Torbay CTC Album


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Sunday 28 June 1981
Day ride: Childe's Tomb Letterbox

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
A more energetic run to Childes Tomb which is near, and the way we approached it, the other side of Fox Tor Mine. Not as many out on the run as we had expected now that the dreaded O-Levels have finished. I wonder if some sixth sense had warned the others that we would be attacked by midges almost as soon as we settled down for our picnic near Tor Royal?

A fairly short lunch stop (!) and then on to Whiteworks and a try to follow the bridle path across the mine, only to find that the line on the map wasn’t very much in evidence on the ground. We did however get across by devious means and, after passing Childes Tomb, hunted for the letterbox on Fox Tor. The grid reference we had gave it midway between the two rocky outcrops, but a fairly thorough search there and on the nearer peak was of no avail.

Advice from Claude Warren since tells us that we should have followed the Devonport Leat past the end of the mine and could have found the box on the farther of the two peaks – we’ll know next time, and keep dry feet!

Back on the bikes and back to Buckfastleigh the shortest way, even if it did mean out and back on the same road, there to find the table loaded with Mrs Wilson’s goodies and Don and Michael Ward being kept at bay by the dogs. Well, maybe they were playing with the two King Charles spaniels, but surely it wasn’t just willpower that stopped them wading into all that lovely food!

(Colin Brierly)

[2 points: Don Hassall, Michael Ward]
[3 points: Val Farrell]
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Events Index Gallery Participants