Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 37 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 10 April 1983
Day ride: DA Rough Stuff Event

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
No report available.
Sunday 17 April 1983
Day ride: Laugher Tor (GR 653757)

6 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Noel Downie, Robert Downie, Antony House, Nigel Wilson
Numbers have been down recently on day runs, with a combination of poor weather and exam fever, but the weather was quite kind, and our numbers augmented by Noel and Robert Downie for a trip to Laughter Tor in mid-April.

When I say the weather was kind, it is in comparison with some of the truly foul stuff we have had, for although bright there was still a quite chilly wind. After warming ourselves up rather a lot climbing from Buckfast to Holne and Hexworthy, a sheltered spot for our picnic was essential, and a grassy patch shielded by a stone wall part way up the hill from Huccaby proved ideal.

A fairly leisurely lunch and then on towards Two Bridges but turning off onto a bridle path to reach our destination. The Tor duly inspected, and remarkably good views admired, we continued along the track to Bellever before turning for Poundsgate and New Bridge on our way to tea at the Downie establishment at Buckfastleigh.

Graham, Antony and Nigel joined us there in helping make a satisfactory impression on the plentiful food that the Downies’ household had provided for us.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 24 April 1983
Day ride: Bantham Sands

2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Martin Chesterfield
Weather early on the next Sunday was as foul as any we’ve had, and I was not surprised that there was only Martin Chesterfield waiting. We did expect to pick up more riders at Totnes, but apart from Noel Downie, who had “escaped” from work to come and collect his Highwayman, we didn’t see anyone else.

The weather did gradually improve, and we were able to take capes off, but it was not Bantham Sands weather and we decided on a more local trip so that we could head for home if - or rather when - the heavens opened again. We dropped to Gara Bridge and were blessed with finding a small road-keeper’s shelter which provided cove from wind and rain.

Lanes past Crabadon and Hazard were lovely with spring flowers and bird activity, but by the time we reached the main Totnes to Avonwick road we felt we were pushing our luck too far with regards to the weather and headed for home – just in time.

(Colin Brierly)
Wednesday 27 April 1983
Evening ride: Various

1 Participants: Colin Brierly
Torbay Evening runs have been very well supported so far this year considering the very dubious weather prospects on a number of occasions. There was admittedly one particularly foul Wednesday when only two braved the elements, but in general numbers have been around the eight to ten mark with strong competition for the attendance trophy.

Runs and distances have varied greatly although the sea and River Dart put a very tight restriction on our scope for variety. On one of the better evenings we included three of the most attractive villages in the area – Coffinswell, Combeinteignhead and Stokeinteignhead.

The valley from Combe to Stoke was at its beautiful best with its magnificent thatched houses enhanced by weeping willows in their early splendour. It was an evening when bats were particularly active, and one flitted just in front of us for more than a hundred yards near Maidencombe.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 1 May 1983
Afternoon ride: Broadhempston

2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Mark Stott (12, Ipplepen)
Another foul morning on May 1st, but it had improved enough for eight of us to venture out on the Afternoon Run, including a new younger rider, Mark Stott, on a very recently-acquired new bike. The very strong cold wind encouraged us to us familiar but sheltered lanes to Redpost, Broadhempston and Denbury, where a brief stop was made to adjust Mark’s position a bit, with, I think, beneficial results.

After the stop, the weather still being dry, we carried on to East Ogwell and Abbotskerswell to complete our circular tour.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 8 May 1983
Day ride: Bowerman's Nose

9 Participants: Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Martin Chesterfield, Noel Downie, Dave Eyre, Ian Lee, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Matthew Tewson
There were four of us at Five Lanes on 8th May for the Bowerman’s Nose run – Ian Lee, Matthew, Richard and myself – on what must have been a fine day (I had my shorts on for the first time this year). We were caught (what a weight) by Martin Chesterfield as we approached Kingskerswell, and he informed us his father was following somewhere behind. He eventually caught us up at Bovey Tracey and returned home straight away!

Waiting at Bovey were Dominic Sanders and Noel Downie, so we proceeded on up towards Becky Falls with new strength. We hadn’t gone far before Noel had a puncture and we had to stop again. As we were about to move off from our enforced rest, Phil and Matthew Burrows appeared – the decorating, it seems, was completed pm Saturday, except for one door!

Lunch was taken under the Nose (good job it was not “sniffle” weather), after which we hunted for the nearest ice-cream van. The Official Run (Phil, Matthew, Martin and I) rode on to Ashburton while the rest went to Kevin’s. Ashburton was reached with rather a lot of time in hand, so we decided to detour home via Dean Prior, Rattery and Staverton.

(Dave Eyre)
Sunday 15 May 1983
Day ride: South Pool

6 Participants: Fred Chesterfield, Martin Chesterfield, Dave Eyre, Richard Read, Robert Spence, Matthew Tewson
For the run to South Pool on 15th May I met up with Fred and Martin Chesterfield and Dave the Beard at Five Lanes. We picked up Matthew and Richard at Totnes and took the usual back roads via Harbertonford to Frogmore, Fred having said “Au revoir” to us at Moreleigh. We heaved our empty tums over the big hill into South Pool for lunch and a chance for the younger ones to throw each other in the river – the very muddy river!

Grievous bodily harm over, we rode over to Slapton for ice-creams, then headed for Dartmouth as the fine sunny weather made us feel inclined to spend 50p each on the ferry, and we went our separate ways at Churston.

(Robert Spence)
Sunday 22 May 1983
Day ride: Cotley Castle

9 Participants: Andrew Billington, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
The Cotley Castle run on 22nd May was attended by twelve members, including several who had been kept away by the wet weather for several months. From the Chudleigh Bridge pickup we set off along the Teign Valley road, but we hadn’t gone more than half a mile before Matthew, who was on the outside, guided me neatly into a deep, water-filled pothole, which left me completely deflated! There was a short delay while repairs were effected, and then, when Dominic and Ian had said their farewells, then ten remaining cyclists continued on to Bridfordmills. Here we were again delayed by a Scout leader who was pacing around looking most distressed – he had lost his scouts and wanted to use our maps to find out where he was!

Lunch was eaten by the side of the lane in Cotley Wood. We had passed about six ants’ nests a little further down – the enormous, black, vicious-looking variety that might attack you in formation. The thought was too much for Matthew and the two Andrews who climbed a tree and ate lunch there! It wasn’t long before a raging battle was in progress between the monkeys and the two-legged terrestrials, with ammunition taking the form of anything that came to hand – much to the dismay of Colin and Jean who were trying to enjoy a peaceful lunchtime! Such is the pleasure of CTC life.

The lanes along the top of Haldon made a very pretty return route, and a little sunshine finished the day off nicely. Andrew Billington and I left the others just past Gappah to return to Bovey and Buckfastleigh respectively.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 29 May 1983
Day ride: Bellever Tor

4 Participants: Andrew Billington, Colin Brierly, Phil Burrows, Kevin Presland
Even though it was one of the better days for weather, there were only half a dozen of us out on the run to Bellever Tor at the end of May. From our pickup point at Bickington we dragged Kevin back up past his own house to Haytor and then down to Widecombe which, as usual, had more than its fair share of visitors. Not quite lunchtime yet, so a bit of 1 in 4 up past Southcombe to make sure all had worked up an appetite before we found a fairly sheltered picnic spot beyond Blackaton Manor.

Not too much hanging around after grub, the midges saw to that, then on to park the bikes near Bellever and a pleasant stroll to the Tor with very fine views to be enjoyed. Back on the bikes – passing Shallowford brought memories of cream teas - and strolling up from Cockingford we had a chat with a Middlesex Road Club man who was walking down with his tandem - a third brake gives a lot more confidence!

Phil Burrows had three flats at various times during the day to give us a rest, but it still seemed fairly hard. Sorry we missed whoever it was from Plymouth (Phil?), who looked for us before we got to the destination.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]

[1 photo to follow from Kevin Presland]
Sunday 5 June 1983
Afternoon ride: Ashburton

2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Michael Jones
Sunday 5th June was one of those “mainly dry and bright” days with “occasional isolated thunder showers”, according to the weather man. It had indeed been dry and bright at Buckfastleigh all morning and there was no sign of a change as I set off for the Afternoon Ride at Marldon. Unfortunately, however, a particularly large and wet thunder cloud had settled itself over Torbay that morning and decided to stay there until 2pm when it moved off in the general direction of Buckfastleigh. The principle effect of all this was that the only two members who ventured out – Colin and me – both arrived at Marldon dripping wet in bright sunshine!

We were not put off however and enjoyed a pleasant excursion through the lanes around Woodland before further rain concluded our activities at Ashburton.

(Michael Jones)

Lightening and torrential rain on the morning of the June afternoon run was still in the offing at 2.15 and I wasn’t surprised that Mike and I were “The Section”. Capes still needed, if only just, as we headed out towards the Rising Sun and Ashburton before the next heavy rain and thunder that decided Mike to head straight to Buckfastleigh whilst I took off for Broadhempston and Redpost.

(Colin Brierly)
Page 37 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants