Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 4 of 18 (176 items)
Wednesday 27 August 1980
08:00 - 20:00
Tour: South Wales
Day 5: Welsh Bicknor to Home
Hot and sunny
5 Participants: Colin Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Philip Wrigley
The tranquillity of the area was interrupted for a brief second during the night by a resounding thump emanating from Number 1 Dormitory. When we set eyes on the scene lit up by the moonlight it was all we could do not to laugh – Antony had apparently rolled once too often in his sleep and fallen to the floor from the top bunk! Now, rudely awakened, he was staring at Philip and wondering how he could see him and why he was feeling so uncomfortable!

The weather did not falter, even on the last day. With reluctance we packed our things and set off for Goodrich and Monmouth. We were soon on the B-roads and at lunchtime we treated ourselves to a slap-up meal at Llantilio Crossenny before making the final descent to Abergavenny and our return train.

It was eight o’clock when we finally got home. Ironically the weather changed that night to give rain by morning. Our appetites have been wetted for future visits to South Wales, but memories will linger with us for many years of our first tour of this truly beautiful part of the British Isles.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 31 August 1980
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Blackingstone Rock
12 Participants: Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Nigel Wilson (14, Buckfastleigh), Philip Wrigley
We had another superb ride on the last day in August. Michael arrived with Nigel Wilson, out for the first time from Buckfastleigh, and we were soon greeted by Kevin and John. We waited for quite some time for the Marldon folk and it was a pleasure to see Robert, Don, Carl, Phil and Mark turn up at 11:30. We followed our usual route up to Haytor and stopped by the roadside (near the Moorland Hotel) to have a pleasant lunch in the lovely weather. Antony met us just as we were leaving and came with us for the rest of the ride.

The lanes we used were unfamiliar, rather narrow with some steep gradients up and down, but it was not long before they brought us out on the main Moretonhampstead to Bovey road and we set off in the Moreton direction for a fairly flat run. A signpost on the right hand side of the road stating “unsuitable for wide vehicles” marked the beginning of a very steep and very long hill (up), and eventually everyone was reduced to walking. Somewhere at this point we discovered that Kevin and Mark were missing and Mike and John were despatched to find him, thinking they had carried on to Moreton. They were soon back with us again though, and we said goodbye to Robert at the top of the hill. The rest of us rode to our destination – Blackingstone Rock.

The Rock itself is a magnificent, towering specimen of Mother Nature’s craftsmanship. We rode through thick ferns and left our machines at the foot of the Rock to climb a steep flight of steps (or, for those wanting to live dangerously, the steep faces of the Rock) and were rewarded with splendid views from the top. Photographs taken, we once more returned to the country lanes, parting from Kevin.

We cycled through magnificent scenery at Hennock Reservoirs and then descended a fairly long, steep hill into Bovey Tracey for much welcomed light refreshments in a “Cottage Coffee Shope” to end another perfect day. Finally the Buckfastleigh district and Marldon folk parted for home on the outskirts of Bovey.

(John Stuart)

[Attendance verified]

[2 points: Val Farrell]
[3 points: everyone else]
Sunday 7 September 1980
14:15 - 17:30
Afternoon ride: Stover Lake
13 Participants: Frank Boyes, Valerie Farrell (Adult, Torquay), Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, Brian Marks, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Sue Shepley, John Stuart, Sue Webber, Nigel Wilson
Nigel Wilson enjoyed last week’s ride very much indeed, and he joined us again for the September afternoon ride which had a total of thirteen riders meeting at Marldon, including a new lady Valerie Farrell. Don had mapped out an interesting new route to Stover Lake and during our travels we went along a bank at the Hamelyn Way, at which point Sue punctured, and we also found a fairly rough track.

At our destination we realised that Kevin was missing, and mark made a vain attempt to find him. It was later found that he had taken the wrong road. After taking in the scenery at the lake we rode through the woods and separated on the road at Heathfield.

(John Stuart)

Michael used his brand new 35mm Praktica camera today for the first time. Even though it was only loaded with Kodacolour negative film until the end of November, photos of the rides show a marked improvement from today onwards.

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 14 September 1980
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Pool Mill, Noss Mayo
13 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Colin Downie, Noel Downie, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, John Pope, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Nigel Wilson
Twelve riders met at Avonwick today (3 from Marldon and 9 from Buckfastleigh), including Valerie on her brand new steed and Colin, back from his holiday. We did plenty of main road work to a pleasant lunch spot and then carried on to our destination, Noss Mayo. Despite the fact that early morning weather prospects had not been very promising, thing brightened up considerably and in the sunshine we had time to admire the very pleasant fishing village.

We continued on to find a good track and then we were back on the road again, going in the Totnes direction, leaving some of the Buckfastleigh folk on the way. The rest of us headed to Huxham’s Cross where we separated for home.

(John Stuart)

I got Mike soaking wet while cycling through water. Peter Adams got his unbreakable mudguards broken by John Pope bumping into him. I stopped at Antony's on the way home.

(Kevin Presland)

[Attendance verified]

[2 points: Iris Buckler]
[3 points: everyone else]
Sunday 21 September 1980
10:00 - 17:30
Day ride: Fernworthy Reservoir
Wet start, sunny later
6 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, Paul Nunn (14, Torquay)
The watery destination of Fernworthy reservoir seemed rather a poor reason for the weather to be quite so cruel to us today – torrential rain up until 11:00 kept numbers down to six at the Bovey Tracey pick-up. Antony and I were the sole representatives of the “Princetown Pedal Pushers” as Don called us, and as we were in good time we decided that there was little point in getting any wetter and retired to the café for a hot mug of coffee.

Eventually the others arrived, bringing with them a new rider, Paul Nunn, who visibly appeared to be enjoying the rain! One glance at us in the café was sufficient to delay the run by a further half an hour for “essential maintenance” and Antony and I decided that we may as well have a second cup ourselves.

While the rain paused for breath we proceeded with all speed along the main road to Moretonhampstead, but it was soon refreshed and by the time we had found a suitably-covered barn we were all well soaked. Typically, no sooner had we bitten into our first sandwich than the rain stopped and the sun came out!

Our hopes of reaching the reservoir were rising fast as we continued through Batworthy and Corndon with blue skies above us, and at the bottom of the last hill we unanimously decided to “go on to the end”. We spent an enjoyable forty minutes taking pictures and relaxing in the sun before embarking on the long journey home. Our route took us through Lettaford, Manaton, Haytor Vale and Ilsington in glorious weather before we separated at Blackpool.

(Michael Jones)

[Attendance verified]

[2 points: Antony House]
[3 points: everyone else]
Sunday 28 September 1980
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Dunchideock
15 Participants: Colin Downie, Noel Downie, Valerie Farrell, Martin Filham, Don Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Paul Nunn, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
The Dunchideock ride at the end of September got off to a dull start, but Paul wasn’t dissuaded from returning for a second dose of our medicine. We set off bravely through Kingsteignton to the lanes. At this point Martin assured us that rain was on the way. Much to his disappointment the sky cleared before lunch, but this only served to give the sun a better view of Carl’s puncture – the first of our troubles that day. We hobbled across the dual carriageway in search of a more secluded lunch spot and were pleasantly surprised to find a picnic area in the forest complete with tables and benches.

An hour or so later, appetites had been satisfied, the puncture had been repaired and we were off – at least we would have been if Nigel’s tyre hadn’t decided to pick a thorn out of the undergrowth and puncture itself with it. A leisurely repair, accompanied by Robert’s accordion, was followed by the discovery of yet another puncture and a buckled wheel, and it was well into the afternoon when we finally escaped from the forest.

A whistle-stop drop through our destination and we were climbing up the other side. Unfortunately, on reaching the top, Robert realised that we should have turned off at the bottom, so down we went again, passing Don and the girls (!) coming up. If looks could kill .. ! It soon became apparent that Martin had done a rain dance back in the forest so we made a brisk return home via the Teign Valley before the weather became too unpleasant.

We subsequently discovered that Philip, after missing us at the start and pick-up points, completed the ride all by himself. It’s hardly surprising that he didn’t find us at lunchtime.

(Michael Jones)

[Attendance verified]

[2 points: Noel Downie]
[3 points: everyone else]
Sunday 5 October 1980
14:15 - 17:30
Afternoon ride: Dartington Hall
16 Participants: Frank Boyes, Dave Eyre, Richard Eyre, Valerie Farrell, Martin Filham, Antony House, Mark Jones (14, Stoke Gabriel), Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read (11, Paignton), Sue Shepley, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson (11, Paignton), Sue Webber, Philip Wrigley
Three new riders on the October afternoon run made numbers up to 15½, the fraction being contributed by Dave Eyres’ little boy, Richard, who rode as passenger. Richard Reade and Matthew Tewson of Paignton were two of our youngest riders for some time, and Mark Jones came along at Mark Morton’s invitation.

We took the lanes through Staverton and continued to Dartington Hall where we spent an enjoyable time walking (and rolling) around the gardens. Visitors must have been amused to see us all on hands and knees hunting for beech nuts – one word from Martin and we’ll do anything!

(Michael Jones)

We rode out early to Buckfastleigh to see the raft race, but it had already finished when we got there.

(Kevin Presland)
Sunday 19 October 1980
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 2
16 Participants: Madora Downie, Noel Downie, Robert Downie, Wendy Downie, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Paul Nunn, John Pope, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Sue Webber, Nigel Wilson
Next morning we awoke to the smell of porridge and, after lengthy debate, decided to get out and face it like men. Kevins hostel chore was to lay the breakfast table for us, and we reckoned he had done a fair job.

Revitalised we said goodbye to the Downie family, who were taking the short route home, and proceeded to Salcombe where we had planned to try out the ferry to East Portlemouth. Sadly Michael felt ill and could not face cycling back to Torquay, but just when we were trying to work out how to get him home, Don met a friend who happened to be going to Newton Abbot, so the problem was solved.

The ferry turned out to be little more than a dinghy but we were all across after three crossings and we thanked the ferryman for his trouble. Back on dry land again we continued through Chivelstone to Torcross for coffee and lunch before tackling the steep ascent to Strete. The road through Tuckenhay was scenic but provided us with more steep hills to climb and, after parting at Totnes, we were all glad to get home to a warm meal.

(Michael Jones)

Michael used up two final photos from his old 110 camera today
Sunday 26 October 1980
10:00 - 17:30
Day ride: Postbridge
Dull start, then very wet
17 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Mark Jones, Michael Jones, Paul Nunn, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Shepherd, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Sue Webber, Nigel Wilson
Back to normal for the last week in October with a day run and dull, miserable weather. Richard, Matthew and Mark re-joined us for their second ride, bringing attendance to 17, but unfortunately we hadn’t gone far past Holne before the heavens opened and spirits (amongst other things) were dampened. To make matters worse, Richard picked up an evasive puncture which moved twice to avoid Colin’s and Don’s patches, but eventually Don managed to corner it and we turned tail and headed for the Downie Nest in Buckfastleigh as quickly as possible.

By the time we arrived we were decidedly wet and words could not express our gratitude to Mrs Downie for the friendly fire and sumptuous tea – but no doubt she noticed our reluctance to leave, even at six o’clock! I certainly didn’t envy the Torbay crowd’s ride back to Marldon that night!

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 30 November 1980
10:00 - 17:30
Day ride: Start Point
Sunny but cold
14 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
Back to very cold but sunny weather for the last day in November and, when the “clans gathered” at Totnes we were fourteen. Progress was rather slow with care needed to watch out for patches of ice.

After using a lane route through Harbertonford and Moreleigh we found a patch of ice right on a bend near Coles Cross. Two riders had slight arguments with the road, but damage was minimal and before long we were sitting in a sheltered place in the sun enjoying our lunch.

Once again we decided that we weren’t going to reach our destination but we did see Start Point quite well from Slapton when we turned our faces from the very strong headwind. A couple of members were suffering badly from the cold as the sun set with a fiery glow, and clothes were pulled out of various saddlebags to get them back in working condition for the last miles from Tuckenhay to Totnes and then home.

(Colin Brierly)

We had a T-shirt meeting at Mike's after the ride.

(Kevin Presland)

Michael used a trial roll of Kodachrome slide film in his camera from today, with stunning results.
Page 4 of 18 (176 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants