Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 39 of 55 (542 items)
Wednesday 20 July 1983
Evening ride: Shaldon

2 Participants: Dave Eyre, Michael Jones
The third Wednesday was to Shaldon for ice-creams, but the shop was shut so Michael and Andrew had chips and pizza.

(Dave Eyre)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 24 July 1983
Day ride: Ringmore

2 Participants: Steven Bowles, Colin Brierly
Stephen had no hesitation in joining us again on the next Sunday when Ringmore was the destination. A break in the dry spell with quite heavy rain during our ride from Avonwick to Ermington so that a large leafy Beech tree just beyond Sequers Bridge invited an early lunch stop.

The tree wasn’t too waterproof, but luckily the sun came out and hot weather was with us again and we gave the “Journey’s End” at Ringmore a little extra trade. The tide was low enough for us to use the tidal road to Aveton Gifford on our route home through Woodleigh and Harbertonford.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Wednesday 27 July 1983
Evening ride: Decided on the Day

2 Participants: Phil Burrows, Dave Eyre
The last Wednesday in July was around the lanes to see how many new roads we could take Phil on!

(Dave Eyre)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Saturday 30 July 1983
Weekend ride: Camping Trip
Day 1 Home to Postbridge

3 Participants: Michael Jones, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland
Saturday 30th July was the beginning of our joint camping/Fernworthy weekend. Only four members were able to support the camping, as many were involved in Scout camps, and they met at Buckfastleigh at 3pm.

It was nearly 4.30 by the time we had bought our food and other items in the town, and then it was simply a matter of cycling up over Hembury and Spitchwick in the sweltering heat. We made it in the end and arrived somewhat belatedly at Dury Farm, Postbridge, shortly after 7pm.

Supper was a long-drawn-out affair, hampered by our choice of food – soup, beef burgers, potatoes, peas, beans and rice – which was not ideally suited to preparation on a single stove. When we had finished washing up it was quite dark and time for bed, so we gave the evening drinks a miss.

(Michael Jones)

[1 photo to follow from Kevin Presland]

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 31 July 1983
Weekend ride: Camping Trip
Day 2

3 Participants: Michael Jones, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland
The night was fairly peaceful apart from a number of strange and initially worrying noises which later proved to have been caused by a dog and a horse roaming around outside the tent. Whilst Kevin was frying his breakfast in the morning, a chicken wandered up as bold as you please and began to eat out of the pan! Such is life on the farm.

The rain began shortly afterwards, causing consternation not only in our tent but also back at Bovey, where the Sunday mob were meeting. We stayed under cover until 11.30 when things brightened up a bit, and then set off for the Warren House Inn and the footpath to Fernworthy.

The others weren’t there when we arrived shortly after 2pm, so we headed back towards Haytor via Hound Tor in the hope of seeing them. Unfortunately, however, they were circling back the other way, having decided not to proceed to the reservoir, and we didn’t meet up until 4pm when we all arrived at Kevin’s for tea and a swim.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The rain held off until everyone had been in the pool, and then we settled down inside for a most delicious spread of tea. As usual we would like to thank Kevin’s parents for their hospitality, which nicely rounded off a good weekend’s cycling.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 31 July 1983
Day ride: Fernworthy
1 Participants: Phil Burrows
No report available, but it met up with the weekenders at Kevin's house.
Sunday 7 August 1983
Afternoon ride: Teigngrace

3 Participants: Dave Eyre, Kevin Presland, Matthew Tewson
There was some warm weather for the first run of the month, with fifteen turning out. We decided to head for Stover Lake via Newton Abbot and a rough path from Teigngrace. Whilst at the lake, some of us decided to climb trees, and this gave Matthew Tewson a chance to prove that he is not a monkey – he jumped for a branch, missed it and fell into a rhododendron bush!

We eventually made a move homewards via Bickington after Dave had mended a puncture.

(Kevin Presland)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 14 August 1983
Day ride: Sparkwell Wildlife Park

7 Participants: Martin Chesterfield, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Duncan Scott, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson
On an already hot, cloudless morning we had a fast ride to the day’s pickup at Avonwick, where Colin turned back in company with Phil Burrows and some Plymouth compatriots, including Iris Buckler.

Eight of us headed along the ridge to drop down to Ivybridge, thence into Sparkwell via pleasant lanes. At the Wildlife Park we negotiated a reduction for parties - 60p per head can’t be bad, and that included old codgers like John, Kevin and myself who should have paid £1.80.

The animals had to wait for our “inspection”, food was our first need and we flopped down in the midst of foxes, eagles and peacocks. By the looks on some other visitors’ faces, we ravenous cyclists, always a strangely-attired bunch, needed peanuts to supplement our sandwiches.

Our wanderings among the wide variety of animals was punctuated by the shovelling-down of cold drinks and ices in the tea rooms where we stocked up on Mars bars to help us survive our newly-decided route back over the moors.

Cadover Bridge was heaving with grockles, but the water was too good to miss. We all got our feet wet, some got everything wet - a bathing run at last!

On to Burrator Dam for more ice-creams and photography before getting stuck into the superb track that climbs past Crazy Well Pool. Normal people don’t go that way, so we simply ran riot in the Devonport Leat. I didn’t know Y-Fronts came in so many colours!

Eight wet riders steamed into Princetown for, yes, you’ve guessed, more ice-creams, tea and the ubiquitous Mars bars. I assured Duncan that this was a typical Torbay Section club run, although I don’t think he was convinced.

Dartmeet has two rivers so this scored extra points for those famous water babes Kevin and Matthew, but the rest of us started the long grind upwards. They caught up only to say goodbye near New Bridge - they fancied a swim! John went his way also, so Duncan, Martin, Matthew, Richard and me descended on Ashburton at 7pm and flew through the lanes to Compton to part company at the end of a surprisingly satisfying day.

(Robert Spence)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Thursday 18 August 1983
Tour: Scotland
Day 1 Home to Rowardennan YH
10 Participants: Andrew Billington, Matthew Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Duncan Scott, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
The intrepid adventurers met up on Thursday 18 August at 7.45am outside Newton Abbot railway station - all except our fearless leader Mike who, having exhorted us to make sure we arrived on time, predictably failed to do so himself in spite of being the only member of the party to avail himself of the use of his parents' car to get him there! When he arrived at 7.55 he handed round the luggage labels that I remembered so well from last year, on which we were to write our name, address and destination and which were then to be attached to our bikes. This was to safeguard against British Rail being successful in their attempts to separate us from our machines during the journey, although as it happened they didn't really start trying until the return journey, of which more later. At this stage they confined themselves to omitting the carriage on which our seats were booked from the train, which meant that some of us had to stand during the latter part of the eight hour journey to Scotland.

Nonetheless we arrived safely at Glasgow Central station and rode through the centre of the city - which was a far less unpleasant experience than we had anticipated - to Glasgow Queen Street. From here we travelled on a Trans-Clyde train for three quarters of an hour. This resembled the London Underground in that it had automatic sliding doors and carriages isolated from one another, but differed from it in not being underground.

We arrived at our destination, Balloch Central, at about five o'clock and set off for Rowardennan youth hostel, eighteen miles away. For the last few miles of this we were cycling around the shores of Loch Lomond. This proved too much of a temptation for the more aquatically minded among us, namely Kevin, Matthew T and Matthew B, who had to have a dip while the rest of us sat around on the wall by the side of the road and tried to keep the vicious midges at bay.

We arrived at the hostel (which incidentally was an unusually beautiful and picturesque one) at about eight o'clock, unfortunately too late for the dinner provided but we set about feeding ourselves with enthusiasm. We set off for a stroll along the shores of the loch later on, but were soon put off by the increasing smell of sewage and went home to bed.

(Andrew Billington)

[These slides were cleaned, re-scanned using new scanning technology and re-uploaded in higher resolution on 9/12/18]
Friday 19 August 1983
Tour: Scotland
Day 2 Rowardennan to Trossachs YH
10 Participants: Andrew Billington, Matthew Burrows, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Duncan Scott, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
Next morning we had to wait until twelve o'clock for a passenger ferry which would take us up the loch to Inversnaid, so we amused ourselves by skimming stones and dropping rocks in the water to splash each other - rather infantile, but vastly amusing. After the half hour ferry journey we climbed a steep hill and were forced to take a slightly earlier lunch than planned by Richard developing a puncture. Still, he chose a fairly good place to have it, by the side of Loch Arklet.

After lunch we continued to Loch Katrine with the sun shining all the way. We cycled along a road that was closed to motor vehicles, which made for very pleasant cycling indeed. The loch formed part of Glasgow's water supply, so swimming was unfortunately out of the question.

At four o'clock, having cycled nearly all the way round the loch, we arrived in the Trossachs at a grockle - sorry, tourist - area consisting of a car park, tea rooms, souvenir shop etc. After cycling in the heat a cup of tea and ice-cream were very welcome, though not both at the same time. Duncan bought himself a rather smart tartan hat, all the better to attract the local girls we assumed!

At the Trossachs youth hostel we were surprised, not to say disconcerted, to find that our dormitory had a sloping floor, as was evident by the fact that when Andrew W sent Michael's recently-acquired indoor bowls all over the floor they immediately headed for the far side of the room! The manner in which Andrew achieved this must not be revealed for fear that others might be tempted to imitate his bad behaviour, but I can reveal that it had something to do with giving Mike's bunk a hefty kick from underneath in an attempt to send Mike all over the floor.

We were also amazed to find that although the hostel was only a simple grade it boasted a table tennis table, a space invader machine, two pool tables and a television. Matthew Tewson and Andrew B went out for a quick exploration of the grounds in the dark and discovered the place to be crawling with frogs, one of which they took back to the games room: it didn't look too thrilled by this change of environment however so they took it back.

(Andrew Billington)

[These slides were cleaned, re-scanned using new scanning technology and re-uploaded in higher resolution on 9/12/18]
Page 39 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants