Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 2 August 1981
14:15 - 18:00
Afternoon ride: Rattery
Sunny and warm
13 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Dave Eyre, Richard Eyre, Mark Filham, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Darren Sharp, John Stuart, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
The traditional English holiday season finally seems to have spring upon us, and it has brought plenty of traffic with it. This did not, however, deter a grand total of thirteen riders from meeting at Marldon in glorious sunshine for our August afternoon ride. A welcomed return was made by Darren Sharp after a long repast, and Simon Haly also joined us for his second Sunday ride. Dave Eyre came along, accompanied by his young son Richard, riding pillion so to speak on a rear-mounted child’s seat.

Colin had planned a winding route towards Totnes using the peaceful lanes rather than the busy main road. After a leisurely wander, climaxed by a brisk sweep down into the town centre, we took to the back streets. A stop was made above the town to admire the sun-soaked scenery before we joined the main Kingsbridge road. On turning left for Harbertonford we found that Phil had beaten us to the base of the hill – perhaps he was rekindling his vital energy for the steep climb into the woods!

Rather than dropping down to Harbertonford, we made a sharp right-hand turn, intending to head out towards Rattery. The lane had recently been gritted and it was not too long before we were struck by the dreaded puncture bug. It was Kevin who had received the unwelcomed air leakage, caused not by one of the sharp stones as we had thought, but by a nasty thorn which took plenty of hefty prising to release from the tyre. A spare tube was speedily inserted and the great inflation commenced. Spirits were, however, dampened when the hiss of escaping air made its return. The spare tube had apparently already been punctured and it was I who had the pleasure of laying the patch that solved the problem. The offending tube replaced and blown up we resumed our course to Rattery.

Time was now getting on and so a slight change of route was undertaken. We decided to search out a different destination, branching off towards Ashridge and traversing the lovely countryside to Week. It was a happy bunch of cyclists that finally descended to Staverton where the station had recently been voted the best-kept railway station in Britain – a plaque was unveiled during the week by Monty Python actor Michael Palin. One of our favourite cycling venues must surely be Staverton Bridge and we took a tranquil rest there in order to savour the beauties of the Dart Valley. Meanwhile a suspicious discussion was brewing in one parapet as to the properties of home-made bombs! I am not certain what the plot was even though I was one of the scoundrels in question, but Frank appeared to be rather enthusiastic!

It was at Staverton that we parted our ways, dreaming I suppose of the great ride we had just had.

(John Stuart)
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Events Index Gallery Participants