Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 5 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 22 April 1979
Day ride: Oldridge

1 Participants: Colin Brierly
We had a fair amount of sunshine for a ride up the Teign Valley on our way to Oldridge. We had a very pleasant picnic lunch near Kingsford before climbing up towards Holcombe Burnell. After a short stretch of easy going there was a much harder climb to the top of Whitestone Wood before running along the ridge to Oldridge and down the track to Culvercourt.

The sky had clouded very heavily by now and, when the rain started we were pretty certain it was in for the rest of the day. There was a unanimous vote to head for home, arriving rather late and very wet.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Saturday 28 April 1979
Weekend ride: Exeter
Day 1

1 Participants: Colin Brierly
The next weekend was our Exeter trip, when we enjoyed the hospitality of the B-Section. Saturday evening was taken up with a magnificent meal at Liz and Robert’s at Exminster.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 29 April 1979
Weekend ride: Exeter
Day 2
1 Participants: Colin Brierly
Sunday took us over Woodbury to Exmouth for elevenses. After a very enjoyable picnic lunch near Otterton we wandered up the Otter valley, only to discover that we had left Veronica with, we discovered, a broken seat pin. A temporary repair was just being completed when Jean Luxton amazed Don and Ralph, who were doing the job, by each producing two seat pins out of our saddlebags – not quite a feat of magic, for Ron Morgan does live at Harpford!

After an excellent tea at Vron’s we decided that the coast road home would be the best route, and we had the pleasure of the company of the Exeter folks as far as Starcross. Thanks a lot for a superb weekend – we’ll have to return the compliment sometime!

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 6 May 1979
Afternoon ride: Littlehempston

2 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly
It was nice to see Frank out of his hibernation on our May afternoon run, as well as, of course, the other folk who came out. The weather was kind to us and the countryside was also showing the first real signs of coming out of its long hibernation, with the hedges full of primroses and violets. We wandered to Broadhempston and Littlehempston and then crossed the main Paignton-Totnes road to Aish and Yalberton.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 13 May 1979
Day ride: Penquit

1 Participants: Colin Brierly
We had put Penquit in as a run on April 8th when, of course, the Rough Stuff event took place, so we put it in again for May 18th and this time had a good turnout for a ride that included a very pleasant ridge road to the south of Ugborough. We did stop to look at Penquit Manor which, although quite old, is not particularly attractive. We then found a nice spot by the Erme for our lunch.

The route home was along the edge of the moor through Owley and Harbourneford before dropping down to Staverton and back to Marldon.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 20 May 1979
Day ride: BCTC Competition

1 Participants: Colin Brierly
Only three Torbay members managed to ride the BCTC heat, although a few others helped with marshalling. The route was a nice change from our normal Sunday fare and the event very enjoyable thanks to the organisers and the many, many other helpers.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Saturday 26 May 1979
Weekend ride: Boundary Ride
Day 1: Home to Tavistock YH

4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Charles Brown (Junior, Hatherleigh), Don Hassall
Four Torbay members completed the Boundary Ride, including Charles Brown from near Hatherleigh who met us at Aveton Gifford on our first damp section of the ride. Thanks to umpteen diversions and blocked roads at Lopwell Dam, and a puncture, we were late arriving at Tavistock youth hostel but the warden had kindly delayed supper for us.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 27 May 1979
Weekend ride: Boundary Ride
Day 2: Tavistock to Instow YH

4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Charles Brown, Don Hassall
The next day’s ride to Instow proved better with the mixture of sun and showers producing some beautiful patterns in the sky. We arrived at Instow in good time but Don was suffering a little with knee trouble.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Monday 28 May 1979
Weekend ride: Boundary Ride
Day 3: Instow to Home

4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Charles Brown, Don Hassall
Our ride back to Winkleigh with the Exeter crowd next morning was very damp and, with Don going home in the car because of his knee, Colin and I had to battle our way home against furious winds and driving rain.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 3 June 1979
Afternoon ride: Ide

8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Don Cockman, Paul Cockman, Peter Ford, Margaret Maxtead, Liz Rutler (Junior, Chudleigh), Sue Shepley
We’ve had lots of new faces appearing in June with 17 out on the afternoon run, including Liz Rutler from Chudleigh and Peter Ford from Torquay who has previously ridden with us. Paul and Don Cockman were out, along with Sue Shepley and Margaret Maxtead making it up to three girls. Our ride took us out to Luton and Ide and we returned via Gappah and Kingsteignton.

(Graham Brodie)
Page 5 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants