Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 11 October 1981
Day ride: Bonehill Rocks

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
The Bonehill ride mustered nine cyclists at the Bickington pick-up. It was still cold, but there was a reasonable amount of sunshine to cheer everyone up. We had always thought there was something funny about Kevin, but when he unzipped his training top partway up the hill towards Ilsington our worst fears were confirmed – he had a furry chest! On closer inspection we discovered that he was furry on the back as well. This was all of the gravest concern to us until he revealed that he was in fact wearing the top portion of his brother’s Womble suit! He must have been rather hot by the time we reached Ilsington Village for he returned to his lair to don more suitable clothing before tackling the ascent to Haytor rocks.

Soon we were at Bonehill Down, and we managed to find a couple of sheltered but sunny spots for lunch amongst the nearby rocks. The more energetic undertook a lengthy tour of all the climbable rocks on the tor. I seem to recall that there was a great deal of interest in Matthew’s woolly hat during the proceedings, and that Matthew spent a great deal of time chasing around to get it back – with a small measure of success. He did, however, succeed in wearing everyone out, and when Colin began to put his paper away there was a certain amount of reluctance to leave. Come the finish, we managed to get as far as Becky Falls before stopping for cheesecake. From there the homeward route was mainly downhill, impeded only by a couple of punctures. Well, there’s no point in working too hard on the week before your hundred miles event, is there?

(Michael Jones)
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Events Index Gallery Participants