Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
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Sunday 25 April 1982
Day ride: Lannacombe Beach

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Stephen Downer, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Kim Marshall, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Sheppard, John Stuart, Mike Ward
And that brings us to the last Sunday in April. The destination was Lannacombe Beach, and just for a change the weather gods had forgotten to read the runs list – the sun was shining on us again! Fourteen of us gathered at the Totnes pick-up, and after slogging our way up through the town we set course via Harbertonford and Moreleigh at Warp Ten in order to get to the beach by lunchtime. The scenery around the Start Point peninsula is quite wonderful, and I am sure we will be returning to the area again in the near future.

On arriving at the beach we had to negotiate a fresh-water stream before we could park the bikes safely. A sheltered portion of beach between the rocks was soon located, and saddlebags were duly unpacked. Just after lunch Kim and Frances disappeared behind a rock, and the next thing we saw was a pair of pink figures running down the beach towards the sea. Michael and Kevin soon followed, but the rest of us had more sense. Colin pointed out the figures in the distance and remarked that soon we wouldn’t be able to see them against the blue background! Sure enough they were soon back, shivering but apparently happy. Next, Stephen and Mark S entertained us by riding around on the sand, and to conclude the programme we ambled along the shore in search of treasure – in the event, all we found were some very sharp rocks that halved the speed of the bare-footed ones!

But all good things come to an end, and so it was that we began the long journey homewards via Slapton and Strete. We were still to have a couple of punctures to mend, and my training shoes were to be laid to rest in Slapton Sands, but we were in no particular hurry that evening.

(Michael Jones)

On the way down the lane to the beach we met a car on a bend, so Kim and I rode either side of him to get past. The motorist then complained to Michael!

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
Wednesday 28 April 1982
19:30 - 22:00
Evening ride: Stoke Gabriel

4 Participants: Dave Eyre, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Jason Parnell
No report currently available.

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Saturday 1 May 1982
Social: May Fair, Maypool Youth Hostel

5 Participants: Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward
The month got off to a good start with Maypool’s May Fair, held at the hostel on May Day. Surprisingly perhaps, the weather was superb – sunny and yet not too hot – and the few who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Michael Ward and some of the other younger members organised a side-show in aid of the Highwayman, raising £2.40 by the end of the afternoon. Many thanks are due to Dave and Jen (the wardens) who laid on a delicious spread of food; I’m only sorry that more local folk didn’t come along. Still, our lot enjoyed playing football with Chris, Own and Paul (the warden’s children).

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 9 May 1982
Day ride: Blackpool Sands

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Valerie Farrell, Simon Haly, Paul Harman, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
Fourteen members met at Totnes for our trip to Blackpool Sands on 9th May. Kevin and Michael led us down through the lanes to Moreleigh and Blackawton, finally emerging at Blackpool just in time for lunch. The sun was set in a cloudless sky that afternoon, even though I understand it was misty over the moors, and we settled down on a peaceful part of the beach. During the two and a half hours we spent there, three or four went for a bathe (which lasted two minutes), Matthew got thrown in and everyone got sand down their clothes – including Jean and Colin! It was a lot of fun, though, and we all felt that summer was here to stay as we ate our ice-creams and lazed around.

As with all good things, however, the time eventually came to depart, and so it was that Colin and the youngsters made their way back to Paignton over the ferry whilst the rest of us wandered back through Diptford and Rattery.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Nigel Wilson, Colin Downie]
Sunday 16 May 1982
Day ride: Devon BCTC Heat, Bovey Tracey

21 Participants: Phil Benstead, Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Don Hassall, Antony House, Dave Incoll (Junior, Devon), Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Kim Marshall, Mark Morton, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Sue Shepley, Robert Spence, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
May 16th was the date of the BCTC Heat at Bovey Tracey. All those who managed to get up early enough made their own way to the start for 9.15, ready for the day’s activities. Eight Torbay members rode the event, including new rider David Incoll who has recently moved to the area from Oxfordshire. There were many other members present on and off during the day, helping with marshalling and catering or just spectating, so all in all there were 20 of us at the event.

Whilst we were chatting outside the village hall in the afternoon we heard the church gate creaking just opposite us. There was a deathly quiet as everyone looked up. Frank Boyes, whom no-one had seen for nineteen weeks, was emerging from the graveyard with his bike! When we were all fairly confident that he wasn’t a ghost he was given a very warm welcome, and our minds were put at rest when he told us that he had merely taken a short-cut through the church grounds. Thanks for making the effort to come Frank – it was good to see you.

A full report on the course is give below, and it only remains for me to say thank you to Colin and Jean for a great day out. I know that everyone thoroughly enjoyed the event, including the three Plymothians who attended.

(Michael Jones)

The Devon BCTC heat on May 16th was blessed with warm sunny weather, and after a rather chaotic session at Bovey Tracey car park, where most of the entry forms were written out, riders started with a warming climb through Brimley. There was a pause just beyond Brimley for Cliff and Win Charlton to ask a few questions before a rough section to Liverton where many other cyclists congregated for “Mont’s Road Race”, causing minor confusion.

Time for another cup of coffee and another quiz near Blackpool school, then brains in gear to decide how long it’s going to take to ride to Fosterville, which is about six miles away. The brainwork was obviously pretty good because six riders were within two minutes of their estimate.

From Fosterville it was over Chudleigh Heath to Bovey and an early lunch to compensate for the early start; another quiz and four “observation photographs” didn’t seem to spoil appetites.

Afternoon map-reading clues were dished out and, with varying degrees of success, solved, before being checked and corrected as necessary. Following the route in practice didn’t seem to create too much problem, although I think a fair number kept their eyes on where Pete Luxton was going! Oh well, it didn’t affect the result and we didn’t have to send out search parties.

There was lots of activity back at Bovey where Jean, Sue, Doreen and other helpers were coping magnificently with preparing a superb salad tea, for (due to lack of bookings until the day) a completely unknown number of folk.

The results are listed below, and I hope the few entrants enjoyed their day’s riding, but it would have been nice to have had support from the DA’s strongest Section. Possibly members don’t want the event, in which case I hope they will attend the AGM and tell us.

Many thanks to the thirty-odd folk who turned out to marshal etc. - it was nice to see you all.

On the quizzes by the way, not many knew the colour of Jacobs Sheep (brown and cream patches), the owl that hoots (Tawny) or the other end of the Fosse Way (Lincoln), but nearly all can tell a grass snake from an Adder.

Position - Name (Penalty)

1 Pete Luxton (8)
2 Michael Ward (16) First Junior
3 John Pope (18)
4 Mark Morton (20)
4 Robert Spence (20)
6 Dave Incoll (23)
6 Kevin Presland (23)
8 Colin Downie (25)
8 Adrian Parkyns (25)
10 Martin Clarke (41)
11 Bernard Shapland (42)

Nigel Wilson and Phil Benstead did not finish.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 23 May 1982
Day ride: Mark's Bridge (SX 602572)

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Iris Buckler, Stephen Downer, Valerie Farrell, Dave Incoll, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Neil Pena, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mike Ward, Andrew Winstanley, Philip Wrigley
Mark’s Bridge was the destination the following week, and the person from whom the bridge’s name is derived could not attend because of exams! Never mind, there were still twelve Torbay members out, and our numbers were boosted at Avonwick by the presence of Plymouth Section who had wandered our way.

Everyone was surprised to see Philip Wrigley out on his bike again – the last time we were so privileged was in August! Furthermore, after the completion of Ten Tors the previous week we were pleased to see Andrew Winstanley with us again – he tells us he completed the course easily!

We took the lanes through to Ivybridge and after a wrong turning into a private estate at Fardel eventually reached Mark’s Bridge. It turned out to be small and ugly – no reflection on the person of course! The area was very pleasant and we had a relaxed lunch hour under the shade of the trees. The route back took us through Ermington, where we stopped for ice-creams. Thanks to Michael and Kevin for again taking the lead – a very interesting route.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Mark Morton]
[3 points: everyone else]
Sunday 30 May 1982
Day ride: Challacombe Down

13 Participants: Phil Benstead, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Iris Buckler, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Philip Wrigley
The last ride of the month was to Challacombe Down, near Postbridge. By this time revision was really beginning to take its toll, but on and off we saw thirteen people, plus two from Plymouth. Frances came as far as Ashburton, Phil Wrigley as far as Ilsington, Colin, Jean and Matthew as far as lunch, Iris as far as “just after lunch” and Phil Benstead as far as Ponsworthy!

We made it to the destination via Widecombe and sampled the beauty of the area by walking the footpath around the Down. The return route was through Poundsgate to New Bridge, where ice-creams were again the order of the day – we also had a chat with Walter Pearce, who looks after the National Park Information Centre. There were refreshments at Redmount yet again for those who made it that far.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Frances Lofty, Philip Wrigley]
[2 points: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Matthew Tewson, Val Farrell]
[3 points: everyone else]
Sunday 13 June 1982
Day ride: Silveridge Wood (SX 728494)

6 Participants: Michael Jones, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Richardson, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward
There were thirteen at Totnes the following week, but only six were to attend the full ride for a variety of reasons. When I’d handed my spare handlebars to Steven (I always carry a full set of spares!) together with a set of Cornwall maps, and all the farewells had been uttered, we set off up that wretched hill for the umpteenth time and took to the lanes at Harberton.

It was another beautiful day, and the country lanes around Beenleigh and Stert were looking their best. We bumped into a friendly face on the way down to Diptford (not literally), a friend of Michael’s call Rob Stanyon: we got an invitation to a cup of tea on the way home, and then met his good lady in the village. Some more attractive and little used (by us) lanes took us down to Bickham Bridge, and then it was a matter of slogging up the hill to California Cross for a bit of main road work to the destination – Silveridge Wood.

There was a clearly marked footpath from the main road down to the wood. At least, it was clearly mar on the map – we went past it at some speed and almost missed it as the sign post had long since been broken off. Either side there were open fields, but peering into the dark depths of the dividing “hedge” one could just make out a hollow cavity running down its length. As this was evidently the only way to our destination from this side of the river Avon, and as it was already well past lunch time, we bravely set off into the jungle, ignoring the nettles, brambles and “triffids” as best we could.

The strong smell of garlic got worse as we trampled down the undergrowth, or should I say as Mark trampled down the undergrowth, as he was up front - a bit unfortunate perhaps on his second ride. Some tried to ride but soon gave up as they came across piles of boulders and tree trunks across the path. Those who were wearing shorts reached the woods somewhat battered and torn, but even those with better protection were hungry. Things hadn’t gone exactly to plan, but we were ready to make the best of it in true CTC fashion and soon found a clearing by the river that was relatively free of unpleasant vegetation.

It occurred to us while we were eating lunch that we were unlikely to be disturbed for quite some time in this remote spot, and this proved to be the case for the next hour or so. Having seen the spooky old railway bridge through the trees we decided to do some exploring, and soon we had scrambled up onto the stony track. We tried to visualise what it must have been like on the old steam trains as we wandered northwards towards Gara – it really is a beautiful area. After a while we turned back to get the bikes, only to find two flat tyres on arrival: obviously there had been brambles lying in the undergrowth on the footpath.

As we were leaving we heard voices in the distance, and when they finally took shape they thanked us for clearing a path for them – what a cheek! We pushed the bikes up onto the bridge with some difficulty and set off along the railway course to Topsham Bridge and civilisation, where I repaired my puncture. What a relief to see tarmac again! From there it was fairly easy going past Preston Farm and Moreleigh Mount. We didn’t have time to return to Stert Mill for that cup of tea, but it’ll wait for another day I’m sure. Funny, but we didn’t try any more tracks or paths on the way home that afternoon!

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 20 June 1982
Day ride: Mardon Down (SX 770878)

11 Participants: Andrew Billington (19, Bovey Tracey), Colin Downie, Antony House, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Neil Pena, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
And now to the joint run of 20th June, when our all day turnout dropped to its lowest for many months – just five of us, and that included a new member, Andrew Billington from Bovey Tracey. By way of compensation, however, we had several out for parts of the day, increasing our overall figure to ten at the Bovey Tracey pick-up. Pete and Jean Luxton joined us from Exeter for the steep ride up to Poolmill Cross and past the reservoirs to Hingston where we came across a multitude of cyclists blocking the highway – none other than the Exeter A-Section of course. As we waited, more and more of them came up the hill past Cossick, including a certain young gentleman in green called Nigel Wilson who had ridden up to Exeter in time for the 10.00 start. Oh well, I suppose that made eleven of us during the day!

When Ken appeared he had numerous objects attached to his cycle by various methods, some of which we recognised as sticks, but others which remained mysterious until we had ridden the short distance to Mardon Down and completed our lunch. The funny red, white and blue things turned out to be flags, and these were positioned in a deliberate pattern all around us which did nothing to enlighten us except to give us the impression that we were being quarantined!

When preparations were complete it transpired that a competition had been arranged between Exeter and Torbay which involved, amongst other things, bursting balloons with sticks and hunting for milk bottle tops in the bracken – all on bikes of course! I felt a little sad that more of us hadn’t turned out, especially when we lost to Exeter 1-5! Still, all had a very enjoyable afternoon in pleasant weather – even Neil, when he managed to pull himself away from his portable CB set.

We wandered back to Blackingstone Rock for a bit of rock climbing before descending to the reservoirs again, this time in force. The time for the parting of the ways had finally arrived, and when the final period of laziness had been shaken off we rolled down the hill towards home, stopping at Bovey for a cup of tea. I’ll never forget Michael’s look of embarrassment as he came running out of the gents: much to the amazement of the gentlemen standing next to him, strange sounds had emanated from the closed door behind … “Ten four, Ten four, give me a copy ..”.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Mark Morton, Nigel Wilson, Frances Lofty]
[2 points: Antony House, Colin Downie, Philip Wrigley]
Sunday 27 June 1982
Day ride: Wistman's Wood

17 Participants: Andrew Billington, Stephen Downer, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Ian Lee (Junior, Kingskerswell), Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Richardson, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Philip Wrigley
We didn’t make the destination next day, but we had a very successful day nevertheless. It started to rain just after ten o’clock and by the time the Marldon, Totnes and Ilsington contingents had arrived at the Buckfastleigh pick-up it had developed into a rapid sequence of heavy showers. There were no less than seventeen of us sheltering under those flimsy branches, a clear sign that exams were finished at last, and after twenty five minutes it was obvious that something would have to be done. Someone suggested that my place was quite nearby. Someone else recalled the large room and the lovely hot drinks they’d had there the previous night. To conclude the conspiracy someone else commented on how wet it was, and before long everyone was settled down at Redmount for the morning – very convenient for some!

Coffee was drunk and it was still raining. Mum and Dad came back with visions of the traditionally peaceful Sunday lunchtime and were greeted with a pile of bikes outside the back door where the car should have gone! It was not until records had been played and packed lunches consumed that the weather improved, and then the difficulty was to prize Jackie and Frances out of their comfy chairs and away from the pile of records they had chosen for the afternoon.

The sun had come out when we finally got on the road, so we made our way up through Buckfastleigh to Holne and Hexworthy before diverting from our proposed destination of Wistman’s Wood. Instead of turning left for Two Bridges we dropped down to Dartmeet and again ate ice-creams in the sun, the last thing we would have anticipated doing earlier in the day.

Once we had climbed up the hill to Sherberton Common it was easy going through Poundsgate and New Bridge, where John Pope, Kevin and Andrew Billington left us to ride home. The rest left me at Buckfastleigh, just as some heavy drizzle was settling in for the evening, but we’d had a good day so it didn’t bother us much. I hope Ian Lee, from Kingskerswell, enjoyed his first ride, and that we will see more of both him and Andrew during the summer months.

To end on a sadder note, I have to report that on the following day Stephen Downer was taken to hospital after his front forks broke near Paignton Zoo. His bike was almost written off and Steven was needless-to-say in rather a poor state. We all send him our best wishes for a speedy recovery and hope that it will not be too long before he is back with us again.

(Michael Jones)
Page 10 of 18 (176 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants