Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 28 of 55 (542 items)
Wednesday 9 June 1982
Evening ride: Decided on the Day

2 Participants: Stephen Davey (Junior, Marldon), Michael Jones
Report currently unavailable.
Sunday 13 June 1982
Day ride: Silveridge Wood (SX 728494)

6 Participants: Michael Jones, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Richardson, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward
There were thirteen at Totnes the following week, but only six were to attend the full ride for a variety of reasons. When I’d handed my spare handlebars to Steven (I always carry a full set of spares!) together with a set of Cornwall maps, and all the farewells had been uttered, we set off up that wretched hill for the umpteenth time and took to the lanes at Harberton.

It was another beautiful day, and the country lanes around Beenleigh and Stert were looking their best. We bumped into a friendly face on the way down to Diptford (not literally), a friend of Michael’s call Rob Stanyon: we got an invitation to a cup of tea on the way home, and then met his good lady in the village. Some more attractive and little used (by us) lanes took us down to Bickham Bridge, and then it was a matter of slogging up the hill to California Cross for a bit of main road work to the destination – Silveridge Wood.

There was a clearly marked footpath from the main road down to the wood. At least, it was clearly mar on the map – we went past it at some speed and almost missed it as the sign post had long since been broken off. Either side there were open fields, but peering into the dark depths of the dividing “hedge” one could just make out a hollow cavity running down its length. As this was evidently the only way to our destination from this side of the river Avon, and as it was already well past lunch time, we bravely set off into the jungle, ignoring the nettles, brambles and “triffids” as best we could.

The strong smell of garlic got worse as we trampled down the undergrowth, or should I say as Mark trampled down the undergrowth, as he was up front - a bit unfortunate perhaps on his second ride. Some tried to ride but soon gave up as they came across piles of boulders and tree trunks across the path. Those who were wearing shorts reached the woods somewhat battered and torn, but even those with better protection were hungry. Things hadn’t gone exactly to plan, but we were ready to make the best of it in true CTC fashion and soon found a clearing by the river that was relatively free of unpleasant vegetation.

It occurred to us while we were eating lunch that we were unlikely to be disturbed for quite some time in this remote spot, and this proved to be the case for the next hour or so. Having seen the spooky old railway bridge through the trees we decided to do some exploring, and soon we had scrambled up onto the stony track. We tried to visualise what it must have been like on the old steam trains as we wandered northwards towards Gara – it really is a beautiful area. After a while we turned back to get the bikes, only to find two flat tyres on arrival: obviously there had been brambles lying in the undergrowth on the footpath.

As we were leaving we heard voices in the distance, and when they finally took shape they thanked us for clearing a path for them – what a cheek! We pushed the bikes up onto the bridge with some difficulty and set off along the railway course to Topsham Bridge and civilisation, where I repaired my puncture. What a relief to see tarmac again! From there it was fairly easy going past Preston Farm and Moreleigh Mount. We didn’t have time to return to Stert Mill for that cup of tea, but it’ll wait for another day I’m sure. Funny, but we didn’t try any more tracks or paths on the way home that afternoon!

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 20 June 1982
Day ride: Mardon Down (SX 770878)

11 Participants: Andrew Billington (19, Bovey Tracey), Colin Downie, Antony House, Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Neil Pena, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Philip Wrigley
And now to the joint run of 20th June, when our all day turnout dropped to its lowest for many months – just five of us, and that included a new member, Andrew Billington from Bovey Tracey. By way of compensation, however, we had several out for parts of the day, increasing our overall figure to ten at the Bovey Tracey pick-up. Pete and Jean Luxton joined us from Exeter for the steep ride up to Poolmill Cross and past the reservoirs to Hingston where we came across a multitude of cyclists blocking the highway – none other than the Exeter A-Section of course. As we waited, more and more of them came up the hill past Cossick, including a certain young gentleman in green called Nigel Wilson who had ridden up to Exeter in time for the 10.00 start. Oh well, I suppose that made eleven of us during the day!

When Ken appeared he had numerous objects attached to his cycle by various methods, some of which we recognised as sticks, but others which remained mysterious until we had ridden the short distance to Mardon Down and completed our lunch. The funny red, white and blue things turned out to be flags, and these were positioned in a deliberate pattern all around us which did nothing to enlighten us except to give us the impression that we were being quarantined!

When preparations were complete it transpired that a competition had been arranged between Exeter and Torbay which involved, amongst other things, bursting balloons with sticks and hunting for milk bottle tops in the bracken – all on bikes of course! I felt a little sad that more of us hadn’t turned out, especially when we lost to Exeter 1-5! Still, all had a very enjoyable afternoon in pleasant weather – even Neil, when he managed to pull himself away from his portable CB set.

We wandered back to Blackingstone Rock for a bit of rock climbing before descending to the reservoirs again, this time in force. The time for the parting of the ways had finally arrived, and when the final period of laziness had been shaken off we rolled down the hill towards home, stopping at Bovey for a cup of tea. I’ll never forget Michael’s look of embarrassment as he came running out of the gents: much to the amazement of the gentlemen standing next to him, strange sounds had emanated from the closed door behind … “Ten four, Ten four, give me a copy ..”.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Mark Morton, Nigel Wilson, Frances Lofty]
[2 points: Antony House, Colin Downie, Philip Wrigley]
Saturday 26 June 1982
Social: Social Evening at Redmount

6 Participants: Frank Boyes, Stephen Downer, Michael Jones, Jackie Lofty, Kevin Presland, Mark Richardson
Just before the final ride of the month we had a social evening at Redmount, which was enjoyed by some twenty three section members. It was quite an event, with Jackie just back from University, Frank out from Marldon, sixteen of the seventeen August tour people present, Mark Richardson and Steven from Totnes and several others. We saw a few slides, played some games, listened to records and generally enjoyed ourselves until the refreshments were served. Many thanks to all those who helped with the food, and also to my over-tolerant parents without whose help there would have been no social.

We’re thinking about running a clubroom every month during the winter period, probably at Maypool youth hostel on Wednesday evenings. If you’re interested, please let me know.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 27 June 1982
Day ride: Wistman's Wood

17 Participants: Andrew Billington, Stephen Downer, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Ian Lee (Junior, Kingskerswell), Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Mark Richardson, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Philip Wrigley
We didn’t make the destination next day, but we had a very successful day nevertheless. It started to rain just after ten o’clock and by the time the Marldon, Totnes and Ilsington contingents had arrived at the Buckfastleigh pick-up it had developed into a rapid sequence of heavy showers. There were no less than seventeen of us sheltering under those flimsy branches, a clear sign that exams were finished at last, and after twenty five minutes it was obvious that something would have to be done. Someone suggested that my place was quite nearby. Someone else recalled the large room and the lovely hot drinks they’d had there the previous night. To conclude the conspiracy someone else commented on how wet it was, and before long everyone was settled down at Redmount for the morning – very convenient for some!

Coffee was drunk and it was still raining. Mum and Dad came back with visions of the traditionally peaceful Sunday lunchtime and were greeted with a pile of bikes outside the back door where the car should have gone! It was not until records had been played and packed lunches consumed that the weather improved, and then the difficulty was to prize Jackie and Frances out of their comfy chairs and away from the pile of records they had chosen for the afternoon.

The sun had come out when we finally got on the road, so we made our way up through Buckfastleigh to Holne and Hexworthy before diverting from our proposed destination of Wistman’s Wood. Instead of turning left for Two Bridges we dropped down to Dartmeet and again ate ice-creams in the sun, the last thing we would have anticipated doing earlier in the day.

Once we had climbed up the hill to Sherberton Common it was easy going through Poundsgate and New Bridge, where John Pope, Kevin and Andrew Billington left us to ride home. The rest left me at Buckfastleigh, just as some heavy drizzle was settling in for the evening, but we’d had a good day so it didn’t bother us much. I hope Ian Lee, from Kingskerswell, enjoyed his first ride, and that we will see more of both him and Andrew during the summer months.

To end on a sadder note, I have to report that on the following day Stephen Downer was taken to hospital after his front forks broke near Paignton Zoo. His bike was almost written off and Steven was needless-to-say in rather a poor state. We all send him our best wishes for a speedy recovery and hope that it will not be too long before he is back with us again.

(Michael Jones)
Wednesday 30 June 1982
19:30 - 22:00
Evening ride: Decided on the Day

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jeremy Cox (Junior, Marldon), Stephen Davey, Dave Eyre, Colin Glanville (Junior, North Whilborough), Michael Jones, Sue Shepley, Mike Ward
Wednesday evening rides in June have had an average attendance of seven over the month, the best turn-out being on 30th June. This was partly due to the conclusion of exam season and partly due to the presence of two new members, Jeremy Cox from Marldon and Colin Glanville from North Whilborough. Jeremy is a friend of Stephen Davey, who joined us on 9 June through Steven Downer, and Colin goes to school with Simon Haly. Just to add to the confusion, when Colin was about to set off to Marldon garage to get a bulb for his front light, Jeremy informed us that his father owned the garage, so they all set off together to sort out that particular problem. Regular evening riders are Dave Eyre, Sue Shepley and Michael Ward amongst others.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 4 July 1982
Day ride: Cullever Steps

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Douglas Brownjohn (Junior, Totnes), Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, John Pope, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward
The alternative hard ride was to Cullever Steps near Okehampton. Nine people met at Bickington, including Douglas Brownjohn of Totnes, out for his first ride. He certainly showed how fit he was considering the distance we covered during the day – we hope he enjoyed his taste of club cycling and that we will see more of him.

From Bickington we climbed up onto Haytor where we fought against a headwind past Haytor Rocks and around to Hound Tor. I decided that Colin would make a good windbreak, but try as I might I could not keep up with him! A brisk pace was set to get as far as possible before lunch, but our stomachs finally forced us to stop after climbing out of Chagford (and it certainly was up). The morning’s clouds had cleared and we enjoyed a peaceful, well-earned break.

We got to Cullever Steps in the afternoon, sampling some excellent Rough Stuff on the way. The water looked invitingly cool, except perhaps to Mark who was nearly forced in head first - no we didn’t quite let him fall!

Retracing our path for a while we then took the main road to Moretonhamptstead, where we stopped for coffee, and then continued to Bovey Tracey. Picnic teas were eaten at Stover Lake – a pleasant spot and well worth a visit. The sight of a mass of black clouds heading our way hastened our departure and we made our separate ways home.

(Frances Lofty)
Sunday 4 July 1982
Afternoon ride: Dartington Hall

10 Participants: Frank Boyes, Jeremy Cox, Stephen Davey, Dave Eyre, Michael Jones, Glenn Powling, Richard Read, Michael Roberts, Matthew Tewson, Philip Wrigley
The Afternoon Run on 4 July was attended by nine members, the other half of the Section being on the hard ride. We took the main road to Totnes and then cycled through Dartington College grounds – a haven compared with the noise of the holiday traffic around Paignton. A quick check of the map and we were exploring some little used lanes around Lownard and Rattery. The gears on my new bike were causing a little difficulty for me, and steep hills looming up out of nowhere didn’t help matters. People can be cruel – my so-called “friends” couldn’t stop laughing!

Anyway, Matthew and Richard wanted to go for an extended ride over the moors that evening, so we split near Rattery, Frank leading the younger riders home through Dartington whilst Dave, Michael and myself escorted our young explorers to Buckfastleigh. I went as far as New Bridge with them before turning home for tea, and was honoured with their company again later on at Redmount for refreshments before the “long journey home”.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 11 July 1982
Day ride: Bolberry Down

18 Participants: Douglas Brownjohn, Jeremy Cox, Colin Downie, Ellen Goddard (Junior, Devon), Jeremy Goddard (Junior, Devon), Robert Goddard (Junior, Devon), Michael Jones, Frances Lofty, Kim Marshall, Mark Morton, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Unknown Rider 1, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Philip Wrigley
The ride to Bolberry Down was well attended – perhaps the nice weather brought people out. Unfortunately, however, it did not stay quite so nice all day. Ellen and Jeremy Goddard were out for their first ride, and Robert Goddard joined us later in the day. It is nice to have so many cyclists from the same family, and we hope they will come again.

The usual route was taken through Harbertonford and Moreleigh, and we then made our way through Loddiswell, Churchstow and Malborough. We reached Bolberry Down as the clouds began to darken, but luckily the showers held off until after we had eaten. A suitable spot was found some way along the coastal path to eat our lunch. We had a breath-taking view of the coastline and the sea – how lucky we are that the National Trust buys up such land for all to enjoy.

After lunch we dropped down into the village of Hope, where Matthew and Jeremy sampled the delights of cycling on wet sand while the rest of us used the road over the mountain! We took a more devious route homewards via Aveton Gifford, California Cross and Avonwick. The Goddards seemed to be having a spell of bad luck on this particular occasion: Jeremy had come off on a sharp bend in the morning and was luckily unscathed, Robert fell off whilst looking down at his chain and was then ridden over by Ellen, and finally at the end of the ride, Ellen had a near miss when her chain locked in the back spokes! Let us hope they have not been discouraged – let’s face it, things can only get better!

(Michael Jones)

[Attendance verified]
[2 points: Douglas Brownjohn, Colin Downie, Robert Goddard, Philip Wrigley]
[Rider 1 was a member of Bristol DA who was staying at Noss Mayo]
Wednesday 14 July 1982
Evening ride: Decided on the Day

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
July turned out to be a good month for Torbay Section, with exams completed and the summer sun high in the sky. Seven new riders joined the ranks, and attendances averages ten on evening rides and over eighteen on day rides. The evening ride on 14 July had the best turn-out with twelve members gathering at Five Lanes, Marldon, including ten-year-old Matthew Burrows from Babbacombe. He did very well for his first ride, but I think he was grateful that we took the run in the Torbay direction. It has been nice to see Jeremy Cox and Stephen Davey out with us so often – Jeremy didn’t miss a ride for several weeks after he joined us at the end of June, and that’s keen!

(Michael Jones)
Page 28 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants