Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 41 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 4 September 1983
14:15 - 18:00
Afternoon ride: Landscove
4 Participants: Marcus Haly, Sue Shepley, Paul Turner, Simon Warner
‘Twas Sunday, wet and windy, and I had promised to take someone sailing. However, putting caution first I turned up at Five Lanes for the Afternoon Run to find five little mortals waiting for me. It being so windy, I decided to ride out into the wind and come back with it.

Off we set, out to Berry Pomeroy, then down to Littlehempston and ever upwards towards Landscove. Well, as I said in the beginning, the other riders were all youngsters, and with three of them being fairly new, I thought it best not to go to Landscove but to turn off and make our way to Broadhempston. That was my undoing!

There was this signpost pointing in the direction I wanted to go, saying “Kingston”. As we had never been there before it seemed a good road to try – Simon said it was to the farm only, but I ignored this remark. Down the hill we went and ended up – in the farmyard! Mrs Farmer came out followed by a flock of hens, saying it was a private road and we couldn’t go through. There had been no mention of this fact at the top of the hill, you notice.

We walked back up the hill and from there we went to Landscove. Here they had some pigs which, Richard decided, wanted some grass to eat; I thought they were more likely to eat Richard’s fingers! At this point, I decided to go to Sparkwell, but Simon, having no faith left in my navigational abilities, wasn’t too keen on the idea. After a while, however, when we had gone through Sparkwell and were clearly on the road to Broadhempston, he realised that we weren’t totally lost and returned to his normal happy little self.

It was at Broadhempston that I made my second mistake (that is not including the one I made in turning out in the first place). A “Road Closed” sign was stationed at the junction. Well, it being Sunday and us being on bikes, a decision was made to ignore the sign (besides which it was the shortest way home and three of the boys were getting tired). Up the hill we went, around the corner, down the hill, round the corner …

When one sees a “Road Closed” sign one doesn’t normally expect the road to be actually closed shut. This one was. Lorries, cranes, holes and tar all conspired together to block the road completely. “Perhaps I’ll send one of the youngsters ahead to appeal to the lorry drivers,” I thought. Well done, Richard. Over the tar he went, through the mud and into the farm. Cautiously we followed, but where should we go from there? A word with the lorry driver and we were directed across the farmyard, through a gate, past some cottages and thus back onto the road.

The rest of the way home was boringly uneventful, but we had had quite enough excitement for one day. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, particularly newcomers Paul Turner and Marcus Haly. Marcus has been looking forward to joining his brother in the club for many months, and now that his bike has arrived, we hope to see him regularly.

(Susan Shepley)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 11 September 1983
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: South Pool
3 Participants: Graham Brodie, Kevin Presland, Richard Wiseman
The following week, 11th September, was a little more successful, with a magnificent turnout of six. There would have been seven if Andrew Winstanley had known that the run was the RNLI Sponsored Cycle Ride – as it was, he found no-one else at Five lanes and went home feeling rather miserable.

We joined up with the Exeter As at Newton Abbot race course and enjoyed a great ride to Plymouth, the only small problem being a headwind. At Plymouth we were all supplied with tea and sandwiches. Seeing the train which BR had made available for us was not stopping at Newton Abbot we went to Exeter to enjoy coffee at the Exeter Radio Devon studio (Graham works there). Three of us then decided to cycle back, leaving three to travel home by car – we hope to see Richard Wiseman with us throughout the winter months.

(Kevin Presland)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 18 September 1983
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Merrivale Blowing Houses
4 Participants: Frances Lofty, Mark Morton, Kevin Presland, Mike Ward
Six of us set off from Five Lanes on Sunday 18th into weather that promised only rain, though by the time we reached Buckfastleigh the sky had a lot more blue in it. Kevin and Mark were waiting on the bridge, Francis and Michael Ward arrived too.

After the usual natter we took familiar lanes to Scoriton and began the real climbing to Hexworthy, where we decided to shorten the route and exchange the Merrivale blowing houses for those at Swincombe. The old buildings provided shelter for lunch, and an apple battle was fought!

WE retraced to Huccaby Bridge, albeit pausing for an argument with an absurd, “horsey” young woman who had chosen to “get on her high horse” this day. The adrenalin settled as we headed for Dunnabridge. The track to Bellever is always pleasant, but it can puncture Nutrak puncture-resistant tyres as Kevin found out. At least he earned his ice-cream at Posbridge.

A powerful tailwind fastened onto our saddlebags and pushed us along the exhilarating B3212, then N3344 all the way to Bovey Tracey for a “cuppa”, and the final run to our respective homes was taken in glorious late afternoon sunshine.

(Kevin Presland)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 25 September 1983
09:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Tourist Trials 50 mi
2 Participants: Matthew Burrows, Phil Burrows
Five of us set off from Ware Cross on a damp morning to attempt the Fifty in Four event. We made good speed through Newton to Bovey, paced by Phil and Nigel, reaching Leigh Cross (17 miles) after the first hour. Twenty minutes later, the pace having begun to tell on Phil and Matthew who had hardly ridden for a month, we treated ourselves to a lunch stop at the top of Longdown.

On restarting we were just behind schedule but felt confident of completing the course on time. We flew down into Exeter and rode on to Countess Wear, making a short stop for drinks, although young Richard insisted on having an ice-cream (?). Heading through Exminster and Kenton, some of us began to suffer for our earlier efforts, especially as the wind was no longer helpful. The older Richard demonstrated his fitness, while Nigel used his to encourage us lesser riders.

The real killer was the unexpected loop through Kenton and Powderham, both physically and psychologically. It as then apparent that our target would not easily be reached. Nigel and Richard left us to our struggle after the first lap of the loop. On the rise from Starcross to Dawlish, Richard the younger showed us he was not suffering as much as we were, by leaving us behind whilst making the pace. He waited but sprinted away up the hill from Dawlish when Phil and Matthew finally gave up and walked.

At the finish, where Colin welcomed us with much-appreciated tea and biscuits, Nigel was eight minutes inside, the two Richards having joined forces were right on four hours, and Phil and Matthew struggled in at 4:06. Ah well, something to achieve next year.

A Puncture on the way home really made my day!

(Phil Burrows)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 2 October 1983
14:15 - 18:00
Afternoon ride: Chudleigh
1 Participants: Colin Brierly
Winter hibernation seems to have started early this year in Torbay, or at least other activities have taken a heavy toll on riding strength.

Not a bad day as it turned out for the October afternoon run, but with very ominous cloud I was not surprised that we were but four. A big effort to find something different took us through Kingsteignton to the back of Ugbrook and then via Gappah to Chudleigh.

A short windy stretch of the A38 from Chudleigh Knighton to Drum Bridges before reverting to the old road to Bickington and then taking to the lanes through Denbury for home.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 9 October 1983
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Beesands
2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Kevin Presland
Even fewer next week when only Kevin awaited my arrival at Totnes, but the weather could well have sent me home again if he hadn’t been there. With Kevin wanting to return to Plymouth and Beesands not being the least bit attractive in the drizzly conditions we headed through lanes via Harbertonford and Moreleigh to Aveton Gifford.

No bus shelters to be found so a large evergreen tree opposite the school gave us useful cover and the chance of a few minutes chat with the school head who used to ride with Somerset Road Club. We each headed our separate way home from there without meeting up with Richard Wiseman who had been late starting and carried out the run.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 16 October 1983
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Mamhead Obelisk
2 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly
A better turn out for the Haldon Obelisk run – people had heard the prospect of Jelly Babies and Custard at Dawlish! We very rarely go up through Chudleigh, so it was interesting to see the many fairly recent changes as we made our leisurely way to the top of the town before taking to the lanes past Hayes Barton and Harcombe to get to the top of Haldon.

Slight delay for some with a puncture while the main group carried on to the Obelisk and lunch. You’d think that with a big square chunk of masonry there would be one sheltered side, but it was distinctly draughty, though not so bad a few yards down the slope towards Mamhead.

Three of us were not staying out for tea, so Ben, Jean and I bade the group “Bon Voyage” and headed for home.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Sunday 23 October 1983
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Challacombe Down
5 Participants: Mike Bowden, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, John Stuart, Richard Wiseman
Very different weather for a trip on the moors on the 23rd October, and nice to have Mike Bowden join us for a change. Only John Stuart at Bickington, although we expected Thomas from Plymouth so waited for a while. When we started moving, Mike found he had a flat tyre and then a couple of older Mid Devon folk stopped for a chat, so that we were more than a little late by the time we did start the drag up to Haytor.

We abandoned the idea of Challacombe Down and settled down in the lovely warm sunshine with our backs to Bonehill Rocks for a leisurely lunch. An invitation to a “cuppa” at Mike and Liz’s house at Kingsteignton soon had us rocketing down off Trendlebere in the direction to take up the offer.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 30 October 1983
10:00 - 18:00
Day ride: Holbeton
4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Robert Spence, Richard Wiseman
A frosty Sunday 30th saw Fred, Ben, Richard Wiseman, moi and a tandemised Colin and Jean set out from Five Lanes and a swish through Totnes onto the B-road for Avonwock. What a surprise when we found not a single cyclist at the pick-up! Oh well, hoof it up the ridge road, then drop down into Ugborough to make short work of the stretch to Ermington and our destination, Holbeton, but my puncture determined our lunch spot some two miles before the village, and one and a quarter hours of eating and cycle-maintenance ensued.

Ben and I took a look at Holbeton – most attractive – then rode after the others who were waiting at Aveton Gifford. We followed quiet lanes to Woodleigh, Moreleigh, Harbertonford and Totnes, then dispersed into the evening gloom with cycle lamps rampant.

(Robert Spence)
Sunday 6 November 1983
14:15 - 18:00
Afternoon ride: Haccombe
1 Participants: Colin Brierly
I expected hoards out on the November afternoon run, but we were still only eight, including one newcomer to the clan. I was a little apprehensive of taking Graham down the track to Haccombe House on his first ride, but very pleased at his hope that we knew many more places he’d never found even though he’d lived in Paignton all his life. A pity the sun didn’t manage to break through – the magnificent Autumn colours could have used a bit of floodlighting.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Page 41 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants