Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 8 of 18 (176 items)
Sunday 15 November 1981
Day ride: Slapton Sands

5 Participants: Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Nigel Wilson
Perhaps the chilly weather discouraged people on November 15th as only five people met at Totnes for the ride to Slapton Sands. After waiting some time at the pick-up point we had to set a fast pace if we were to reach Slapton by lunchtime. We took the usual route to Slapton, through Harbertonford and Moreleigh.

Out attempts to shelter from the cold wind that whistled along the Ley seemed futile, but we did eventually find a reasonably sheltered position to eat lunch. The thought of a hot cup of coffee in that cold weather seemed so inviting that we cycled all the way along the Ley against the wind to get one. But – yes, you’ve guessed it – the café was closed! Still, at least when we retraced our tracks the wind was behind us.

We climbed up from the coast to Strete and on to Stoke Flemming. After some debate it was decided to take the track down to Tuckenhay. We dropped down via Corkscrew Hill into the village – good practice for controlling bikes on rough ground but not so very good for Michael whose brakes were not working very well.

(Frances Lofty)
Sunday 29 November 1981
Day ride: Pixies Cave, Dartmeet

17 Participants: Phil Benstead, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Robert Downie, Don Hassall, Grace Hassall, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Father Philips (Adult, Devon), Kevin Philips (Junior, Devon), Kevin Presland, Sue Shepley, John Stuart, Chris Thomas, Mike Ward
The beautiful sunny weather on the 29th brought nine cyclists out to Bickington, although Colin Downie left us before lunchtime. It was good to see Robert Downie out for his first Sunday ride, and we hope to see lots more of him. We climbed up from Bickington onto Haytor and then turned left to Cold East Cross, near which we found a peaceful spot by a small stream for lunch. When fully rested we headed towards Dartmeet.

We stopped halfway down the hill into Dartmeet and a hunt began for the Coffin Stone, against which, legend has it, the coffins of numerous people were rested on their journey to the place of burial. Good old John found out, and a suitable pose was taken for a photograph.

We then dropped down to the river and took a path along the West Dart. Thus began the search for Pixie’s Cave. After quite some time a shout brought us running – the cave had been discovered. It was just large enough to squeeze through on our stomachs, and although all we achieved by crawling through it was to get muddy and to be showered with leaves by a certain pixie in a green cycling jersey called Mark, it was great fun.

When we got back to the bike it was decided to take a short cut through the woods by the river in order to avoid the hill out of Dartmeet and those near Hexworthy. It was Kevin’s idea, and by the time the path had completely deteriorated and we were scrambling over rocks and streams with our bikes, he was not particularly popular! Congratulations to Robert, who must have a lot of stamina and did well to keep going over such rough ground – I assure you that our rides are not all quite like this!

Finally, when the light had completely gone, we arrived at the road. Unfortunately we had not avoided the hills at Hexworthy because the stepping stones across the river had been covered with water (we do some strange things, but we couldn’t bring ourselves to swim across).

As the shortcut was somewhat longer than expected it was not until 5.45 that we reached Buckfastleigh and Redmount (Michael’s home). Here, tea was waiting. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Jones for providing the food – we certainly needed it – and thanks also to those who arrived for tea at 4.00 but waited until we got there.

After tea, Don, alias Dickie Duck, got out his CB radio which was a great source of entertainment. Then it was decided that Kevin should do something to make up for sending us on a rather long detour, so out came the songbooks and once again we ran through our repertoire of Christmas Carols. I think we should be in fine voice by the 25th December.

It took some willpower to drag ourselves away from the blazing fire in the hearth, but we had to get home, and thus ended a really enjoyable month of cycling.

(Frances Lofty)

[1 point: Sue Shepley, Michael Ward, Jean Brierly, Kevin Philips, Don Hassall, Grace Hassall, Chris Thomas, Father Philips]
[2 points: Colin Downie]
[3 points: Phil Benstead, Robert Downie]
[4 points: Mark Morton, Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Frances Lofty]
Saturday 5 December 1981
Social: Devon DA Annual Dinner

5 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Kevin Presland, Sue Shepley
The Annual Dinner provides a great opportunity to meet up with fellow members across the DA, and this year's event at the Trecarn Hotel, Torquay was no exception. Personally I would have been happy to leave when the excellent meal and after-dinner speeches were complete, but some of our members joined the dance, as you can see from the photos.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Wednesday 23 December 1981
Social: Christmas Party, Exeter Clubroom

5 Participants: Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Mike Ward
No report was written on this event at the time, but Torbay Section members drove up to the Exeter Clubroom to join in with their annual Chrsitmas Party. Many thanks to the organisers for putting on a very enjoyable evening that was well attended by both Exeter and Torbay Sections.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 27 December 1981
Day ride: Fingle Bridge
9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Reg Tarling, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
The last run of 1981 was marked up on the Runs List as Fingle Bridge. All things were indeed bright and beautiful that morning, and we enjoyed a lovely ride along the road from Bovey to Moretonhampstead before taking to the lanes. The air was fresh and clear, and the scenery made us all feel good to be alive and cycling.

Lunch was taken in the sun near Cranbrook Castle and when all the patches of snow lying about had been scooped up and thrown at various people the final descent was made to Fingle.

Kevin had punctured just before lunch and it was now Mark’s turn. We said we’d see him at the bottom as we couldn’t stop, but Michael Ward almost took us literally when he slithered through the leaves into the hedge on a sharp bend – the track provided a lot of harmless fun. When we eventually reached the bottom, there was Colin, enjoying the views from the bridge and wondering where we had all been.

Before we got home that day Mark broke his derailleur, buckled his frame and kept us all waiting every half an hour while he put his now shortened chain back on his freewheel – not a cheap day for him. It was good to see Nigel out again after a four week rest – hope your new smart cycling jersey didn’t get too dirty Nigel! Finally, our best wishes go to Reg Tarling of Brixham School, our new rider for the day. When I say “new”, he was new to me, but apparently he has been out with the Section before – twenty three years ago! I hoped we’ll see him again before we reach middle age.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 17 January 1982
Day ride: Ten Commandments Stone

16 Participants: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Colin Downie, Paul Harman, Michael Jones, Robert Leeke (14, Totnes), Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley
On a very misty 17th, sixteen members attended to inspect the markings on the Ten Commandments Stone near Buckland-in-the-Moor, including a new 14-year-old, Robert Leeke, from Totnes. Jason was also out again, accompanied by Glenn. Punctures at our Ashburton pickup delayed progress by half an hour, and the long climb towards Haytor made certain that lunch would be eaten before there was any thought of looking for the stone. We settled in a convenient field to enjoy lunch, which for me included turkey and snow sandwiches, fruit snow and snow coffee – you see there was a snowball fight going on all around me!

We trudged up the hill through the mist, trying to follow a rather indistinct path and the shouts of those ahead. Now, somewhere around here there should be a massive great hill; ah, there was a style, and .. yes .. there was Buckland Beacon, materialising out of the mist. Sure enough, the Ten Commandments Stone was there in all its glory. The stone-mason commissioned to do the job in 1926 had more or less lived there for several months, according to Claude Warren, and we could well believe it as we read the intricate laws of life carved into the huge stone tablets.

On the return journey, more snow found its way down my neck, placed there by a certain young gentleman who shall remain nameless, but rides a Falcon. Cold East Cross and Haytor took us temptingly close to Kevin’s house: the temptation proved irresistible and there were cups of tea all round before we set off down the hill to Drum Bridges and home – thanks Kevin!

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Colin Downie]
[2 points: Iris Buckler]
Sunday 31 January 1982
Day ride: Kenn Valley

17 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Andrew Giles (16, Ideford), Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Justin Landen, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Robert Spence, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley
Things were a little more energetic the following week. Seventeen riders took part in all, including – wait for it – yet another new rider, 16-year-old Andrew Giles from Ideford Combe. The Marldon brigade were out in force this time, obviously keen to tackle the ride. We were also pleased to see Paul Kerr on the bike again, following a major overhaul (of the bike I mean). The weather was generally bright during the morning, and the countryside looked very attractive as we passed through Sandygate and Ideford to Luton. I’ll bet everyone was pleased that we didn’t have to climb that delightful hill called “Little Haldon” – if that’s little, I don’t fancy coming across any big ones!

Rixdale is, according to Colin, one of the easiest crossings over Haldon, and it certainly didn’t feel too bad as we descended the hairpins to Milton. Don, Michael and Frances were waiting for us just before Langdon and we had lunch near Gulliford on the wide grass verge. I still don’t know why I never get any peace at lunchtimes! And so via Black Forest Lodge to Kenton and, finally, to our destination – the Kenn Valley. Kevin chose the crossroads near Willsworthy to collect another puncture; when this had been fixed we continued towards Kenn beside the river Kenn.

On the way, Paul and I noticed a most peculiar sign – it was a red triangular one, like that used for roadworks, except that the silhouette was of a girl kicking a ball down a ramp! Perhaps the people of Kenn were warning us that the lady inhabitants are not to be tangled with!

Crossing the A38 at Kennford we continued along the valley through Clapham to Dunchideock, where time and tide told us that it was time to leave the river Kenn and make tracks for home – one day we’ll have to find the source, which isn’t far from Dunchideock.

The “tracks” towards Torbay which we made were not easy ones at first, involving a long climb up to Webberton Cross. Here, Justin had his first puncture (“I’ll never get a puncture..!”). When repairs has been effected we proceeded past Laurence Castle and then enjoyed the benefits of all that climbing as we dropped down through Trusham to the Teign Valley. Dartmoor and Torbay riders parted at Chudleigh Knighton. I understand that one or two young lads were beginning to feel just how many miles they had done that day as they cycled back to Marldon – well done, all of you.

(Michael Jones)

I missed the main bunch from Buckfastleigh at the Glendennings meeting point so had to chase on to the Newton Abbot pickup point to catch everyone up.

(Kevin Presland, diary extract)
Saturday 13 February 1982
Weekend ride: Maypool YH Valentine Party
Day 1

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Iris Buckler, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
Twenty five lads and lassies rode down to Maypool youth hostel on Saturday 13th February, using the coast route. Iris and I drove down later in the day to attend the St Valentines Party held at the hostel.

It’s a long time since we visited what I think is one of the nicest hostels in the region. I have very fond memories of weekends spent there with Cliff Charlton as master of ceremonies in similar games and fun back when we first joined the Bees. With this in mind I called on Cliff to see if he still had the crazy games he used to set up for us. We were in luck – he very kindly found them and brought them round for us to take. On opening the box we saw to our amazement score cards of Iris and Jean Brierly from way back in the early fifties.

There were a good crowd at the hostel, and I hope they enjoyed their evening’s happenings. We certainly enjoyed the warden’s food and hospitality. Please support them at Maypool as much as possible, as there is talk of having to close the hostel if it doesn’t get more usage this year.

(Ken Strong, Exeter A-Section)
Sunday 14 February 1982
Weekend ride: Maypool YH Valentine Party
Day 2
14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Iris Buckler, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
After some great photos around the hostel on a fabulous sunny morning we headed up to Marldon to join the day ride to Whitestone.
Sunday 14 February 1982
Day ride: Whitestone (SX866936)
15 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Dave Eyre, Simon Haly, Paul Harman, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
The morning after the very successful Maypool Party we had anticipated being joined by the Exeter Sections, but they decided that the combination of warm sun and seaside was too good to miss and headed back along the coast.

It takes a lot of initiative, or even original thinking, to manage to get lost between Kingsteignton and Chudleigh Bridge, but such a feat is not beyond the ability of some of the faster members of the Section. We had waited at Marldon for the folk who had stayed at Maypool overnight after the party, and by the time our wanderers had eventually got to Chudleigh Bridge, thoughts were of food in the fairly near future.

It must be said that on such a glorious day, waiting for folk was no hardship, and all that was needed for lunch was a peaceful place to sit in the sun. The top of Haldon seemed to offer plenty of possibilities, but a sunny bank just above Harcombe on our lane route proved too tempting to pass; although peace was not perfect, Jean and I were not too disturbed by the distant noise of clay pigeon shooting and the rather nearer noise of Michael being buried in bracken – with insects of course!

After the delays it was obvious that Whitestone was going to be too far for other than the very fittest, and we contented ourselves with a run along the top of Haldon to Windy Cross before dropping into the Teign Valley and heading for home.

(Colin Brierly)

[1 point: Don Hassall]
Page 8 of 18 (176 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants