Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 31 of 55 (542 items)
Saturday 4 September 1982
Tour: Snowdonia
Day 8: Bridges to Home

14 miles
17 Participants: Andrew Billington, Stephen Downer, Simon Haly, Michael Jones, Justin Landen, Frances Lofty, Jackie Lofty, Mark Morton, Jason Parnell, John Pope, Glenn Powling, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Duncan Scott, John Stuart, Matthew Tewson, Andrew Winstanley
For me, morning came all too suddenly as two louts who obviously couldn’t sleep decided to throw me out of bed at 6.30! We had to catch a train at Shrewsbury at 9.59, and that was fifteen miles away, so we crept about as quietly as possible during breakfast. At this juncture, Mark and Kevin left us to cycle back home. Yes, you did hear right: 210 miles. Obviously they couldn’t afford the train fare, I hear you say. But sadly, the truth is far worse: they are just completely mad!

Owing to a mix-up with the bookings, no seats had been reserved for us on the train, and much to our delight we were taken to the first-class carriage and told to make ourselves comfortable. An elderly couple sitting nearby looked at us with an element of disgust as we settled down, the youngsters dressed in their bright cycling gear and all of us carrying our cycle luggage. Still, they didn’t seem to mind too much as long as we kept quiet.

And so, as the train sped towards the South West, our fantastic voyage was drawing to a close. We’ll never forget it of course – the food poisoning, the rain, the Roman Steps, Cader Idris, all adding up to our greatest adventure yet. And as the train passed through Teignmouth, with the bright salt air all around, the sadness of the moment was overwhelming. Could it really be coming to an end? Could we really all be going our separate ways? Well, there were the parents waiting on the platform, so I suppose it’s all over.

“Are you alright?”

“Yeahh, I’m alright ..”

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 5 September 1982
Day ride: Tourist Trials, 100 in 8 and untimed 100

6 Participants: Andrew Billington, Colin Brierly, Paul Kerr, Frances Lofty, Robert Spence, Andrew Winstanley
Meanwhile the 100 mile Tourist Trials were taking place. Only Robert Spence entered the 100 in 8, but five were on the untimed 100. Robert rode on, but Colin, Frances, Paul Kerr and the two Andrews kept going quite well and were beyond Halberton by the time they stopped for lunch on the Grand Western Canal bank. They didn’t stop long, and kept moving so well that they all finished in less than eight hours – in time in Colin’s case to see the final of the Wold Championship Road Race “on the box”. Hope you all enjoyed taking part.

(Michael Jones)
Sunday 5 September 1982
Afternoon ride: Ipplepen

7 Participants: Frank Boyes, Stephen Downer, Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Kevin Philips, Michael Roberts, Dominic Sanders
The Afternoon Run was again to Ipplepen and Denbury, with Frank making numbers up to seven.

(Michael Jones)
Wednesday 8 September 1982
Evening ride: Kingskerswell

3 Participants: Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Mrs Lee (Adult, Kingskerswell)
The next evening run, to Kingskerswell, saw Ian Lee’s mother out for her first time. It was soon dark and the lights across the river made a delightful view as we descended from Waterhead Brake. Returning along the riverside path we climbed up the hill from Higher Ferry and back through the mist to Paignton.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 12 September 1982
Day ride: Maceley Cove (SX 768356)

15 Participants: Andrew Billington, Colin Downie, Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Andrew Presland, Nigel Presland, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Duncan Scott, Robert Spence, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson
Maceley Cove was the destination on 12 September, and surely it must have been the best ride of the month? Fifteen gathered at the Totnes pickup, including Kevin’s brother Nigel braving the club again. With Kevin and Mark looking after the maps we rode through Harbertonford and along an interesting route to Sherford and Frogmore, reaching East Prawle by lunchtime. The area was enshrouded in fog but Frances knew the way to the beach, and we enjoyed an exhilarating view across the cove in good sunshine while Matthew entertained us below with his diving.

On the way back to Torcross we bumped into Frances’ parents on their way to Maceley, and later after enjoying some refreshments at the café, Matthew discovered a somewhat deflated tyre. It’s always the way isn’t it. Funnily enough the chap outside, trying to enjoy a quiet cup of tea (some home), happened to be from Ilsington, so Kevin was able to chat with him before we set off a little belatedly for Strete.

Rob, Matthew and Richard went back on the ferry as they had to be home early, but the rest of us decided to take the lanes along the Dart to Totnes. Unfortunately for Nigel, the roads near Tuckenhay were a bit damp, and the result of sharp braking in such conditions was a badly grazed pair of elbows. After patching up and a short rest he was able to ride the few miles back to Buckfastleigh, where an ever-ready Dad was waiting with his car. I’m not sure what time Kevin and Andrew left Redmount that evening, but by the time they’d swapped light bulbs and repaired persistent punctures it must have been at least 9.30!

(Michael Jones)

[2 points: Nigel Wilson, Colin Downie, Frances Lofty]
[3 points: everyone else]
Wednesday 15 September 1982
Evening ride: Staverton

2 Participants: Michael Jones, Neil Pena
Neil Pena surprised us all that Wednesday evening by turning out again after a lapse of several months. He’d been on holiday of course, and we were pleased to see him again. He left the remaining eight of us at Staverton to make his way back to Harberton – his new home.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 19 September 1982
Day ride: Fernworthy Reservoir
Turning wet
19 Participants: Andrew Billington, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows, Colin Downie, Antony House, Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Neil Pena, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward, Nigel Wilson, Andrew Winstanley
On the 19th we were supposed to be going to Fernworthy. All seemed to go well at first, with a massive turnout of nineteen meeting at Bovey, Matthew had just come to show us he was still alive, as he had to go back to his Gran’s house at Kingsteignton, but Neil was out again and stayed with us all day.

It’s all very nice having so many on the ride, but if it should happen to rain part-way through the morning, people can get miserable – especially if the rain is heavy! Well, that’s what happened of course. It started just after Manaton as a light drizzle, but was so heavy by the time we reached Gratnar Farm that we had to stop under the trees for lunch. The trees were fine – for a few minutes! Soon we were thoroughly drenched and all thoughts of going to the reservoir were abandoned. Colin couldn’t even read his paper, and that was the last straw!

We turned tail and made for home as fast as possible via Hound Tor and Hemsworthy Gate, with some going back to Kevin’s house and others going straight home. Not the best of Sundays for cycling but it was good to see so much support.

(Michael Jones)

[1 point: Matthew Tewson]
Wednesday 22 September 1982
Evening ride: Stoke Gabriel

1 Participants: Michael Jones
Our fourth evening ride of the month began in semi-darkness. Six of us made our way through the lanes to Stoke Gabriel and back around to Maypool youth hostel for light refreshments. It was alright for me, staying there, but the others had to cycle home!

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 26 September 1982
Day ride: Tourist Trials 50 in 4 or 100km untimed

9 Participants: Ian Crockford (Junior, Devon), Michael Jones, Ian Lee, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Richard Read, Dominic Sanders, Matthew Tewson, Mike Ward
The last Sunday run of the month was obliterated by the second round of Tourist Trials, this time the “50 in 4” event. There were nine entrants at the pickup point, Ian Crockford choosing the event for his inaugural ride! Actually he didn’t choose it, as he had only seen one of our general posters.

We finally set off up the Teign Valley, and whilst the keen ones went on ahead, Kevin and I stayed back with the slower bunch. Ian did very well for the first few miles, but it was soon obvious that he would not make the course so he dropped out near Longdown. That left four of us in the lagging group (Matthew and Richard being the other two), and we pressed on with the A-Section mob to have lunch at Exe Bridge.

The final lap back to Kingsteignton was the hardest of all, as there was a strong headwind all day. Michael, Ian Lee, Dominic and Mark just made the four hours, and the rest of us managed four and a half – still, you enjoyed yourselves didn’t you? Did you? No doubt some of you did!

(Michael Jones)
Wednesday 29 September 1982
Evening ride: Coffinswell

1 Participants: Michael Jones
And that brings us to the last evening run of the season. There were only five of us out on that cold, dark evening. As the weather was so cold, and as it was the end of the season, and as everyone was over eighteen, I agreed just this once to a short stop at the local hostelry in Coffinswell, which made a pleasant end to the month.

(Michael Jones)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Page 31 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants