Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 13 September 1981
Day ride: Gara Bridge

15 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Mark Filham, Antony House, Paul Jackson (Junior, Devon), Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Paul Mytton (Junior, Devon), Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley
There were fifteen of us at Totnes for the Gara Bridge run, including Paul and Paul (!) out for their first run. We set out to Harbertonford by the usual route, taking the lane past Luscombe Cross and dropping down behind the village to meet the main road.

From here we took a lane we seldom use to Rolster Bridge and then took a “white road” which was narrow with encroaching hedges but very quiet. The road ended at Crabbadon Cross and here we carried on to the main road from Moreleigh to Gara Bridge. We quickly turned off, however, and took a steep, twisting lane down to the bridge. One of our usual lunch spots was found, and everybody got down to munching. Mark Fillan’s round lunch box with a handle on top was christened his “slurry bucket” by Mike, who later said that it did look like very nice slurry!

During lunch a very dark cloud was anxiously watched, but as it was not yet depositing its load we thought we might be spared. No such luck! It was saving it for us, and boy did it let us have it – there was a torrential downpour for about half an hour! After this, though, it cleared up and everyone slogged up the steep hill away from the river to Coldharbour Cross, down to California Cross and then right into the lanes up to Diptford. The main road was followed from Avonwick to Fork Cross where we turned off to Tigley. Once more the main road to Dun Cross and then through Week to come out opposite Dartington Church. The Buckfastleigh contingent left us at Huxhams Cross and the Marldon Brigade forked off from Littlehempston.

(Mark Morton, 15)
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Events Index Gallery Participants