Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 26 July 1981
Day ride: Week Ford Blowing House

17 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Mark Filham, Martin Filham, Antony House, Michael Jones, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Simon Reep (Adult, North Bovey), Tim Reep (Adult, North Bovey), John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
The beautiful weather encouraged fourteen riders out for the 26th July ride, including Tim Reep and his son Simon from North Bovey. We were going to Week Ford Blowing House, and Mike seemed to be the only one who knew where it was. We took a new route (to me anyway) via Cold East Cross to Bellever, and from there took the tracks to Dunnabridge.

The Blowing House was on Holne Moor, at the bottom of the hill to Combestone Tor and about 400 metres downstream from Saddle Bridge. Some of the riders were too tired to walk to the Blowing House so they waited for us on the grass by the bridge. The rest of us saw the Mould Stone, pestles and mortar stone with its three cleanly-cut holes. A little further on were the famous stepping stones across the river. I hear that Michael was briefed about the destination by Claude Warren before the ride, which explains why he knew so much about it – thanks Claude for your help.

To conclude a fabulous day we took a speedy ride to Holne for tea at the Old Forge café, and there met three lazy cyclists who had only come for tea! Still, it was nice to see them, especially Peter Adams who is recovering from a chainsaw accident.

(Kevin Presland, 16)

[2 points: Peter Adams, Antony House, Philip Wrigley]
[3 points: Val Farrell]
[4 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants