Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 3 January 1982
14:15 - 22:30
Afternoon ride: East Ogwell
Cloudy start, rain later
23 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Dave Eyre, Mark Filham, Paul Harman, Don Hassall, Grace Hassall, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell (12, Marldon), John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Sue Shepley, Jamie Spence, Robert Spence, Ruth Spence, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
What a month for Torbay Section: Record-breaking turnouts, new faces and press coverage in three local papers. And all this in January, a traditionally quiet month. Well, well well, what HAS been happening?

It all started on the first Sunday of the year, which also being the first Sunday of the month was an Afternoon Run. The sky was somewhat cloudy and a little ominous, and so my surprise was doubly great as they all came streaming into Five Lanes at 2.15. Glenn and Justin, our 12-yeard-old Marldon contingent, came along with their friend Jason Parnell, out for his first ride. John pope rose from the dead after a break of well over a year. The Spence family were out in force – Jamie always comes when tea is at Colin’s house. When we were finally ready to leave we had 21 intrepid members – a record attendance – and a colourful sight we made as we set off through the lanes to Ipplepen.

By the time we had reached East Ogwell the showers had turned to heavy rain and tracks were made for home and tea as fast as possible via Kingskerswell and Compton. Two wet and bedraggled specimens decided to call in at Marldon to change into some drier clothes before dropping down to Colin’s, and I’m sure they enjoyed their evening all the more as a result. Thanks are due to Colin and Jean for the superb tea, and also for allowing the rabble to use their snooker table yet again.

(Michael Jones)

John Pope was out on his new bike. We left Colin's at 8pm and got back to our various homes by 10.30pm.

(Kevin Presland - diary extract)

[1 point: Don Hassall, Grace Hassall]
[2 points: Paul Harman, Ruth Spence, Glenn Powling]
[3 points: everyone else]
Page 1 of 1 (1 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants