Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 9 August 1981
10:00 - 19:00
Day ride: Fernworthy Reservoir
Chilly start, sunny later
19 Participants: Iris Buckler, Valerie Farrell, Simon Haly, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Andrew Kitchen, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Alexander Reep (Junior, North Bovey), Tim Reep, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
The weather was a little chillier on the following Sunday, but the pickup point at Bovey Tracey was not deserted when Michael, Nigel and myself arrived there at 11.00. Iris had pedalled up from Plympton to join us. We trouped into the Brookside Tearooms and herded ourselves around a vacant table for refreshments, during which time we were invaded by the rest of our cycling companions.

Coffee over, it was Robert and Michael who took the title of “leaders” for the day as Colin was away on holiday for two weeks. The elevenses came in very handy for the long climb up towards Manaton, and we met Tim Reep and son Alexander riding a tandem at the summit of the hill, as arranged. Our latest young rider, Andrew Kitchen, coped very well with all the hills despite the fact that the pangs of hunger were beginning to make us ask ourselves “When is it lunchtime?”

A little more up and down – more correctly steep down and steep up – and we had reached the main driveway to Fernworthy reservoir, our intended lunch spot. The banks of the reservoir are well patronised by the summertime tourists but we had little trouble in finding a peaceful lunch spot overlooking the calm waters. Having eaten our fill the more energetic performed the usual lunchtime jollifications before we took to the road again.

The sun had brightened up considerably, and it was obvious that a beautiful afternoon was in store. The map was soon consulted and our minds went to work on the big decision: should we climb Widecombe Hill or Bonehill? After much speculation the votes seemed to veer towards the former, and so to Widecombe it was. On wandering up to the main Postbridge to Moretonhampstead road Tim’s tandem had gear problems, and so the few of us in front had a short stop whilst the necessary repairs were carried out.

We bid farewell to Iris at this point and then tracks were made for Widecombe. To make up for all the steep climbing done during the day a terrific downhill swoop presented itself. It was the kind of hill that could make you take off and feel that the world was your own. But enough fantasizing, Stuart lad; we had mechanical troubles. Nigel’s chain had slipped down between freewheel and frame. Robert managed to prise it out with a tyre lever and Nigel’s cycle was ready for the road again. Not that he or anyone else needed to pedal anyway – it was nearly all downhill to Widecombe.

The village was, as usual, packed out to bursting point, but we managed to mingle amongst the traffic and begin the greatest ascent of the day – you’ve guessed it, Widecombe Hill. The summit was conquered at a leisurely pace by the fitter members, and by the time we had begun to reassemble, a few of us had decided to head on early as we wanted time for a swim in Kevin’s pool. A nice long, relaxing freewheel down past Haytor and on to the Ilsington road brought us eventually to Silver Birches, where Mr and Mrs Presland were busily indulged in the preparations for a most scrumptious tea. Don, Mike Ward, Phil and Simon had ridden out to the Presland household just for tea.

After a cool dip in the pool, we weary cyclists were gladly rewarded with a marvellous selection of food and drinks – thanks very much indeed to the Preslands for providing us with a very enjoyable end to the day. Our inner selves satisfied we said goodbye to Silver Birches and descended to Caton Cross, where Torbay and Buckfastleigh riders separated for home.

(John Stuart)

[1 point: Val Farrell]
[2 points: Simon Haly, Don Hassall, Michael Ward, Philip Wrigley]
[3 points: Iris Buckler]
[4 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants