Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 22 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 6 September 1981
Afternoon ride: Berry Pomeroy
Sunny and warm
12 Participants: Frank Boyes, Jean Brierly, Mark Filham, Simon Haly, Antony House, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley (13, Ipplepen)
The September Afternoon Run was well supported, partly due to the good weather no doubt. Andrew Winstanley, a 13-year-old from Abbotskerswell, joined us for his first CTC ride, and Antony House made a welcome if temporary return to club life. A brief tour of Berry Pomeroy castle was made, followed by a much longer investigation of the nearby tearooms and show centre.

The lanes through Red Post eventually led us to Ipplepen, where Torbay and Dartmoor contingents went their separate ways.

(Mark Morton, 15)
Sunday 13 September 1981
Day ride: Gara Bridge

15 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Mark Filham, Antony House, Paul Jackson (Junior, Devon), Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Paul Mytton (Junior, Devon), Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley
There were fifteen of us at Totnes for the Gara Bridge run, including Paul and Paul (!) out for their first run. We set out to Harbertonford by the usual route, taking the lane past Luscombe Cross and dropping down behind the village to meet the main road.

From here we took a lane we seldom use to Rolster Bridge and then took a “white road” which was narrow with encroaching hedges but very quiet. The road ended at Crabbadon Cross and here we carried on to the main road from Moreleigh to Gara Bridge. We quickly turned off, however, and took a steep, twisting lane down to the bridge. One of our usual lunch spots was found, and everybody got down to munching. Mark Fillan’s round lunch box with a handle on top was christened his “slurry bucket” by Mike, who later said that it did look like very nice slurry!

During lunch a very dark cloud was anxiously watched, but as it was not yet depositing its load we thought we might be spared. No such luck! It was saving it for us, and boy did it let us have it – there was a torrential downpour for about half an hour! After this, though, it cleared up and everyone slogged up the steep hill away from the river to Coldharbour Cross, down to California Cross and then right into the lanes up to Diptford. The main road was followed from Avonwick to Fork Cross where we turned off to Tigley. Once more the main road to Dun Cross and then through Week to come out opposite Dartington Church. The Buckfastleigh contingent left us at Huxhams Cross and the Marldon Brigade forked off from Littlehempston.

(Mark Morton, 15)
Sunday 20 September 1981
Day ride: North Bovey

14 Participants: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Colin Downie, Mark Filham, Antony House, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
Next week was a joint run to North Bovey. We expected to see hordes of bikes and cyclists at Bovey Tracey, but when we arrived there was only the Dartmoor crowd, and there aren’t many of them! We took the main road for a while towards Manaton, but soon turned off and then began the long climb out from Lustleigh. At the top there was a debate as to whether to take a track to North Bovey or the road. Without any firm decision we went left and then right, passing a “No Through Road” sign – agghhh, the track!!

Bu then that soggy, bumping feeling made itself apparent – you’ve guessed it, puncture time! I stuck in a new tube and was off, but hadn’t got very far before the tyre was going soft again. A couple of us stopped for repairs while the rest continued a little further and sat down to lunch just below the church in North Bovey. When a couple of spots of rain were felt I was about to start repairing a tube, so we made for the trees carrying bike in one hand and front wheel in the other.

Luckily the rain did not arrive. That is to say that there was not some flying about, however. Lunch was finished and punctures repaired when one of the younger members let loose with a pump-full of water. So someone else (no names mentioned) also found a pump …. !

Ah, I forgot, we did find one Exeter member – Jean Luxton appeared for lunch. After a battle we delivered a form to Mr Reep at Yarde Farm, North Bovey, and then went around to Haytor via the Hound Tor road. Kevin Presland invited us back to Silver Birches for a cup of tea. After thanking Kevin and his parents we headed for home via Halshanger and Ashburton.

(Mark Morton, 15)

[1 point: John Stuart]
[3 points: everyone else]
Sunday 27 September 1981
Day ride: 100km Ride

13 Participants: Phil Benstead (Adult, Devon), Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Valerie Farrell, Antony House, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley
The next week was the 100km event, starting at Ware Cross and this time successfully meeting up with the Exeter bunches who were doing the 100 miles. From the roundabout it was up to Bovey Tracey where some of us stopped for a coffee with the Exeter A-Section. Then on to Chudleigh Knighton, Chudleigh Bridge and up the Teign Valley to Longdown, where some of us had lunch. At Exeter we found the A-Section and the rest of the Torbay lot eating their lunch on the banks of the canal.

As we started off through Exeter again we found our latest recruit, Phil Benstead, with Andrew Winstanley, both of whom had gone astray somewhere and found their way to Exeter on their own. From Exeter it was out to Killerton House and then back through Stoke Canon and Exeter. We took the main road to the coast through Exminster and Kenton to Dawlish, where we were given tea and biscuits by Don and Grace Hassall. This made up a little bit for the fact that Don had marshalled for a Vespa event that day instead of riding with us! Thank you very much – we needed it! From Dawlish the coast road took us homeward via Teignmouth and Ware Cross.

(Mark Morton, 15)
Sunday 4 October 1981
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston

6 Participants: Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Frances Lofty, Margaret Maxtead, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland
Cold, cloudy weather and the previous week’s 100km rides reduced numbers to six for the October afternoon run. A short ride took us through new territory at Newhouse Barton and on to Staverton and Broadhempston before Torbay and Dartmoor members separated at Woodland under dull, grey sky. It was good to see Margaret Maxted out again after such a long break; we hope to see her more often.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 11 October 1981
Day ride: Bonehill Rocks

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Michael Jones, Paul Kerr, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
The Bonehill ride mustered nine cyclists at the Bickington pick-up. It was still cold, but there was a reasonable amount of sunshine to cheer everyone up. We had always thought there was something funny about Kevin, but when he unzipped his training top partway up the hill towards Ilsington our worst fears were confirmed – he had a furry chest! On closer inspection we discovered that he was furry on the back as well. This was all of the gravest concern to us until he revealed that he was in fact wearing the top portion of his brother’s Womble suit! He must have been rather hot by the time we reached Ilsington Village for he returned to his lair to don more suitable clothing before tackling the ascent to Haytor rocks.

Soon we were at Bonehill Down, and we managed to find a couple of sheltered but sunny spots for lunch amongst the nearby rocks. The more energetic undertook a lengthy tour of all the climbable rocks on the tor. I seem to recall that there was a great deal of interest in Matthew’s woolly hat during the proceedings, and that Matthew spent a great deal of time chasing around to get it back – with a small measure of success. He did, however, succeed in wearing everyone out, and when Colin began to put his paper away there was a certain amount of reluctance to leave. Come the finish, we managed to get as far as Becky Falls before stopping for cheesecake. From there the homeward route was mainly downhill, impeded only by a couple of punctures. Well, there’s no point in working too hard on the week before your hundred miles event, is there?

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 18 October 1981
Day ride: 100 miles Ride

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Valerie Farrell, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, John Stuart, Nigel Wilson
It was a little painful to get up so early on that chilly October morning. Eight o’clock starts for both Torbay and Dartmoor contingents brought us together at Drum Bridges for the beginning of what was to be a long and eventful day. The ride was supported by ten Torbay and three B-Section members – yes, you did hear right. Two of the Torbay youngsters, Colin Downie and Nigel Wilson, wanted to complete the course in eight hours for some obscure reason, so off they sped, never to be seen again.

The remainder of us continued through Bovey and Chudleigh Knighton to the Teign Valley, and then on up to Longdown. Some of the group had difficulty chasing Colin and Jean down the hill on their tandem – they went like a bat out of hell! Coffee and toast at Adrian’s was much appreciated before the stretch up to Willand, and there a few of us indulged in beans on toast and fruit pie instead of breaking into the sandwich boxes. A mile further along the road we came across the A-Section laid out on the grass, so another stop was called for in order to pass over the seventy-odd Highwaymans which had been weighing me down all morning, and to consume one or two more items of food.

Colin was anxious to move on, so off we went again to cover the Waterloo Cross / Tiverton loop back to Stoke Canon. Jean and the Bs, who had arrived before us, had prepared tea and toast for those of us who called in, and how good we felt when we finally got on the bikes again. The others had gone on, thinking that they were too late for tea, and we waiting at the end of the road for us, cold and hungry. I don’t think they were too pleased when they realised what they had been missing!

On again through Exeter for the last lap around the coast – not the easiest miles to finish on. At last a few faces showed signs of tiredness, and a final stop at Dawlish for coffee and cake was definitely the order of the day. Eleven-year-old Glenn Powling amazed us all yet again by completing the course without difficulty. Congratulations to all who rode with us – it’s not an easy ride. I was certainly glad I didn’t have to cycle back to Exeter that night!

(Michael Jones)
Saturday 24 October 1981
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 1

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
Thus we come to the last ride of the month – a weekend away at Salcombe Youth Hostel. To say that the weather was unkind would be a trifle flattering. A prolonged shower at the start brought numbers down to seven at Totnes, but things began to look a little brighter so we confidently set off up Kingsbridge Hill. By the time we reached Harbertonford the weather was looking damp, and at Moreleigh the sky ahead was ominously black. Before we had even reached Preston Farm we were drenched to the skin and were forced to stop as rivers began flowing into our shoes. Visibility was reduced to a few metres and the trees we sheltered under might as well not have been there for all the good they did.

The rain had ceased as we passed through Loddiswell, and the ride past Bowringsleigh to West Alvington and Malborough was a good deal more enjoyable. The younger lads were getting understandably tired and hungry by this time, and the sight of the hostel at dusk was the best moment of the day. A superb meal, together with company of some boys from Forde Park School, Newton Abbot, helped to make up for what had been a thoroughly miserable afternoon – how wonderful these hostels are!

(Michael Jones)

[3 points: Colin Brierly, John Stuart]
[4 points: Everyone else]
Sunday 25 October 1981
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 2

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
The following day was showery and cold, but there was plenty of sunshine around. The view through the dormitory window across the estuary as we woke up made us all feel a good deal better, and the warden’s porridge helped to get things off to a good start. We took the main road through Aveton Gifford to Modbury, sheltering twice on the way from some rather heavy showers.

Taking the lanes we were soon at Bridgend, Noss Mayo, where Colin and John were patiently waiting for us as arranged. The usually eventful lunch hour was followed by a pleasant ride past Pool Mill Farm to Totnes, the only shower being encountered near Ugborough. It was cold and dark when we separated, and I hear that Andrew got a puncture before he got back to Abbotskerswell – good job Colin was with him!

Oh well, things could have been worse I suppose. I’ll think carefully before I make any more predictions about winter hostelling in my editorials!

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 1 November 1981
Afternoon ride: Stoke-in-Teignhead

9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Sue Shepley, Matthew Tewson
I seem to recall that the Afternoon Ride of November 1st started somewhat later than expected for reasons best known to Mark, who did not join us until we reached our destination – Stoke-in-Teignhead. We took a pleasant route through Abbotskerswell and Coffinswell and reached Higher Roccombe Farm just as the light was going. We were all extremely grateful for the lovely food and seemingly endless cups of tea supplied by Michael’s Aunt, Joyce Jones.

When everybody had eaten, Michael sat down at the piano with his Aunt and thus began the Torbay Section’s first rehearsal for Christmas carol singing. It was not of a particularly high quality but we all enjoyed it, and that is what matters after all. Eventually the festivity had to end, so we go back on our bikes, climbed up the hill and made our separate ways home.

(Frances Lofty)
Page 22 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants