Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 29 November 1981
Day ride: Pixies Cave, Dartmeet

17 Participants: Phil Benstead, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Robert Downie, Don Hassall, Grace Hassall, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Father Philips (Adult, Devon), Kevin Philips (Junior, Devon), Kevin Presland, Sue Shepley, John Stuart, Chris Thomas, Mike Ward
The beautiful sunny weather on the 29th brought nine cyclists out to Bickington, although Colin Downie left us before lunchtime. It was good to see Robert Downie out for his first Sunday ride, and we hope to see lots more of him. We climbed up from Bickington onto Haytor and then turned left to Cold East Cross, near which we found a peaceful spot by a small stream for lunch. When fully rested we headed towards Dartmeet.

We stopped halfway down the hill into Dartmeet and a hunt began for the Coffin Stone, against which, legend has it, the coffins of numerous people were rested on their journey to the place of burial. Good old John found out, and a suitable pose was taken for a photograph.

We then dropped down to the river and took a path along the West Dart. Thus began the search for Pixie’s Cave. After quite some time a shout brought us running – the cave had been discovered. It was just large enough to squeeze through on our stomachs, and although all we achieved by crawling through it was to get muddy and to be showered with leaves by a certain pixie in a green cycling jersey called Mark, it was great fun.

When we got back to the bike it was decided to take a short cut through the woods by the river in order to avoid the hill out of Dartmeet and those near Hexworthy. It was Kevin’s idea, and by the time the path had completely deteriorated and we were scrambling over rocks and streams with our bikes, he was not particularly popular! Congratulations to Robert, who must have a lot of stamina and did well to keep going over such rough ground – I assure you that our rides are not all quite like this!

Finally, when the light had completely gone, we arrived at the road. Unfortunately we had not avoided the hills at Hexworthy because the stepping stones across the river had been covered with water (we do some strange things, but we couldn’t bring ourselves to swim across).

As the shortcut was somewhat longer than expected it was not until 5.45 that we reached Buckfastleigh and Redmount (Michael’s home). Here, tea was waiting. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Jones for providing the food – we certainly needed it – and thanks also to those who arrived for tea at 4.00 but waited until we got there.

After tea, Don, alias Dickie Duck, got out his CB radio which was a great source of entertainment. Then it was decided that Kevin should do something to make up for sending us on a rather long detour, so out came the songbooks and once again we ran through our repertoire of Christmas Carols. I think we should be in fine voice by the 25th December.

It took some willpower to drag ourselves away from the blazing fire in the hearth, but we had to get home, and thus ended a really enjoyable month of cycling.

(Frances Lofty)

[1 point: Sue Shepley, Michael Ward, Jean Brierly, Kevin Philips, Don Hassall, Grace Hassall, Chris Thomas, Father Philips]
[2 points: Colin Downie]
[3 points: Phil Benstead, Robert Downie]
[4 points: Mark Morton, Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Frances Lofty]
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Events Index Gallery Participants