Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 20 September 1981
Day ride: North Bovey

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Colin Downie, Mark Filham, Antony House, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
Next week was a joint run to North Bovey. We expected to see hordes of bikes and cyclists at Bovey Tracey, but when we arrived there was only the Dartmoor crowd, and there aren’t many of them! We took the main road for a while towards Manaton, but soon turned off and then began the long climb out from Lustleigh. At the top there was a debate as to whether to take a track to North Bovey or the road. Without any firm decision we went left and then right, passing a “No Through Road” sign – agghhh, the track!!

Bu then that soggy, bumping feeling made itself apparent – you’ve guessed it, puncture time! I stuck in a new tube and was off, but hadn’t got very far before the tyre was going soft again. A couple of us stopped for repairs while the rest continued a little further and sat down to lunch just below the church in North Bovey. When a couple of spots of rain were felt I was about to start repairing a tube, so we made for the trees carrying bike in one hand and front wheel in the other.

Luckily the rain did not arrive. That is to say that there was not some flying about, however. Lunch was finished and punctures repaired when one of the younger members let loose with a pump-full of water. So someone else (no names mentioned) also found a pump …. !

Ah, I forgot, we did find one Exeter member – Jean Luxton appeared for lunch. After a battle we delivered a form to Mr Reep at Yarde Farm, North Bovey, and then went around to Haytor via the Hound Tor road. Kevin Presland invited us back to Silver Birches for a cup of tea. After thanking Kevin and his parents we headed for home via Halshanger and Ashburton.

(Mark Morton, 15)

[1 point: John Stuart]
[3 points: everyone else]
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Events Index Gallery Participants