been waiting for for some time. The social still went ahead with the help of his parents and we all enjoyed a talk about Dartmoor history from Claude Warren, who at a very active 75 has never lived farther away from the moors than Buckfastleigh.

I showed some slides to illustrate some of Claude’s points, but will have to keep my eyes open much wider to find a lot of the things he told us about. A very welcome coffee and biscuits rounded off a highly successful evening, and Michael, who is recovering well, has at least heard a tape recording of the evening’s activities.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
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Events Index Gallery Participants