Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 33 of 55 (542 items)
Saturday 6 November 1982
Social: Bonfire Night

1 Participants: Michael Jones
Hostel meal at 6.30 if required.

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 7 November 1982
Day ride: Woodbury Common
Turning very wet
1 Participants: Colin Brierly
The destination for the energetic run on the first Sunday in November was Woodbury Common. The day didn’t start too badly, although there were ominous-looking clouds as we met at the Drum Bridges pickup. It stayed dry as we made a good pace up the Teign Valley and ground over Longdown into Exeter, where a brief stop was made to find some food for a new rider, Gary Throgmorton, who hadn’t come prepared with a picnic.

We made another brief pause to drop something in the Luxton letterbox before, foolhardily as it turned out, pressing on to Poltimore heading for Broadclyst and Whimple. We had not gone very far before capes had to be donned in a hurry, and thoughts were of possible shelter for lunch.

A “better than nothing” bus shelter at Dog Village had to suffice, although Pete’s shed at Stoke Canon would have been true luxury in comparison. There was not the slightest sign of any let-up in the deluge after lunch, so a unanimous decision was made to head for home by the coast road.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 7 November 1982
Afternoon ride: Decided on the Day
Heavy rain
3 Participants: Jason Bath (14, Paignton), Michael Jones, Kevin Philips
Meanwhile, back at Five Lanes … Yes, it was raining there too. I cycled out to Marldon as a duty rather than for pleasure, expecting to see no-one there, but I was in for a surprise. Don’t ask me what makes youngsters want to go cycling in torrential rain, because I don’t know, but waiting in the shelter were Kevin Philips and fourteen-year-old Jason Bath. Jason had been meaning to come out with us for many months, but every time we had a short run and he was free, it either rained or he had had an accident just beforehand. Today he could wait no longer, so there he was, wet and bedraggled!

We enjoyed our ride, squelching around the lanes through Denbury, Broadhempston and Ipplepen, but it’s not something I want to make a habit of. I hope the two boys enjoyed their afternoon, otherwise we might have all been better off staying indoors!

(Michael Jones)
Saturday 13 November 1982
Social: AGM, Exeter YH

2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones
Report currently unavailable.

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 14 November 1982
Day ride: Gidleigh Castle
Wintry showers
5 Participants: Andrew Billington, Colin Brierly, Michael Jones, Kevin Presland, Eddie Wingfield (Junior, South Brent)
The AGM and slide show were followed by a run to Gidleigh Castle. After the previous day’s sunshine, we were looking forward to the prospect of a good ride, but some very heavy showers just prior to the start made sure that attendance was low and that those who had made the effort were wet and cold. Seven of us met at the Bovey Tracey pickup, including Andrew Billington and Kevin Presland who were just out to say hello (which incidentally they did beautifully).

Well, we set off along the Manaton road, with Colin and our new rider Eddie Wingfield from South Brent setting a good pace up front. Unfortunately, Michael Ward got a puncture around the first corner, and we were standing in the cold for twenty minutes while he wrestled with his cold fingers. Colin and Eddie were now out of sight, so we set off up the hill as quickly as we could. A hail shower almost turned us back, but we persevered and finally reached the top to find the place deserted! There was no sign of Colin anywhere, so we carried on in the hope of seeing them beside the road.

When we reached Hound Tor and still hadn’t found them, we decided to grab a bite to eat from our lunch boxes and make for home – it wasn’t the kind of day to sit around enjoying the view! Obviously, Colin and Eddie had had similar thoughts, for we caught up with Eddie just past Cold East Cross (a very apt description). He was drinking something hot before descending the hill to Ashburton – a sensible man!

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Wednesday 17 November 1982
Social: Mend Your Bike

2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones
Social organised by Colin Brierly at the Maypool youth hostel clubroom.

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 21 November 1982
Day ride: Mamhead Obelisk

4 Participants: Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Mark Morton, Mike Ward
When we woke up on 21st November, several people swore. It was lashing with rain – again! We had planned to go to Mamhead that day, but enthusiasm was somewhat lacking when the six brave souls met at Newton in torrents of rai. We put on a brave face and made for Kingsteignton, but when Ian Lee got a puncture and we’d been standing around in the cold for twenty minutes, water running into our shoes, it all became too much for four of us. Michael and Mark went on to Don’s for a cup of tea, but I’m not sure they enjoyed their afternoon as much as we did at home!

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 28 November 1982
Day ride: Bigbury-on-Sea

4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones, Richard Read
And that brings us rather quickly to the last Sunday in the month … which began with a shower! Fortunately, this was the only rain of the day, and the six who completed the ride had a superb run. They rode down through Moreleigh and Woodleigh, having lunch along the tidal road at Aveton Gifford. The tide was soon lapping across their exit, however, so a hasty escape was made to the destination – Bigbury-on-Sea.

A short stop was made in the village before the long journey homewards via Modbury and Kittaford. Richard was finding things a bit hard towards the end as temperatures plummeted and darkness fell. He made it home, though, with a little help from Jean in the form of a Mars bar! Here’s hoping that the weather improves sufficiently next month to get Torbay off to a fresh start, before the new year begins. See you at Cockwood for the Christmas Lunch? Of course we will!

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Wednesday 1 December 1982
Social: Open Evening

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Social at the Maypool youth hostel clubroom.
Saturday 4 December 1982
Social: Annual Dinner, Torquay

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
Held at the Trecarne Hotel, Babbacombe, Torquay.
Page 33 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants