Torbay CTC Album


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Tuesday 24 July 1984
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Cornwall
Day 4: Coverack to Lands End YH
38 miles (▲ 545m ▼ 500m)
8 Participants: Andrew Billington, Steven Bowles, Martin Burrows, Michael Jones, Duncan Morley, Adam Nice, Jamie Spence, Simon Warner
The rain considerately ceased before we set off, so we remained dry as we followed the road to Helson, past Goonhilly Station with its impressive collection of huge satellite dishes pointing at the sky. Reaching Helston, we stopped for coffee while Duncan took advantage of the opportunity and had his hair cut.

Three miles further and we were at Porthleven in time for lunch. Mike and I gave our packed lunches a cursory examination before giving then away and heading for the nearest decent restaurant!

Hunger satisfied, we set off once more and joined an A-road at Ashton, which we stayed with for a few miles of flat fast riding, ending by St Michael’s Mount where an ice-cream stop seemed in order. Then on to Penzance, and out again as quickly as possible before Martin and Dunc headed for Lands End for a prearranged meeting with a friend while the rest of us took the coast road. After commiserating with a flock of avian invalids at Mousehole bird hospital we headed straight for the hostel as time was getting short.

Re-joining Martin and Duncan, who had failed to locate their friend, we soon covered the last few miles to Lands End hostel, where the warden kindly made extra chips for us on the grounds of our extreme hunger.

(Andrew Billington)

Wednesday 25 July 1984
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Cornwall
Day 5: Lands End to Perranporth YH
Dry start, rain later
41 miles (▲ 755m ▼ 800m)
8 Participants: Andrew Billington, Steven Bowles, Martin Burrows, Michael Jones, Duncan Morley, Adam Nice, Jamie Spence, Simon Warner
Breakfast next morning was certainly imaginative, whatever else one might say about it: baked beans, grated cheese and roast potatoes. This fortified, we set out to cover the day’s miles, in weather that seemed liable to turn nasty at the slightest provocation.

The first stop came early in the schedule, at Geevor tin mining museum, which gave us an impressive insight into the lives of tin miners of old. The second stop came hard on the heels of the first when Mike, Martin and I took a detour to see some ancient standing stones called Quoits. I must confess to not having been very impressed by them, having expected something really big and amazing.

The next stop was a refreshment break at Zennor, during which we all bought Wispa bars, a novelty at the time, and found them somewhat insubstantial. At St Ives we bought food for the evening and had lunch on the crowded beach, where we were watched with horrid fascination by the hordes of bright pink tourists wobbling in and out of the sea.

The main road around the coast took us though Hayle to Phillack where we hoped to see some sand dunes, but we couldn’t find them. At this point it began to rain and a mass evacuation of the beach began, leaving the place deserted save for eight reckless cyclists within five minutes. The aforementioned cyclists, having got sand all over their bicycles, soon decided that evacuation was possibly the best course of action and carried it out forthwith, leaving the mythical sand dunes behind.

We were running late, and so sped through the rain to Portreath, where we paused for breath and additional supplies. Then speedily onwards, still being rained upon, through Cambrose, Porthtowan and St Agnes, with the younger ones beginning to flag. But at last the sanctuary of Perranporth youth hostel appeared, and we bundled ourselves gratefully into it.

(Andrew Billington)

Thursday 26 July 1984
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Cornwall
Day 6: Perranporth to Tintagel YH
Hot and sunny
37 miles (▲ 665m ▼ 640m)
8 Participants: Andrew Billington, Steven Bowles, Martin Burrows, Michael Jones, Duncan Morley, Adam Nice, Jamie Spence, Simon Warner
Next morning’s start at eleven was late even by our standards and left us with little time for stops during the day as we had a fair way to go. Saying goodbye to the coast we set off along narrow twisty lanes through tiny villages and hamlets, while the weather made up for yesterday’s tantrum by shining brightly on us.

We stopped briefly at Lappa Valley Railway, and reached St Columb Major in time for lunch, which we ate on a roadside bank just outside the town. Suitably refreshed, we blasted off up the A-road to Wadebridge, where a stop for tea was required to allow us to get out breath back. We chose the right tea shop to stop at, because the propietress generously filled our water bottles with lemon or orangeade free.

To save time we stuck to the main road until St Teath, then continued through Westdowns to Tintagel, where the youth hostel materialised at the end of a long pebbly track. Simon, who had been finding the pace a bit tough, phoned for his parents to come and fetch him, and I can’t say I blame him.

The hostel was perched on the edge of a cliff, and the view was amazing. To top it off, nature saw fit to provide a magnificent sunset that evening, and Michael and I spent almost the whole time perched on a cliff behind the hostel, soaking it in.

(Andrew Billington)
Friday 27 July 1984
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Cornwall
Day 7: Tintagel to Gidleigh YH
Hot and sunny
8 miles (▲ 800m ▼ 610m)
8 Participants: Andrew Billington, Steven Bowles, Martin Burrows, Michael Jones, Duncan Morley, Adam Nice, Jamie Spence, Simon Warner
Friday was another hot and sunny day, which left us all sunburnt by the evening. We had many miles to cover, and soon reached the main road to Launceston. Once in Launceston we went through the usual procedure of buying food for the evening meal and then settled down for lunch by a river, which afforded opportunities for feeding ducks and playing in trees which were eagerly grabbed (the opportunities I mean).

By popular demand we again stuck to the A-road which took us to Okehampton at an impressive pace. Having put many miles behind us we had time to spare. This was constructively spent first in a roadside museum, which we were able to nip in and out of for nothing due to the non-appearance of a proprietor, and then a very pleasant roadside café, where milk shakes and banana splits were downed in uncivilised quantities and at even less civilised rates. From then on it was easy going through the lanes to Gidleigh hostel.

As this was the last hostel of the tour it seemed like a good idea to give the water pistols a final airing, and epic battles took place during the evening.

(Andrew Billington)
Saturday 28 July 1984
08:00 - 18:00
Tour: Cornwall
Day 8: Gidleigh to Home
Hot and sunny
20 miles (▲ 440m ▼ 580m)
8 Participants: Andrew Billington, Steven Bowles, Martin Burrows, Michael Jones, Duncan Morley, Adam Nice, Jamie Spence, Simon Warner
And so, another tour came to an end. Next morning my juvenile charges, who during the week had changed in my mind from potential Little Horrors to unique individuals, were homeward bound, as was leader Mike. For me, however, the end of the tour was the start of something else, for I was back in Cornwall to Elephant Fayre, Britain’s foremost live music event.

And so, dear reader, a lesson: what appears to be the end may also be only the beginning, if you will only have faith and look to the future. Thus, do I finish as I started, by going totally over the top in order to achieve an impressive sentence.

(Andrew Billington)
Friday 17 August 1984
08:00 - 23:00
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 2, Loch Lomond to Loch Ossian YH
11 Participants: Paul Bertram, Andrew Billington, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Duncan Scott, Julie Strong, John Stuart, Richard Wiseman, Tom Woodman
John Stuart gazed upwards at the seemingly endless sea of steps that stretched out in front of him. He had heard rumours about the size of Loch Lomond hostel but he had never imagined it to be this big. It was huge! He seemed to have spent all the previous evening trying to find his way to and from the dorms, kitchens and washrooms. The carved hall, dining room and chandeliers were all very nice, but three flights of stairs? He paused a moment longer to consider how on earth he had managed to land the job of sweeping them, and then dutifully set about completing his thankless task.

A mix-up over the breakfast order the previous evening had meant that the group had missed one of only two chances in the two-week tour to get a hostel breakfast provided for them. This, coupled with the need to leave early, had meant that there had been some confusion in the hostel kitchens that morning. The confusion later spread to the hostel store as numerous individuals attempted to stock up with what few provisions were available in readiness for the day’s great adventure – a foray into the uncharted reaches of Rannoch Moor. Few knew what the hostel at Loch Ossian would hold in store for them, but most had made up their minds that whatever it was, it probably wouldn’t be very nice.

It was around nine o’clock when the group finally set off for Arrochar. They should have left a little earlier, but the road proved flat and fast and the time was quickly made up. The sun shone brightly to welcome the new day. As the road twisted its way along the side of the Loch, some riders noticed a hostel on the other side which brought back happy memories of an earlier tour. The magic of Scotland was beginning to work on everyone.

The plan was to catch the 11.11 train from Arrochar to Corrour, but the group had made such good progress since leaving the hostel that there was time to visit the local shops. BY the time everyone had stocked up with their own food there was little room for the communal milk, bread, jam, marmalade and pickle that Michael had purchased. Matthew solved some of the problems by strapping a loaf across his pannier rack with an elastic strap, radically altering the shape of the load in the process of course.

It was only when they were part-way along the track to Corrour that Michael realised it was his 25th birthday. He reflected for a moment on why he hadn’t arranged for the tour to start a few days later, but as he gazed out of the carriage window at the little yellow engine gleaming in the sunshine and pulling its load along the most scenic rail route in Britain he decided that he really couldn’t have had a better birthday.

And the scenery really was spectacular. The train followed the main road through Crianlarich and on as far as Bridge of Orchy, but then veered sharply to the right as it began its lonely trek across the moor. There were countless viaducts bridging the wide scars in the landscape, and as more and more desolate hills rolled up in front of the engine, doubts about the nature of a hostel that could survive in such conditions began to mount.

The train pulled to a halt. Everyone piled out on the platform, bikes were unloaded with perfect efficiency and the train was gone. There was silence. This was Corrour.

Young Matthew eyed the footbridge. On the other side were a few chickens, a three-wheeled buggy that looked as though it was made for negotiating the lunar terrain, and a solitary farmhouse. Beyond them a rough track wound its way over the hill. It didn’t look very welcoming, but the sun was shining and it was nearly time for lunch, so there was no point in hanging around.

A short ride along the tack brought the group in sight of a large loch. A few trees adorned the near side, and nestling amongst them was a small grey building which everyone presumed immediately to be the hostel. Closer inspection revealed a rickety jetty protruding into the loch, onto which was nailed a large notice bearing the words “Members use this jetty at their own risk”. Along with a neighbouring grassy bank it proved a highly suitable spot for lunch.

It was during lunch that Tom’s water bottle, which he had carefully placed on the edge of the jetty, fell into the loch. There was a little wind and this served to make the rapid progress of the bottle alongside the jetty all the more enjoyable for the onlookers. Tom arrived at the edge just in time for the bottle to be out of reach as it pursued its stubborn course towards the centre of the loch.

Some less cautious people nearly fell into the loch themselves with laughing. When they had finally recovered sufficiently to wipe the tears from their eyes they were confronted with the sight of Tom appearing from behind the hostel wearing nothings but swimming trunks. There was a sudden splash, a short squeal, the sound of numerous cameras and then the sight of Tom swimming out towards his bottle, which by now had drifted a considerable distance into the loch. More fits of laughter obscured any further attempts to view the spectacle, but one things was abundantly clear: this hostel was shaping up to be one of the best in the whole tour.

There can be few pleasures in the universe more enjoyable than lying on a slatted wooden jetty on the edge of a remote Scottish loch on a warm summer afternoon watching fleecy white clouds going by and knowing that no-one can disturb you. It was just such a pleasure that Michael and Andrew were enjoying on the second day of their epic tour. The other members of the group had set themselves the task of climbing the nearby mountain, and this fact was not entirely unrelated to the degree of peace and solitude that now surrounded the hostel.

There was a loud splash. A variety of different-sized water droplets fell onto the two boys. They sat up, annoyed, and were greeted with the sight of 13-year-old Paul squatting by the water’s edge, grinning. Evidently the mountain had proved too steep for him.

‘There are some interesting creatures in the rushes on the other side of the hostel,” began Andrew. “I saw a frog there earlier and ..”

With the second sheet of water came the realisation that the pleasurable place to be was now on top of the mountain, so the two peace-lovers reluctantly vacated the jetty and began to dress for higher altitudes. As they were about to set off a flash of inspiration prompted Michael to try the hostel door which everyone had previously assumed to be locked. The result was that the boys had the first choice of beds and a chance to investigate some of the delights that the hostel had in store for them that evening.

The exact location of the lavatory evaded the boys at first, but eventually they found it – a small square shed outside the washroom and overlooking the loch. Inside was a chemical toilet and a message “Please pee on the grass”.

The washroom consisted of three empty bowls and nothing else. The kitchen was homely, with a single tap and a paraffin lamp. Closer investigation revealed that the tap was fed from a tank near the porch, out of which came a plastic pipe. Following the pipe led one down to the loch side, where there was a hand pump whose wooden handles were well worn. Clearly the evening was going to be entertaining!

There turned out to be a wealth of pleasurable things on top of the mountain, not least of which was a profusion of whortleberries growing amongst the heather. Some considerable time was spent filling Andrew’s woolly hat with these delicious fruits, though many proved just too delicious-looking to save until tea-time.

At last it was possible to get a real idea of just how remote the hostel was. Barren, bleak moorland met the skyline for as far as the eye could see, interrupted only by the distant station, the hostel and the loch. If there is a pleasure more enjoyable than lying on the slatted wooden jetty previously described it can only be gazing at the said jetty from the desolate, heather-strewn top of a nearby mountain, gorging oneself with freshly-picked whortleberries and musing over such things as the vastness of the loch, the length of the path that followed its circumference and the sheer lunacy of the three specks who were apparently attempting to run around it.

The warden arrived on his lunar motor-trike. People were gathered around his stop-watch which was hanging from the door. When he’d taken on the wardenship of the hostel he hadn’t bargained for the additional duties involved with being timekeeper of the “Run around the Loch Ossian in an Hour” event. There were many signatures on the role of honour, and he should have guessed that the CTC would be keen to add their names to the list.

Matthew Burrows was the first to appear, which was quite an achievement at the age of eleven. He had covered the eight-mile round trip comfortably within the hour, but his father was apparently having problems along with John Stuart. Simon Haly and Richard Wiseman, aged fourteen and seventeen respectively, also managed to complete the course in the allotted time. The story of Tom Woodman, however, who got blisters after attempting the course wearing someone else’s trainers, is pitiful indeed.

It was about five o’clock and the group felt that the hostel had provided enough surprises for one day. There was still one further delight in store for them however – midges.

There were millions of them – nasty, biting ones that found their way through the smallest cracks. Everyone rushed into the hostel, closed the doors and windows and smeared midge repellent over everything. Breathing a sigh of relief the contingent settled down to play board games and prepare some food.

It was whilst Duncan and Michael were hazing out through the misty window at the swarming enemy and watching their numerous attempts at gaining access to the terrified prisoners that the warden entered the dormitory and announced that the water had run out. Someone had to go outside to work the pump! The task only took on a more acceptable light when viewed alongside the possible alternative of cleaning out the chemical toilet next day, and so the chore was dutifully, if hastily, completed.

(Michael Jones)

[These slides were cleaned, re-scanned using new scanning technology and re-uploaded in higher resolution on 19/12/18]
Saturday 18 August 1984
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 3 Loch Ossian to Glen Nevis YH
11 Participants: Paul Bertram, Andrew Billington, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Duncan Scott, Julie Strong, John Stuart, Richard Wiseman, Tom Woodman
Saturday was a distinctly wet day. To make things worse, a number of people had woken up feeling about as flexible as a wooden plank. Taking all things into account the train seemed a more attractive proposition than the track route originally planned, and so only four members cycled across the moor. The train group disembarked at Tulloch station, and both groups then made their separate ways via Spean Bridge and Fort William to Glen Nevis hostel, where they settled down to enjoy their meal in the crowded but tastefully-decorated kitchens.

The warden discovered a dirty pan lying by itself on the draining board. This must have been contravening one of his most basic commandments for he suddenly turned into an evil, foul-smelling ogre. Blue smoke came out of his ears as he roared at the poor hostellers. Eventually a shaking figure came forward from the crowd to clean up the offending pan.

(Michael Jones)

[These slides were cleaned, re-scanned using new scanning technology and re-uploaded in higher resolution on 20/12/18]
Sunday 19 August 1984
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 4 Glen Nevis to Garramore YH
11 Participants: Paul Bertram, Andrew Billington, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Duncan Scott, Julie Strong, John Stuart, Richard Wiseman, Tom Woodman
Everyone was ready to leave. The milk had been stashed away in various saddle bags, chores had been done and the thought of doing some real cycling at last was cheering everyone up. But where was Duncan?

Duncan had managed to do what every self-respecting cyclist always tries to avoid: he had locked his bike and lost the key. Ransacking the dormitory had failed to locate the offending item and he had now gone searching for a hack-saw. He finally appeared from behind the hostel looking rather embarrassed. It was at this point that he discovered just how easy it is to break through a cheap cycle lock – the whole sawing process took little longer than thirty seconds!

Andrew led the group along the Road to the Isles to the Glenfinnan Monument, where lunch was taken in style beside the loch. A few brave souls ventured to climb the monument. Emerging through a one-metre square hatch at the top one finds oneself standing on a small parapet, surrounded only by a knee-high barrier – not recommended for acrophobics! The sound of a piper across the loch sent everyone into a dreamy mood, but eventually the group made a move.

Only a short bathing stop at Loch Eilt, which proved to be infested with aquatic triffids, and the purchase of an “elephant egg” interrupted the afternoon’s cycling. Garramore hostel is quite modern and is set in beautiful surroundings near white sand beaches. Unfortunately the group’s milk had been affected by the warm weather and was unsuitable for consumption, but the hostel had some supplies to ease the situation.

(Michael Jones)

[These slides were cleaned, re-scanned using new scanning technology and re-uploaded in higher resolution on 21/12/18]
Monday 20 August 1984
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 5 Garramore to Raasay YH
11 Participants: Paul Bertram, Andrew Billington, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Duncan Scott, Julie Strong, John Stuart, Richard Wiseman, Tom Woodman
The ticket-collector glared uncompromisingly at Phil Burrows. “I’m sorry sir, but the 10.15 ferry is fully booked,” she repeated. “Unless you have a reservation ticket you’ll have to wait for the afternoon service.”

“But I’m sure Michael’s booked us in,” replied Phil. “He’ll be here any minute with the rest of the group.”

“Look sir, you can see there’s a queue of people waiting to be served. I can’t give you a ticket, so if you’ll just stand aside and let me get on …”

It was just at this moment that Michael arrived with the necessary reservation tickets. The lady made a feeble attempt to prove that the papers were invalid, but quickly realised that there was nothing to be done but to issue the tickets.

The ferry from Mallaig to the Isle of Skye has front loading capability, but for some reason the quay is not designed with this in mind. All cars have to be loaded from the side in batches of about six and then lowered down to the car deck by means of a huge hydraulic lift. The whole process takes about three quarters of an hour at each end, which seems rather ridiculous when one thinks that the crossing takes only twenty minutes.

Having been hydraulically ejected from the boat, the group began their journey around Skye towards Broadford. There was time for fruit juice at a country post office along the route before lunch was taken in the shelter of some trees near Duisdalemore.

The scenery was perhaps a little harsher than that of the mainland, but otherwise it seemed much the same. The afternoon sun was certainly beating down on the happy crew of cyclists, and several items of clothing were removed as they continued on their way.

Broadford was the last hope of obtaining provisions for the next hostel. Fortunately there were two shops open, both selling milk and bread in addition to the other requirements. All that remained for the day was the ride to Sconser for the ferry to the Isle of Raasay, so there was even time to stop for afternoon tea at Luib.

As with all tea stops, it is easy to stay too long. In this instance there was quite a rush around the coast road to reach the ferry by 6.15 and the leaders almost lost their cool when they saw the last ferry leaving just as they approached the jetty.

Perhaps this was to be split-second timing that went wrong for Torbay Section?

“Don’t worry,” said the ferryman with a wry grin. “We’ve had to put on an extra ferry today. He’ll be back again in half an hour.”

Simon and Matthew watched the boat as it navigated through the deeper waters of Sconser’s natural harbour. However would they occupy themselves for a full thirty minutes? Their eyes turned to the end of the jetty and instantly they were struck with the same inspiration: this would make a perfect diving platform!

Freefall water antics kept everyone thoroughly amused until the ferry returned for its last journey of the day. Raasay looked strangely barren and uninhabited as the sun set over its highest peak, Dun Caan, and threw up a dazzling reflection from the sea.

Raasay hostel is situated at the top of a long climb, with superb views across to Skye. It is a simple-grade hostel consisting of a kitchen/common room and a few small dormitories. There is a wooden hut above and behind the main hostel which accommodates male hostellers.

“There aren’t enough beds!” announced one of the boys, returning from the hut.

“Don’t be silly,” replied Michael, reassuringly. “We’ve been booked in for months. If anyone’s in our beds they’ll just have to vacate them!”

Unfortunately it wasn’t as simple as that. The annexe was inhabited chiefly by a bunch of geologists who had, it seemed, been in residence for several months. One glance at the litter-strewn floor, unmade beds and the general scattering of dirty clothes was sufficient confirmation of this fact. Most of the remaining beds had been occupied by another group who had turned up on the off-chance and who had no intention whatsoever of vacating them. The warden, apparently, had not yet arrived so there was nothing to be done but wait.

It was ten minutes later when the warden rolled along and decreed that he wasn’t going to turn anyone out of their beds. Instead he put half the CTC in a girl’s dorm in the main building, leaving the other half to battle through the smelly socks of the annexe to the few beds that weren’t actually being slept in! A swarm of flies, presumably attracted by the array of partially-cleaned washing strung on the line, added to the delights of the accommodation.

Still, the scenery of the area was delightful. Plans were made for an excursion to Dun Caan next morning before catching the 12.15 ferry back to Skye, and with these happy thoughts the group got down to the job of preparing meals in the cramped but homely kitchen.

It was later that evening that four weak and exhausted individuals staggered into the hostel. Everyone gathered around to hear their story. They seemed to have difficulty in talking, but managed to say the words “Don’t go to Glenbrittle” as they pointed to the countless thousands of midge-bites covering their bodies.

(Michael Jones)

[These slides were cleaned, re-scanned using new scanning technology and re-uploaded in higher resolution on 22/12/18]
Tuesday 21 August 1984
Tour: Scottish Highlands and Islands
Day 6 Raasay to Glenbrittle YH
11 Participants: Paul Bertram, Andrew Billington, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Duncan Scott, Julie Strong, John Stuart, Richard Wiseman, Tom Woodman
“Hurry up Mike,” shouted Tom frantically. “We’re going to miss the ferry!”

“OK, OK, I know,” was the calm reply. “You shouldn’t let these things worry you.”

“But there isn’t another ferry until this evening!” retorted Tom.

The three mountaineers came within sight of their target. There, on board the little ferry, were the rest of the group who had chosen not to attempt Dun Caan. It was 12.15 as the three sped along the little road to the ramp. They could hear the shouts of the others now, willing them on.

Four pairs of wheels rolled onto the hydraulic ramp. At the same instant the ferryman pressed the button that lifted the ramp and the ferry was off. Talk about split-second timing!

The day’s journey involved a fairly short trek across Skye to Glenbrittle hostel. There were those for whom the thought of being eaten alive by midges held no great charm, but others considered it a challenge and had stocked up with midge-repellents in anticipation of the forthcoming battle.

The ride to Carbost was leisurely, even allowing time for waterfall bathing along the way to alleviate the effects of the hot sun. The majestic Cuillen Mountains towered above the glen as the apprehensive band descended down towards the hostel. And when they arrived they were greeted with the sight of the hostel’s own personal waterfall – one of the best they had seen!

The rest of the afternoon was spent bathing, but shortly after five the midges descended as promised. There was nothing to be done but to retreat to the dormitory. The warden said he had never known the midges to be so bad – even sealing off all the air vents with cardboard and insulating tape didn’t keep them out! One wonders how Scottish people survive the summer months.

(Michael Jones)

[These slides were cleaned, re-scanned using new scanning technology and re-uploaded in higher resolution on 28/12/18]
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Events Index Gallery Participants