Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 12 July 1981
Day ride: Westcombe Beach

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Mark Filham, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson
The combination of carnival procession and Mike’s injury reduced numbers from the Buckfastleigh area to one for the following week’s ride – myself! John did ride to the Totnes pickup with me, however, where we met eight Torbay riders. It was good to see Richard Reade again after a long absence; his bike was stolen several months ago, but now he has a shining new Peugeot. Colin took the younger riders on a shorter route from Moreleigh, intending to meet up with us later, and this left four of us to carry out the ride to Westcombe Beach.

Val somehow disappeared on the way down a steep hill, and then there were three. We proceeded on through Woodleigh to Aveton Gifford where we took the tidal road to Kingston. Next came what Colin had described as a “more interesting path” along the riverside, which turned out to be a couple of miles of almost un-rideable track! The way ahead was obviously going to be hard going so we decided to leave the bikes in the hedge. First we fought our way through a wall of brambles and then we traversed a field. At the other end of the field we noticed a sign which said “Beware of the bulls”!

It was 2.00 when we eventually arrived at the beach. We had a brief lunch stop, returned to the bikes and discovered a somewhat easier track back to the roads. Even the most direct route home left us far too late to meet up with Colin. Now, who was it who suggested this run ..?

(Kevin Presland, 16)

[1 point: John Stuart]
[3 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants