Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 27 December 1981
Day ride: Fingle Bridge
9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Reg Tarling, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
The last run of 1981 was marked up on the Runs List as Fingle Bridge. All things were indeed bright and beautiful that morning, and we enjoyed a lovely ride along the road from Bovey to Moretonhampstead before taking to the lanes. The air was fresh and clear, and the scenery made us all feel good to be alive and cycling.

Lunch was taken in the sun near Cranbrook Castle and when all the patches of snow lying about had been scooped up and thrown at various people the final descent was made to Fingle.

Kevin had punctured just before lunch and it was now Mark’s turn. We said we’d see him at the bottom as we couldn’t stop, but Michael Ward almost took us literally when he slithered through the leaves into the hedge on a sharp bend – the track provided a lot of harmless fun. When we eventually reached the bottom, there was Colin, enjoying the views from the bridge and wondering where we had all been.

Before we got home that day Mark broke his derailleur, buckled his frame and kept us all waiting every half an hour while he put his now shortened chain back on his freewheel – not a cheap day for him. It was good to see Nigel out again after a four week rest – hope your new smart cycling jersey didn’t get too dirty Nigel! Finally, our best wishes go to Reg Tarling of Brixham School, our new rider for the day. When I say “new”, he was new to me, but apparently he has been out with the Section before – twenty three years ago! I hoped we’ll see him again before we reach middle age.

(Michael Jones)
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Events Index Gallery Participants