Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Saturday 24 October 1981
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 1

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
Thus we come to the last ride of the month – a weekend away at Salcombe Youth Hostel. To say that the weather was unkind would be a trifle flattering. A prolonged shower at the start brought numbers down to seven at Totnes, but things began to look a little brighter so we confidently set off up Kingsbridge Hill. By the time we reached Harbertonford the weather was looking damp, and at Moreleigh the sky ahead was ominously black. Before we had even reached Preston Farm we were drenched to the skin and were forced to stop as rivers began flowing into our shoes. Visibility was reduced to a few metres and the trees we sheltered under might as well not have been there for all the good they did.

The rain had ceased as we passed through Loddiswell, and the ride past Bowringsleigh to West Alvington and Malborough was a good deal more enjoyable. The younger lads were getting understandably tired and hungry by this time, and the sight of the hostel at dusk was the best moment of the day. A superb meal, together with company of some boys from Forde Park School, Newton Abbot, helped to make up for what had been a thoroughly miserable afternoon – how wonderful these hostels are!

(Michael Jones)

[3 points: Colin Brierly, John Stuart]
[4 points: Everyone else]
Sunday 25 October 1981
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 2

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
The following day was showery and cold, but there was plenty of sunshine around. The view through the dormitory window across the estuary as we woke up made us all feel a good deal better, and the warden’s porridge helped to get things off to a good start. We took the main road through Aveton Gifford to Modbury, sheltering twice on the way from some rather heavy showers.

Taking the lanes we were soon at Bridgend, Noss Mayo, where Colin and John were patiently waiting for us as arranged. The usually eventful lunch hour was followed by a pleasant ride past Pool Mill Farm to Totnes, the only shower being encountered near Ugborough. It was cold and dark when we separated, and I hear that Andrew got a puncture before he got back to Abbotskerswell – good job Colin was with him!

Oh well, things could have been worse I suppose. I’ll think carefully before I make any more predictions about winter hostelling in my editorials!

(Michael Jones)
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Events Index Gallery Participants