Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 24 May 1981
10:00 - 19:00
Day ride: Beesands
Sunny but chilly
4 Participants: Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland
Our Beesands ride was, in contrast to the previous weeks, very enjoyable. The air was bright and sunny, if a little cold, and I was surprised that only Kevin, Mark and Valerie joined me at Totnes. We took our usual lane route through to Slapton, via Harbertonford and Moreleigh, pedalled hard across the Ley to Torcross and then took to the coastal footpath.

Lunchtime was very pleasant overlooking the sea, and good fun was had by all. We ambled further along the path, but it gradually deteriorated to a narrow track which promptly disappeared into the undergrowth. I think Valerie thought we were all mad when we plunged into the depths of the vegetation, but eventually we all made it to the bottom in one piece.

Mark, who had actually ridden all the way (or so he said) was duly rewarded with a puncture, and this was sufficient excuse to settle down on Beesands beach to enjoy the sun. More than an hour later we decided it was time to make tracks for home. Unfortunately, however, Mark managed to get in yet another puncture before we had got through Chillington, and it was 7.00 when we finally arrived home. Kevin, who had been suffering from a cold (amongst other things, such as exams) couldn’t face the long climb back to Ilsington, so a kind father came to fetch him in the car.

(Michael Jones)
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Events Index Gallery Participants