Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 16 August 1981
Day ride: Ugborough Beacon
Sunny and warm
15 Participants: Iris Buckler, Dave Eyre, Samantha Green, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Darren Sharp, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson
A most adventurous ride was the one destined for Ugborough Beacon – little did we Buckfastleigh regulars know what we were letting ourselves in for when we arrived at Avonwick during mid-morning! Iris greeted us, followed by the Torbay folk led by Robert. Two Wednesday evening riders, Samantha Green and Justin Landon, were amongst the party for their first full day run.

We intrepid fifteen left Avonwick, performed a brief tour of Ugborough and then turned left down a dead-end road! After numerous yells directed at the leaders we climbed up to Wrangaton golf course. Luckily we were not pelted with golf balls, but safely pushed up the zig-zag path to the summit of Ugborough Beacon. The sun was brilliant, beaming down on the most majestic of views, at which we marvelled whilst munching through our packed lunches.

Our taste for adventure really came out after lunch: having plotted deviously on the map, the leaders decided to head for the Avon Dam and then to divert to Shipley Bridge. As you will see, our plans didn’t quite go as we had hoped, but the experience was well worth it! A path took us past Spurrell’s Cross and on to the Bittaford to Redlake track, the stony properties of which served to pinch my rear tube. Whilst the front gang sped on I replaced it with due haste.

A couple of miles later we crossed the tall grass to Petre’s Cross – the time had come for good brakes and plenty of wits. We were descending to Huntingdon Cross, using ground pickled with large grassy bundles separated by ruts. Fortunately everyone managed it without too many accidents, only to step-stone the bikes across the river Avon!

A section of the Abbots Way took us to a viewpoint over the Avon Dam, which was extremely low today. Alas it was voting time, and the choice was either to Shipley Bridge for ice-creams or to continue on the track to Cross Furzes. The latter came out a clear winner, and so we fought the natural irregularities to Cross Furzes whilst Sam, Robert and Nigel decided to go for Shipley Bridge (they met us later at Mike’s house).

Our shattered selves finally managed to freewheel to Buckfastleigh for a refreshing “cuppa” at Redmount; thanks to Mike and his parents for the tea, we really needed it! Thoroughly happy and sunburnt, the Torbay riders set off for the last few miles home.

(John Stuart)
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Events Index Gallery Participants