Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 11 of 18 (176 items)
Sunday 4 July 1982
Day ride: Cullever Steps

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Douglas Brownjohn (Junior, Totnes), Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward
The alternative hard ride was to Cullever Steps near Okehampton. Nine people met at Bickington, including Douglas Brownjohn of Totnes, out for his first ride. He certainly showed how fit he was considering the distance we covered during the day – we hope he enjoyed his taste of club cycling and that we will see more of him.

From Bickington we climbed up onto Haytor where we fought against a headwind past Haytor Rocks and around to Hound Tor. I decided that Colin would make a good windbreak, but try as I might I could not keep up with him! A brisk pace was set to get as far as possible before lunch, but our stomachs finally forced us to stop after climbing out of Chagford (and it certainly was up). The morning’s clouds had cleared and we enjoyed a peaceful, well-earned break.

We got to Cullever Steps in the afternoon, sampling some excellent Rough Stuff on the way. The water looked invitingly cool, except perhaps to Mark who was nearly forced in head first - no we didn’t quite let him fall!

Retracing our path for a while we then took the main road to Moretonhamptstead, where we stopped for coffee, and then continued to Bovey Tracey. Picnic teas were eaten at Stover Lake – a pleasant spot and well worth a visit. The sight of a mass of black clouds heading our way hastened our departure and we made our separate ways home.

(Frances Lofty)
Sunday 11 July 1982
Day ride: Bolberry Down

18 Participants: Douglas Brownjohn, Jeremy Cox, Colin Downie, Ellen Goddard (Junior, Devon), Jeremy Goddard (Junior, Devon), Robert Goddard (Junior, Devon), Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Kim Marshall, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Unknown Rider 1, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Philip Wrigley
The ride to Bolberry Down was well attended – perhaps the nice weather brought people out. Unfortunately, however, it did not stay quite so nice all day. Ellen and Jeremy Goddard were out for their first ride, and Robert Goddard joined us later in the day. It is nice to have so many cyclists from the same family, and we hope they will come again.

The usual route was taken through Harbertonford and Moreleigh, and we then made our way through Loddiswell, Churchstow and Malborough. We reached Bolberry Down as the clouds began to darken, but luckily the showers held off until after we had eaten. A suitable spot was found some way along the coastal path to eat our lunch. We had a breath-taking view of the coastline and the sea – how lucky we are that the National Trust buys up such land for all to enjoy.

After lunch we dropped down into the village of Hope, where Matthew and Jeremy sampled the delights of cycling on wet sand while the rest of us used the road over the mountain! We took a more devious route homewards via Aveton Gifford, California Cross and Avonwick. The Goddards seemed to be having a spell of bad luck on this particular occasion: Jeremy had come off on a sharp bend in the morning and was luckily unscathed, Robert fell off whilst looking down at his chain and was then ridden over by Ellen, and finally at the end of the ride, Ellen had a near miss when her chain locked in the back spokes! Let us hope they have not been discouraged – let’s face it, things can only get better!

(Michael Jones)

[Attendance verified]
[2 points: Douglas Brownjohn, Colin Downie, Robert Goddard, Philip Wrigley]
[Rider 1 was a member of Bristol DA who was staying at Noss Mayo]
Sunday 18 July 1982
Day ride: Christow Common

23 Participants: Matthew Bailey (Junior, Devon), Andrew Billington, Colin Brierly, Matthew Burrows (10, Torquay), Jeremy Cox, Stephen Downer, Dave Eyre, Simon Haly, Antony House, Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Frances Lofty, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Richardson, Duncan Scott (14, Devon), Mark Sheppard, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley, Philip Wrigley
Twenty people met at Bovey Tracey for the ride to Christow Common – the best turn-out this month. In fact there would have been twenty three if Dave Eyre had not turned back from Compton with puncture trouble, and Matthew Burrows and Colin had not turned back from Bovey. Duncan Scott and Matthew Bailey were out for their first ride – the Torbay Section is certainly expanding!

Kevin led the way out of Bovey and up via Five Lanes to Hennock. We took a scenic route past the reservoirs and then climbed up the hill to Christow Common. After tackling a stile and numerous brambles we reached a field where it was decided to eat lunch. As some sat enjoying the scenery whilst others preferred the view of the hedge further down the field, the clouds cleared and the sun shone. Lunchtime entertainment was provided by Matthew doing forward somersaults on his bike – very amusing if you happened to be looking the right way at the right time.

The beautiful weather stayed with us for the rest of the day. Kevin’s map reading sent us rather astray, but nobody seemed to mind when we in the end reached Moretonhampstead instead of Steps Bridge.

After ice-creams we took the usual road down to Bovey Tracey where we separated to make our own ways home. A fantastic ride in beautiful weather which gave us the opportunity to sample some typical Dartmoor hills and scenery.

(Michael Jones)

[Attendance verified]
[1 point: Colin Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Dave Eyre]
[2 points: Antony House, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley]
[3 points: eveyone else]
Sunday 25 July 1982
Day ride: Crow Tor

17 Participants: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Jeremy Cox, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Duncan Scott, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley, Philip Wrigley
Brilliant sunshine brought seventeen cyclists out to Buckfastleigh for the ride to Crow Tor. The sun shone all day and the temperatures were extremely high. We set off through Buckfast and made our way via a track to Holne. We then climbed up onto the moor past Venford Reservoir and on to Hexworthy. It was decided to push on to Two Bridges before we stopped for lunch. A suitable place was found on the path to Wistman’s Wood.

After lunch Colin left us and we proceeded to the Wood, where the majority of people went for a walk whilst the somewhat less energetic stayed by the bikes.

Sometime later, and after meeting a life member of the CTC out walking with his wife, we reached the main road to Postbridge. The road was busy with grockles and we were glad to turn off just after Postbridge, heading towards Widecombe. After stopping to quench thirsts and refill the water bottles we began the climb up past Bonehill Rocks – a better route than the busy main road even though it was decidedly steep. We finally reached the summit puffing and panting, but the thought of tea at Kevin’s house and a cool swim spurred us on.

We arrived at Silver Birches to find Don sunning himself on the grass, having already sampled the delights of the swimming pool before the crowds arrived. Thanks very much to Mr and Mrs Presland for a great tea and for the use of their swimming pool – it was very much appreciated by us all – and a special thanks to Tigger the kitten for entertainment provided!

As the sun dropped in the sky the temperature fell accordingly, and when Michael Ward finally got out of the pool we enjoyed a somewhat cooler ride home. A great ride to end another fantastic month of cycling.

(Frances Lofty)

[1 point: Don Hassall]
[2 points: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler]
[3 points: Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley]
[4 points: everyone else]
Sunday 1 August 1982
09:30 - 22:00
Day ride: Morwellham Quay

3 Participants: Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland
Being the first Sunday in the month meant that one of the hard rides took place on that day, this time to Morwellham Quay. There was nobody at Buckfastleigh so I continued out to Avonwick to find Frances, who had made her own way there and arrived half an hour early. Mark arrived fifteen minutes late after waiting for Frances in Totnes! Friendly words exchanged and we were ready to go – well, almost. No, not a puncture, a broken gear cable. Luckily the garage across the road had some pliers hanging around.

Finally we set off, with myself up front attempting to do some map reading. We took the dual carriageway to Ivybridge and then made our way to the Shaugh Prior area via Sparkwell, with only a couple of errors! After our half-hour lunch stop we continued to Morwellham via Yelverton and Denham Bridge.

At 3.00 we were sat in the café at the destination drinking tea, after deciding that the entrance fees were too much. We next found our way to Tavistock, and from there followed the Princetown signposts. We were rather surprised when, sometime later, we found ourselves at Horrabridge – the “yocals” found it most amusing. Oh well, what’s an eight mile detour!

Tea near Sampford Spiney, iced lollies at Princetown followed by a good ride to Buckfastleigh rounded off a great day. After stopping at Mike’s we didn’t get home until 10.00 that night.

(Kevin Presland)
Sunday 1 August 1982
Afternoon ride: Landscove

13 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Dave Eyre, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Jason Parnell, Kevin Philips, Glenn Powling, Nigel Presland (Junior, Ilsington), Duncan Scott, Sue Shepley, Paul Tiddy (Junior, Devon)
The Afternoon Run of August 1st was attended by twelve members, including Nigel Presland and Paul Tiddy on their first rides. We took the lanes through Woodland and Landscove, where Dartmoor and Torbay contingents separated to make their separate ways home. Paul appears to be very fit for his age and I am sure he will make a good addition to the Section, as of course will Kevin’s brother.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 15 August 1982
Day ride: Posbury Clump

13 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Duncan Scott, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Philip Wrigley
Chudleigh Bridge was the pick-up, Posbury Clump was the destination and August 15th was the date. The rain had cleared up overnight, it was 11.00 and we had to tackle that Teign Valley road again – the full length this time – followed by a couple of steep hills to Tedburn St Mary. We continued to Venny Tedburn and then took a track towards the clump, along which we stopped for a nice long lunch break.

The weather was beautiful – the first hot sun we had seen in days. We finished the track off and duly inspected the destination – more like a mini-jungle than a clump of Devonshire trees! We enjoyed a good drop to Yeoford where we were welcomed (or seen off) by two dogs. There then followed seven miles of uphill to Whiddon Down – into a headwind – followed by one of our favourite stretches of road to Bovey Tracey, only stopping for a very welcome cup of tea at our usual place. Glenn, who had not been feeling too well, arranged a lift home from Bovey; it’s certainly unusual for Glenn to be suffering. Never mind, a great day, with a total of thirteen on the run.

(Kevin Presland)
Sunday 22 August 1982
Day ride: Crazy Well Pool (SX 582704)

22 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Roome (Junior, Ipplepen), Duncan Scott, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Andrew Winstanley, Philip Wrigley
One of Claud Warren’s suggestions was the destination on 22nd August – Crazy Well Pool. When we arrived at Avonwick we were surprised if not amazed to see Jackie. She had unexpectedly returned from University. Also at the pick-up was young John Roome of Ipplepen, a friend of Andrew Winstanley, making numbers up to thirteen. John used to live in Buckfastleigh, so Michael also knew him – small world!

When we reached Ivybridge, John Pope and I left the others to go to Cornwood to see a teacher we both knew. We took longer than intended, however, and by the time we caught up with the group they had stopped for lunch beside Burrator Reservoir, sheltering under the trees from the by now heavy showers.

We took the track towards Princetown and then did some hunting on foot for the pool itself. Goodness knows why it took us so long – it was the largest “pool” I have ever seen! We returned to the bikes and waited whilst Michael Ward tightened his cones with an assortment of spanners that had been dug out of various saddle bags. At last the job was done, but we still had to search through the undergrowth for one of his quick release springs before he could reassemble the machine. After several minutes of the whole group crawling around on hands and knees, the offending item was discovered – it was on the skewer!!!

Grey skies were still producing bad weather as we carried on along the muddy track to Princetown and back to Buckfastleigh via Hexworthy; I’m sure coaches aren’t allowed across Hexworthy Bridge, with its seven ton weight limit!

Tea was at Mike’s and very nice it was too. Our numbers had by this time increased to twenty one by several younger members who had accompanied Jean from Marldon. Thanks very much Mr and Mrs Jones.

Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Matthew Tewson, Richard Read, Simon Haly, Glenn Powling, Justin Landen, Matthew Burrows and Phil Burrows joined us for tea at Buckfastleigh.

(Kevin Presland)

[1 point: Colin Brierly, Matthew Tewson, Glenn Powling, Simon Haly, Richard Read, Jean Brierly, Phil Burrows, Matthew Burrows, Justin Landen]
[3 points: Phil Wrigley]
[4 points: everyone else]
Monday 23 August 1982
Weekend ride: Camping Trip
Day 1

6 Participants: Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
On the Monday night, Torbay Section had its first camping session, with six of us going to Mike’s relative’s farm at East Allington. It was great, and we are just waiting for another chance (open to the whole Section next time).

(Kevin Presland)
Tuesday 24 August 1982
Weekend ride: Camping Trip
Day 2

6 Participants: Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
On the way back to Harbertonford we managed to find out what the elusive “Fading Paintwork” signs in the hedge were referring to that had led us nowhere the previous day. After a pause for coffee we continued towards Totnes and home, finding a sea of barley on the road. Mike and I managed to carry eighteen pounds home with us for the poultry – what a shame our panniers were so full!

(Kevin Presland)
Page 11 of 18 (176 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants