Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 23 August 1981
Day ride: Buckland-tout-Saints
Cloudy but hot
11 Participants: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty (Adult, Totnes), Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson
Despite the cloud cover on 23rd August it was still very hot and sticky in the South Hams when eleven cyclists congregated at Totnes for our Buckland-tout-Saints ride. Frances Loft joined us for her first day run, having attended several evening rides. Our usual route was taken to Tuckenhay, where the old mill nestles amongst the trees – a pleasant, unspoilt spot is this. Deciding not to use our old favourite “Corkscrew Hill” we continued on the tarmac to the great metropolis of Tideford, albeit about three cottages. Our destination was not far away, and with a little climbing and dropping we had sorted out a lunch spot just outside the lodge at Buckland-tour-Saints house.

After battling the persistent gnats we finished our siesta and ascended the hill into the hamlet, recognisable as such only by its stone church. We meandered to Coveton, heading in the Kingsbridge direction, and after mechanical “tightenings up” made for Loddiswell.

“Next stop California Cross” was the cry; most of us needed a rest and cool ice-creams, and this we did by the petrol station before flying along to Avonwick. From here the going was fairly easy along the speedy road to Totnes, where we diverted either to Torbay or to Buckfastleigh. A sticky but most enjoyable adventure.

(John Stuart)
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Events Index Gallery Participants