Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 32 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 3 October 1982
Afternoon ride: Dartington Hall
Sunny and warm
5 Participants: Dave Eyre, Peter Madeley (Junior, Brixham), Kevin Presland, Michael Roberts, Mike Ward
A beautiful, sunny day heralded the start to the month on 3rd October. Michael Roberts brought his friend Peter Madely of Brixham for his inaugural ride, making numbers up to ten. It was decided that a leisurely ride to Dartington was the order of the day, and with Dave Eyre as leader we wandered through the lanes until we reached the bridge (or rather lack of one) at the Tally Ho Inn.

A suitable detour was taken to Staverton where John and Kevin left for home. The remainder of the company toured through the grounds of Dartington Hall and on to Totnes, from where we made our separate ways home.

(Michael Ward)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Wednesday 6 October 1982
Social: Open Evening

1 Participants: Michael Jones
Social at the Maypool youth hostel clubroom.

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 10 October 1982
Day ride: Hartland Cleave SX 853965

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Ian Lee, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward
Colin and myself were the entire Marldon meeting the following week, but we met seven others at the Chudleigh Bridge pickup. The destination was Hartland Cleave near Whitestone, so with clouds gathering above us we sped up the Teign Valley and crossed the A30 at Five Mile Cross. By this time many were feeling hungry, so we picked a suitable spot off the road for lunch.

Then the rain started – light at first but with increasing momentum. We didn’t spend long at the Cleave as we could hardly see it through the rain. We made for Cheriton Bishop at great haste, complete with Dominic’s loose rear cones and Ian’s clicking front ones!

Phil and Matthew Burrows left with Colin (and the rain) for Chudleigh to pick up the car while the rest of us continued via Whiddon Down to our favourite tea shop in Moretonhampstead. Suitably refreshed, we sped towards Bovey and home – I don’t know how Richard and Matthew made it after all those Devon Splits!

(Michael Ward)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 17 October 1982
Day ride: Buckland-tout-Saints

3 Participants: Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward
Buckland-tour-Saints (not the bottled variety) was the destination on 17th October. On what was a sunny but fairly breezy day, nine of us set off up Totnes High Street and took the Cornworthy road to Tideford. We continued through Blackawton, East Allington and on to Buckland, finding a nice wall to shelter behind so that we could eat our lunch in comfort. The church is very interesting as it is a long way outside the village of Goveton.

With lunch finished, punctures repaired, and Matthew’s shoe recovered we re-mounted our machines. The return route took us through Woodleigh to Moreleigh. We took that very fast stretch of road to Harbertonford, Mark and I pressing on ahead of the others. After ten or fifteen minutes in Harbertonford, however, we feared the worst and slogged back up the hill, only to find that Kevin had a puncture. We bade each other farewell at Totnes after a good day’s cycling.

(Michael Ward)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Wednesday 20 October 1982
Social: Section Slides and Photographs

1 Participants: Michael Jones
Social at the Maypool youth hostel clubroom.
Sunday 24 October 1982
Day ride: Great Shaugh Wood

6 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Paul Harman, John Roome, Mike Ward, Andrew Winstanley
The day started sunny and humid, but as usual in these circumstances, the cloud soon started to pile up. The rain began before eleven, just like the old proverb says, and it was ten soggy cyclists that sheltered under the trees at Avonwick. Enthusiasm shattered, the majority decided to abandon the run. The minority was me, but my sanity has always been in question! Amid claims of hypothermia from Jean, we squelched back to whence we came. Despite the rain, it was nice to see Paul Harman, John Roome and Andrew Winstanley back with us again.

(Michael Ward)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Saturday 30 October 1982
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 1

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
I believe this weekend was cancelled.
Sunday 31 October 1982
Weekend ride: Salcombe Youth Hostel
Day 2

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Sunday 31 October 1982
Day ride: Beesands

2 Participants: Robert Spence, Mike Ward
There were seven out on the Beesands run, including a welcome return by Rob Spence. On a chilly morning we pedalled up the mountain out of Totnes again and on to the old road through Harbertonford. From Moreleigh we cycled via Combe to Coles Cross and then took a road we don’t often ride, dropping through Sherford and Frogmore. We were relieved in more ways than one when we reached Loo Cross at the top of the hill!

Finally, we arrived at Beesands. We found a sheltered spot at the mouth of a quarry, just along the beach, and settled down to enjoy our lunch. Afterwards there was an expedition into the depths and heights of the quarry, during which time one or two people got rather dirty!

We decided to take a short cut across the sands to Torcross, which turned out to be a long trudge, having to carry our cycles in places. After an irresistible stop at the café we sped up to Strete, taking the Cornworthy/Corkscrew Hill route back to Totnes.

(Michael Ward)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Wednesday 3 November 1982
Social: Open Evening

1 Participants: Michael Jones
Social at the Maypool youth hostel clubroom.

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Page 32 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants