Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 9 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 11 November 1979
Day ride: Castle Drogo
11 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Mark Morton, John Pope (13, Ilsington), Darren Sharp, Mark Shepherd (Junior, Bickington), John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
Castle Drogo was the destination put in for our first day run in November, the first snag with the proposed visit being that the place was closed for repair work. On the day there was a second snag – a forecast of heavy rain spreading from the west and a sky that provided strong support for the forecasters. Despite these discouragements there was a count of 11 riders by the time we had united with the Buckfastleigh contingent at Bovey, including two new riders, John from Ilsington and Mark from Bickington.

It was not quote noon when we reached Moretonhampstead but there was a tempting shelter in the car park should the sky drop some of its abundant store of rain. Just damp during lunch but we had hardly got out of Moreton before capes were needed and, having got within “visi-distance” of Drogo’s bulk, clinging to its rocky hillside, we turned towards home.

Before reaching North Bovey Mark had problems with a back wheel rubbing, due, I diagnosed, to a broken spindle, so an SOS had to be sent out from the village for Dad to come and collect. We also had a couple of punctures and a howling gale to contend with, but all arrived home in one piece, if rather damp.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 18 November 1979
Day ride: DA AGM Chudleigh Knighton
8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Don Hassall, Antony House, Mark Morton, Sue Shepley, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
Our luck was better on the AGM day, and we managed to dodge the showers and find sunshine up by the Teignmouth golf course before dropping down through Gappah to Chudleigh Knighton for the meeting.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 25 November 1979
Day ride: Spurrells Cross
11 Participants: Peter Adams, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Mark Filham, Martin Filham, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Mark Morton, John Pope, Mark Shepherd, John Stuart
Luck held again for a run to Spurrells Cross, even though the forecast was rather like that of the Drogo day. Numbers were also a repeat, though not quite the same eleven, but including John and Mark (with new rear spindle), and wind there was in plenty.

We climbed up onto the brow of Western Beacon, at Bittaford, to join the old mineral railway track before finding a not-very-sheltered spot for lunch. Heavy clouds and dampness in the air didn’t seem to affect the enthusiasm to complete the run so, a fairly rapid lunch consumed, we rode up a couple of miles of the stony track before turning right onto the open moor, past the cross and down to Owley. The descent, rather steep and rough in places, was accomplished without any touble, though the mineral track did disprove the “unbreakable” claim on Peter Adams’ rear mudguard!

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Saturday 1 December 1979
Social: Devon DA Annual Dinner
1 Participants: Colin Brierly
This is an account of what happened at the Trecarn Hotel, Babbacombe, Torquay, on Saturday 1st December. Don’t worry, I shan’t write everything, the person might get embarrassed and sue me for libel!

Everybody had arrived by the time the dinner was being served at seven o’clock. We walked into the dining room which had the tables running from the top table all in a row. We found our places and waited behind our chairs for a prayer, after which we sat down and started our first course which was chilled melon and grapefruit cocktail, followed by Cream of Tomato Soup or a strange-looking substance which looked like cold tea without the tealeaves, called Consommé aux vins.

The main course was roast sirloin of prime English beef with Yorkshire pudding and horseradish sauce, roast and butted new potatoes, Brussel sprouts and buttered carrots – sorry to make you feel hungry.

During the eating of this main course there was a very strange ritual going on. A person would strike the table very fiercely with anything he could get his hands on and shout at the top of his voice “I would like to drink a toast”, and they stated what they wanted to drink a toast to. This varied from who joined the CTC fifty years ago, to nude swimming during the summer. When this ritual started I thought they were people from Rentokil trying to find woodworm by banging the table, and if they didn’t hit one, trying to make it deaf by shouting at it. Actually I wasn’t the only one who thought this as I overheard a man phoning the RSPCWW – the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty towards Woodworm – asking if they would send a letter to the manager of the Trecarn Hotel requesting that they put bells by people’s seats and supply the woodworm with earplugs.

For the sweet we had dairy cream gateau, fruit salad with ice cream or cheese and biscuits. I had the dairy cream gateau which was very nice, and my jacket thought so as well – when I was talking to someone, I catapulted a spoonful onto myself. NO, it didn’t suit me. Then came the coffee to bring us to the end of the very nice dinner.

We toasted the Queen, which made a change from the bread. This was proposed by the DA President, Ivy Thorp. Mr Jim Bailey, Chairman of the CTC National Council, proposed the CTC and Devon DA, and Mr Don Hassall responded, in front of everybody, and welcomed the visitors. Responding for the visitors was Mr Bob Mace from CTC Headquarters. If you’re wondering what all this responding is, it was very interesting, short talks and a few jokes.

The presentation of awards was made by the President of the CTC, Mr Arthur Moss JP. The toast master was Mr Cecil Davey and the MC Mr Steve Kelly.

Boundary Ride certificates: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Charles Brown, Barbara Clews, Veronica Dixie, Robert Ellis, Don Hassall, Jean Luxton, Pete Luxton, Wendy Luxton, Iris Strong, Julie Strong, Ken Strong, Gordon Thorp, Ivy Thorp, Liz Williams, Stuart Williams and Tony Williams.

101 Miles Certificates: Colin Brierly, Peter Adams, Michael Bailey, Frank Boyes, Brian Cloak, Ralph Colman, Ian Holding, Jean Luxton, Kevin Mitchell, Adrian Parkyns, Robert Spence, Liz Williams and Phillip Wrigley.

101 Kilometres Certificates: Lawrence Beckford, David Cloak, Martin Dalley, Richard Dalley, Colin Downie, Noel Downie, Henry Gregson, Don Hassall, Anthony House, Michael Jones, Pete Luxton, Wendy Luxton, Brian Mills, Mark Morton, Iris Strong, Julie Strong, Ken Strong, John Stuart, Gordon Thorp, Gordon Wells and Normal Wells.

So far two and a half hours had gone by, and at 9.30 came the entertainment for the evening. This was ballroom dancing, introduced by Mr Steve Kelly. The music was played by four excellent musicians who played the drums, piano, trumpet, clarinet and saxophone. As you might realise, there are more instruments than musicians. Well, there was no magic on the night, it was just simply one man who played two instruments – and not at the same time I might add.

At 10.30 the special showing from the local boys and girls – it was to do with the Year of the Child. The first act was of two little boys, played by Ken Strong and Tony Williams, with a sketch involving two little boys cycling with their parents and talking about what most children say while on tour with their parents.

Then came the finale with Gordon Thorp riding a tricycle, closely followed by Margaret Dalley, Jean Luxton, Tony Williams, Les Sparkes and Ken Strong. They sang a rendition of “Daddy’s taking us on the run tomorrow”, sung to the tune of “Daddy’s taking us to the zoom tomorrow”. This was a tribute to the up and coming CTC. The records were played by Iris Strong and the whole thing was introduced by Grace Kelly.

Then came the short interval where the draw took place. This was my favourite part of the evening as my ticket came up – pink number 381 – and I won the magnificent book “Winged Wheel” by William Oakley, the former president of the CTC. The draw raised £22 for the GHS Memorial, after deduction of expenses.

Dancing started again at 11.15 and the evening finished with a very fit, moving ending, with everybody prancing about to the Hokey Cokey and Knees Up Mother Brown. Finally everybody stood in a large circle holding hands, singing Auld Lang Syne.

The evening finished around 12.30am on Sunday morning, which meant cycling for most people. Well anyway, Knees Up Mother Brown got them into trim. I’m sure you would like to join me in thanking the organisers for a very enjoyable evening, and if you could not make it this year and you think you would have enjoyed it, then maybe you’ll make a special effort to come next year.

(Adrian Parkyns)
Sunday 2 December 1979
Afternoon ride: Stoke Gabriel
5 Participants: Colin Brierly, Stuart Brooks (Junior, Devon), Martin Filham, Mark Morton, Sue Shepley
Numbers were down for the afternoon run the day after the Dinner, with only five, and one of those a newcomer (Stuart). After a dull morning we did have some winter sunshine to light up the river scene at Stoke Gabriel and give a warm glow to the trees as our wanderings took us to Berry Pomeroy and Littlehempston.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 9 December 1979
Day ride: Venice (Cornworthy)
4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Stuart Brooks, Martin Filham, Mark Morton
Stuart enjoyed the afternoon run enough to join us the next Sunday when the weather was anything but inviting – possibly the destination of “Venice” swayed the decision? The name was rather appropriate, for the nearer we got to our destination (near Cornworthy) the more the roads resembled canals. We did find a convenient shed to shelter in for our picnic before squelching home through Washbourne and Harbertonford.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 16 December 1979
Day ride: Dartmeet
8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Mark Filham, Martin Filham, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Pope
The gods had it wrong again the next week when the idea was for us to go to Dartmeet, not the Dart come to meet us! It was so wet during the morning that very little arm twisting was needed at Dart Bridge to turn the Section towards Torbay – and dry feet – in time for lunch. It did clear up in the afternoon and the Buckfastleigh folk had a dry ride home.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]

[2 points: Colin Brierly, Mark Filham, Martin Filham, Carl Jeffereys, Mark Morton]
[3 points: Antony House, Michael Jones, John Pope]
Sunday 23 December 1979
Day ride: Christmas Lunch Ride
13 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Madora Downie, Noel Downie, Don Hassall, Grace Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Sue Shepley, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
'Twas cold, with plenty of patches of ice in the lanes on December 23rd, but nine people arrived on bikes and four (who shall be nameless) by car at the Ship Inn, Cockwood, for our Christmas snack. On our way there we found the top of Haldon bright and bracing and were quite pleased that there was no ice on the drop down to Black Forest.

After lunch we strolled along the sea wall to Dawlish and then popped in to Don and Grace’s for tea and mince pies before finishing our homeward trip.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 30 December 1979
Day ride: Slapton Sands
9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Mark Filham, Dick Hanson, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Robert Spence, John Stuart
The last run for the seventies (not our ages you fool) saw us sitting in the sunshine on Slapton beach for our picnic lunch and finding that the breeze was rather more chilling than we had at first thought.

Our outward route took us through Slapton village, which looked particularly attractive in the sunshine, and our return was through lanes from Blackpool Sands to Tuckenhay and Totnes. John collected a puncture in his efforts to catch up with Phil’s total and I found one myself – and I’m trying to give them up! Oh well, see what I can do in the New Year.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]

[2 points: Robert Spence]
[3 points: everyone else]
Sunday 6 January 1980
14:15 - 18:00
Afternoon ride: Stoke Gabriel

19 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Stuart Brooks, Richard Clayton, Robert Clayton, Roger Clayton, Colin Downie, Martin Filham, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Pope, Sue Shepley, Jamie Spence (10, Torquay), Robert Spence, Ruth Spence, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
The New Year started quite well for the Section with good runs, good weather and good attendance, the January Afternoon Run finding 19 riders out to prove that December’s wet stuff hadn’t dampened enthusiasm too much. We were pleased to have Jamie Spence out with Mum and Dad for his first venture at riding with the Section, as well as a few other folk that we don’t see very often.

Our wanders took us near Stoke Gabriel and then over towards Hillhead before returning to Dial House (my home) for tea. After tea we sorted out some runs for the next couple of months before getting down to the serious business of trying out the snooker table!

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]

[The attendance list for this event is currently incomplete]
Page 9 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants