Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 19 of 55 (542 items)
Monday 20 April 1981
Tour: North Devon
Day 4: Lynton to home

74 miles
11 Participants: Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Stuart, Mike Ward, Sue Webber, Nigel Wilson
Next morning we said goodbye to the Exeter Section and set off towards Torbay. Taking a gamble, Colin led us on a track over Exmoor which would either save a lot of time or waste it. As it turned out we were an hour late at South Molton, so we bought some provisions for tea. From there it was down the Mole and Taw valley, with lunch about fifteen miles from South Molton. Continuing on the main roads until Crediton we took the lanes to the top of the Teign Valley for tea. Val decided to leave us there, and at Chudleigh the Buckfastleigh contingent left Colin and myself to pedal back to Paignton and Stoke Gabriel.

All in all it was a very pleasant tour, and the weather gods, for once, smiled on us, so adding to the enjoyment. It was good to see such an improvement in the relations between Exeter and Torbay.

(Mark Morton)
Saturday 25 April 1981
Weekend ride: CTC National AGM
Day 1

5 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Matthew Tewson
Easter had been a superb weekend, although we did have sunburn trouble, making the contrast of the AGM weekend more dramatic. The ride up to Exeter on Saturday was rather uncomfortable with rain, sleet and then snow combining with a strong wind, and I think it hadn't improved at all when Michael, Mark and Matthew rode back to Don and Grace's at Dawlish after the slide show. Val decided to give the weather best, but had, I suspect, a rather cold wait for a train back to Torquay.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 26 April 1981
Weekend ride: CTC National AGM
Day 2

5 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Matthew Tewson
Two inches of snow already on the ground and still steadily falling as I rode into The Close on the Sunday morning to join Gordon, Ken and Iris, June, Kirsten and Eric and three of the AGM visitors who had elected to go out on Gordon’s run. I headed back to Jean’s Dad’s with a clear conscience and, after lunch, with the bikes on the roof rack, Jean and I had a look at the winter scene on top of Haldon.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 3 May 1981
Afternoon ride: Ipplepen
Torrential rain
3 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Mark Morton
What a miserable month May turned out to be this year. The afternoon ride of May 3rd produced torrential rain from the start of our ride to the finish, at which point the sun came out to laugh at us. Still, we “enjoyed” a short ride to Staverton via Compton.

(Michael Jones)

The weather still unkind for the May afternoon run, with heavy rain and strong winds. Michael was already rather wet from his trip in from Buckfastleigh so Mark and I rode with him to Ipplepen and then towards Staverton before we separated and dripped our way home.

(Colin Brierly)
Saturday 9 May 1981
19:00 - 22:00
Social: Club Evening at Paignton

5 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, John Stuart
No report available.

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 10 May 1981
Day ride: Burrator Reservoir

2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Mark Morton
The Burrator Reservoir ride the following week was equally disastrous. It pelted down all morning while Colin and Mark made their separate ways to the Buckfastleigh pickup. What it would have been like on the moor we shuddered to think, so we all went back to Redmount for an extended coffee break and drying session before the Torbay lads set off for home via Totnes. At least Colin was able to return a Dartington nurse’s wallet which he had found in the road.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 17 May 1981
10:00 - 22:30
Day ride: BCTC Heat, Kenton

12 Participants: Colin Downie, Noel Downie, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Sue Shepley, Robert Spence, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Philip Wrigley
On May 17th was the BCTC heat. Not surprisingly, it rained during the first part of the morning whilst Mark, Matthew and myself made our respective paths to Kenton. To make matters worse, Mark had a puncture, and he and Matthew finally arrived about an hour and a half late.

Antony, Colin and Noel had gone up by car (!) which meant they were ready for a fresh start, but despite their tiredness, Mark and Matthew set off bravely into the mist. They were both pretty exhausted by the end of the day, and on the way back to Torbay there was a distinct lack of conversation. We didn’t get home until well after 10.30 that night, and bed was most welcome.

(Michael Jones)

This year’s BCTC heat, organised by myself, was held in the area around Kenton. As competitors began to arrive for the start at Kenton village hall, so the rain began to fall. It was looking as though capes would be the order of the day.

After riders had received their numbers and finished the usual machine checks their route was to take them out to Black Forest Lodge and along to Dawlish Water. The long climb up towards Teignmouth golf course was being used for the hill climb, with the Rushbys providing tea and coffee at the top. After answering the questions on the first quiz the riders proceeded towards the golf course and, using a white road, dropped down off the top towards Ideford.

Before riders reached Ideford they had to negotiate the track down to Well Court. Following the previous day’s rain, the stream at the bottom had risen slightly and, according to reports, several riders took the deep way through and found the water lapping around their hubs!

From here, competitors made their way through Ideford and Luton and on towards Zig-Zag hill, where marshals were hidden for the braking test. The last section of the morning was to be the pace judging, and this took riders up around Mamhead, back past Black Forest Lodge and so to Kenton. Then it was just a short ride to the village hall and lunch spot.

The second quiz was held over lunch, followed by the map-reading section. Results before the quiz showed that Ken Strong had a lead of just three points over Pete Luxton, with Peter Fildew and Don Hassall only one point behind him.

The map reading was to take competitors through the grounds of Powderham Castle and up the canal bank as far as Exminster. The route then swung inland to follow the river Kenn through Kennford, across the A38 to pass Clapham and up to Shillingford St George. It then turned west, passing Dunchideock House and climbing up past Belvedere tower to the top of Haldon. Crossing the A38 and A380, riders descended off the top to Colleywell Bottom and back into Kenton.

When all the results had come in, the figures revealed a tie between Ken and Pete, with Julie Strong, the best place junior and first lady, in third place. Members can examine the results for themselves below.

AS Pete had declined to go to the final in Stirlingshire, our entrants will be Ken and Julie, and we wish them all the best. I would like to thank all the marshals who helped on the day and give a special thanks to Iris, Helen and their helpers for providing tea at the finish. I hope that all the riders enjoyed taking part.

See you again next year!

(Philip Wrigley)

01 P Luxton 13
01 K Strong 13
03 J Strong 15
03 R Spence 15
05 C Downie 17
06 A Parkyns 21
07 A House 22
07 P Fildew 22
07 A Rowcliffe 22
10 W Luxton 23
11 A Bethke 24
12 L Horne 25
13 M Moreton 27
14 M Fowler 29
15 C Lee 30
15 P Horne 30
DNF M Ward 18
DNF D Hassall 15
DNF M Tewson 5

[3 points: Val Farrell, Sue Shepley]
[4 points: everyone else]
Sunday 24 May 1981
10:00 - 19:00
Day ride: Beesands
Sunny but chilly
4 Participants: Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland
Our Beesands ride was, in contrast to the previous weeks, very enjoyable. The air was bright and sunny, if a little cold, and I was surprised that only Kevin, Mark and Valerie joined me at Totnes. We took our usual lane route through to Slapton, via Harbertonford and Moreleigh, pedalled hard across the Ley to Torcross and then took to the coastal footpath.

Lunchtime was very pleasant overlooking the sea, and good fun was had by all. We ambled further along the path, but it gradually deteriorated to a narrow track which promptly disappeared into the undergrowth. I think Valerie thought we were all mad when we plunged into the depths of the vegetation, but eventually we all made it to the bottom in one piece.

Mark, who had actually ridden all the way (or so he said) was duly rewarded with a puncture, and this was sufficient excuse to settle down on Beesands beach to enjoy the sun. More than an hour later we decided it was time to make tracks for home. Unfortunately, however, Mark managed to get in yet another puncture before we had got through Chillington, and it was 7.00 when we finally arrived home. Kevin, who had been suffering from a cold (amongst other things, such as exams) couldn’t face the long climb back to Ilsington, so a kind father came to fetch him in the car.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 31 May 1981
Day ride: Devon DA 50th Anniversary Ride

18 Participants: Barry Biggins (Adult, Devon), Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Iris Buckler, Maurice Croney, Colin Downie, Noel Downie, Valerie Farrell, Martin Filham, Mark Fraser, Don Hassall, Antony House, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Sue Shepley, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
And so to the Anniversary Ride – the climax of the month’s events. Fourteen riders gathered at Chudleigh Bridge in beautiful weather, including the famous “Mr Biggins”, known by many of the Dartmoor contingent for his artistic leanings rather than his enthusiasm for cycling. I hate to think what it must be like trying to teach our lot at school!

Our progress during the morning was hampered somewhat by the inevitable punctures which arise when such a large group are riding together, and the equally inevitable delays caused when the more mature members are within the ranks. Eventually however we arrived at Haldon and were surprised to find that hordes of Exeter cyclists had also gathered there. I personally couldn’t see whatever it was they had all flocked there to see – perhaps they had come to investigate the influence of tourism on the wild ant population of Haldon Forest!

Words cannot express the sudden feeling of greatness which descends on one when riding with about fifty other cyclists, knowing that they are all part of the same fantastic club. Colin led us on a devious route through the lanes in the general direction of Kenton and we arrived just in time to catch the caterers unawares. There was consequently plenty of time to relax on the lawn in the sun, and numerous silly games were played both before and after the magnificent tea.

Whilst the whole day went very well I still got the impression that there was a barrier of shyness splitting the club into its respective Sections. This, I hope, will be overcome during the coming months, but it will not be done by contenting ourselves with mixing with our own members; everyone needs to make an effort to chat with the members they don’t yet know. Only then will the security of your Section be backed up by the strength of the DA.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Philip Wrigley I think]
[3 points: Maurice Croney]
[4 points: everyone else]
Sunday 7 June 1981
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston

11 Participants: Colin Brierly, Mark Edwards, Mark Fraser, Kevin Green (Junior, Devon), Samantha Green (Junior, Marldon), Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Sue Shepley, Matthew Tewson
A surprisingly good turnout for our June afternoon run in view of the ominous sky which, shortly after we had started, put its threat into practice, much to our discomfort. Our members included quite a few out with us for the first time and we look forward to seeing Glen Powling, Mark Edwards, Samantha Green, Mark Fraser and Paul Kerr again on our next afternoon run in better weather, when we hope to do something more ambitious that squelch out to Staverton and Broadhempston.

(Colin Brierly)
Page 19 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants