Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 20 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 14 June 1981
Day ride: Deckler's Cliff

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Robert Spence, Matthew Tewson
Much more like summer on the next Sunday for our run to Deckler’s Cliff, although the fierce sunshine was, at times, hidden by a sea mist which reduced the amount of scorching some folk suffered. We decided to go through Tuckenhay and encountered less traffic than normal thanks to a road subsidence problem by Tuckenhay Mill.

After a ride along a rather breezy Slapton we took the steep hill out of Torcross and found a sheltered track for our picnic stop. We probably didn’t quite reach Deckler’s Cliff, but we did walk in that direction after leaving our bikes by Gara Rock Hotel and investigated a pleasant little beach with natural alcoves in the rock cliff.

Distinctly up and down stuff through South Pool and Sherford to a magnificent tea on the lawn of Michael’s cousins’ farm (John Mingo, Higher Pooler Farm) near East Allington, and then a guided tour of the farm before heading for home through the lanes to Totnes.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 21 June 1981
Day ride: Blackingstone Rock

16 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Mark Edwards, Valerie Farrell, Mark Fraser, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Chris Thomas (Junior, Devon), Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
Nice to get all Sections together for a picnic in the sun at Blackingstone Rock on the next Sunday. I’m not too sure how many there were – we’ll have to try and count them on the photographs that were taken. We took an easy route – no, I’ll rephrase that because there is no easy route – we took one of the less hard routes to the lunch spot, climbing up to the reservoirs from Slade Cross after meeting the Bs at Bovey.

A return trip past the reservoirs on a different route after a lengthy picnic, this time in the company of the As, to drop down from Hennock to Chudleigh Knighton and then invade the Bowdens’ house at Kingsteignton for a “cuppa”, or to be more precise, forty-odd cuppas! Thanks a lot Liz and Mike, I hope the garden didn’t suffer too much from tramping feet.

(Colin Brierly)

[2 points: Colin Downie]
[4 points: everyone else]
Wednesday 24 June 1981
19:30 - 21:30
Evening ride: Denbury

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Dave Eyre, Mark Filham, Michael Jones, Andrew Kitchen, Justin Landen, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Sue Shepley
No report available, but this is the complete attendance list.
Sunday 28 June 1981
Day ride: Childe's Tomb Letterbox

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Don Hassall, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
A more energetic run to Childes Tomb which is near, and the way we approached it, the other side of Fox Tor Mine. Not as many out on the run as we had expected now that the dreaded O-Levels have finished. I wonder if some sixth sense had warned the others that we would be attacked by midges almost as soon as we settled down for our picnic near Tor Royal?

A fairly short lunch stop (!) and then on to Whiteworks and a try to follow the bridle path across the mine, only to find that the line on the map wasn’t very much in evidence on the ground. We did however get across by devious means and, after passing Childes Tomb, hunted for the letterbox on Fox Tor. The grid reference we had gave it midway between the two rocky outcrops, but a fairly thorough search there and on the nearer peak was of no avail.

Advice from Claude Warren since tells us that we should have followed the Devonport Leat past the end of the mine and could have found the box on the farther of the two peaks – we’ll know next time, and keep dry feet!

Back on the bikes and back to Buckfastleigh the shortest way, even if it did mean out and back on the same road, there to find the table loaded with Mrs Wilson’s goodies and Don and Michael Ward being kept at bay by the dogs. Well, maybe they were playing with the two King Charles spaniels, but surely it wasn’t just willpower that stopped them wading into all that lovely food!

(Colin Brierly)

[2 points: Don Hassall, Michael Ward]
[3 points: Val Farrell]
Sunday 5 July 1981
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston

15 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Dave Eyre, Martin Filham, Simon Haly (11, Devon), Antony House, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Jamie Spence, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson
We had a few members out on the July afternoon run that we haven’t seen for a long time, together with a new rider, Simon Haly from Kingskerswell, even though there wasn’t much hope of good weather. We took the lanes through Compton towards Staverton and then turned back through Broadhempston and Denbury.

After certain members (!) had missed a turning near Staverton, Mike turned back to look for them, hit a slippery patch and fell off, cutting his arm badly in the process. As he couldn’t ride on he contacted his parents for a lift to the hospital – John and Nigel offered to stay with him until he was picked up. I subsequently found out that he had eight stitches!

(Kevin Presland, 16)
Sunday 12 July 1981
Day ride: Westcombe Beach

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Mark Filham, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson
The combination of carnival procession and Mike’s injury reduced numbers from the Buckfastleigh area to one for the following week’s ride – myself! John did ride to the Totnes pickup with me, however, where we met eight Torbay riders. It was good to see Richard Reade again after a long absence; his bike was stolen several months ago, but now he has a shining new Peugeot. Colin took the younger riders on a shorter route from Moreleigh, intending to meet up with us later, and this left four of us to carry out the ride to Westcombe Beach.

Val somehow disappeared on the way down a steep hill, and then there were three. We proceeded on through Woodleigh to Aveton Gifford where we took the tidal road to Kingston. Next came what Colin had described as a “more interesting path” along the riverside, which turned out to be a couple of miles of almost un-rideable track! The way ahead was obviously going to be hard going so we decided to leave the bikes in the hedge. First we fought our way through a wall of brambles and then we traversed a field. At the other end of the field we noticed a sign which said “Beware of the bulls”!

It was 2.00 when we eventually arrived at the beach. We had a brief lunch stop, returned to the bikes and discovered a somewhat easier track back to the roads. Even the most direct route home left us far too late to meet up with Colin. Now, who was it who suggested this run ..?

(Kevin Presland, 16)

[1 point: John Stuart]
[3 points: everyone else]
Saturday 18 July 1981
Social: Social Evening at Redmount, Buckfastleigh

2 Participants: Michael Jones, Kevin Presland
The social evening, which followed production of the Highwayman on 18th July, was well attended. More than 20 members turned up to hear Walter Pearse’s interesting talk on Dartmoor, including Liz and Mike Bowden as sole representatives of the Exeter Sections. Michael’s parents kindly provided some food, and then, after a few slides had been shown, there were games of croquet on the lawn. A big thank you to Walter, Michael and his parents for a great evening.

(Kevin Presland, 16)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 19 July 1981
Day ride: Hunter's Path

12 Participants: Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Mark Filham, Michael Jones, Jackie Lofty (Adult, Totnes), Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Andrew Presland, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson
My younger brother Andrew came out for his first day run on 19th July. Mike also came out, now partially recovered, but he told us he wanted to get back for lunch and left us at the top of a massive hill above Lustleigh.

We stopped for lunch when we were nearing Drewsteignton, only to find that Colin and Richard were not with us. John went back to look, closely followed by Val. Shortly afterwards, Colin, Richard and John appeared, but Valerie never returned.

We all found it pleasurable riding along the Hunter’s Path. The stretch between Fingle Bridge and Stepps Bridge, however, was not so enjoyable, and we returned via the Teign Valley, completely shattered.

(Kevin Presland, 16)

[2 points: Michael Jones, Val Farrell]
[3 points: everyone else]
Wednesday 22 July 1981
19:00 - 22:00
Evening ride: Various

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
I am told that Wednesday evening rides are growing in popularity, with an average of nine riders out each week. On one occasion there were eleven riders at the start and two more youngsters from Ipplepen were picked up during the evening! The Marldon brigade of Glenn Powling, Justin Landon and Andrew Kitchen are now regular riders, together with young Simon Haly from Kingskerswell. Newcomers during the month have included Jackie and Frances Lofty from Totnes.

(Kevin Presland, 16)
Sunday 26 July 1981
Day ride: Week Ford Blowing House

17 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Valerie Farrell, Mark Filham, Martin Filham, Antony House, Michael Jones, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Simon Reep (Adult, North Bovey), Tim Reep (Adult, North Bovey), John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
The beautiful weather encouraged fourteen riders out for the 26th July ride, including Tim Reep and his son Simon from North Bovey. We were going to Week Ford Blowing House, and Mike seemed to be the only one who knew where it was. We took a new route (to me anyway) via Cold East Cross to Bellever, and from there took the tracks to Dunnabridge.

The Blowing House was on Holne Moor, at the bottom of the hill to Combestone Tor and about 400 metres downstream from Saddle Bridge. Some of the riders were too tired to walk to the Blowing House so they waited for us on the grass by the bridge. The rest of us saw the Mould Stone, pestles and mortar stone with its three cleanly-cut holes. A little further on were the famous stepping stones across the river. I hear that Michael was briefed about the destination by Claude Warren before the ride, which explains why he knew so much about it – thanks Claude for your help.

To conclude a fabulous day we took a speedy ride to Holne for tea at the Old Forge café, and there met three lazy cyclists who had only come for tea! Still, it was nice to see them, especially Peter Adams who is recovering from a chainsaw accident.

(Kevin Presland, 16)

[2 points: Peter Adams, Antony House, Philip Wrigley]
[3 points: Val Farrell]
[4 points: everyone else]
Page 20 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants