Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 14 June 1981
Day ride: Deckler's Cliff

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Robert Spence, Matthew Tewson
Much more like summer on the next Sunday for our run to Deckler’s Cliff, although the fierce sunshine was, at times, hidden by a sea mist which reduced the amount of scorching some folk suffered. We decided to go through Tuckenhay and encountered less traffic than normal thanks to a road subsidence problem by Tuckenhay Mill.

After a ride along a rather breezy Slapton we took the steep hill out of Torcross and found a sheltered track for our picnic stop. We probably didn’t quite reach Deckler’s Cliff, but we did walk in that direction after leaving our bikes by Gara Rock Hotel and investigated a pleasant little beach with natural alcoves in the rock cliff.

Distinctly up and down stuff through South Pool and Sherford to a magnificent tea on the lawn of Michael’s cousins’ farm (John Mingo, Higher Pooler Farm) near East Allington, and then a guided tour of the farm before heading for home through the lanes to Totnes.

(Colin Brierly)
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Events Index Gallery Participants