Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 8 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 16 September 1979
Day ride: Whooping Rock
11 Participants: Peter Adams, Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Robert Spence, John Stuart
A lot more sunshine for our trip to Whooping Rock, and numbers just into double figures – half from Torbay and half from Buckfastleigh area who met us at Bickington. We had a steady climb over Haytor, where the crowds were out in full force, and then a rapid drop down to Widecombe where the crowds were even more in evidence.

We soon left the crowds however, taking the lane past Natsworthy to Heatree Cross and then along the track below Easdon Tor to find a nice place in the sun for a very leisurely picnic.

There was a slight delay after the tor had been inspected when John found a large thorn before we had even got through the gate, but after that it was nice running ground past Becky Falls and down off Trendlebere. We cut through to Liverton and then separated from the Buckfastleigh folk near Bickington, the Torbay route taking us past Seale Hayne.

(Colin Brierly)

Cycling - Whooping Rock. 10 out, including Peter Adams, Colin Downie, Antony House, John Stuart and myself.

(Michael Jones - diary excerpt)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 23 September 1979
Day ride: Cawsand
9 Participants: Colin Brierly, Iris Buckler, Colin Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Kevin Mitchell (Junior, Devon), Mark Morton, John Stuart
We’ve already decided not to mention “Bathing Runs” and it looks as though we’ll have to abandon “Cawsand” as a runs destination if we are to placate the weather gods. Ignoring the dire portents when we examined the entrails of something or other (Jean said it was spaghetti on toast) we put Cawsand on the list for the second time this summer, and again it poured, though much to my surprise there were quite a number of other mad fools who ventured out.

We weren’t quite up to double figures, but getting on that way, and included a new rider from Totnes, Kevin Mitchell, who had already joined the CTC and come to join us after receiving the August Highwayman. Iris Buckler didn’t have to twist our arms too hard to get us to have our picnic at her house in Plympton, though there was a fair amount of sock “twisting” before we settled down to eat.

After lunch we squelched home.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 30 September 1979
Day ride: 101 km Rides
8 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Downie, Don Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, John Stuart
A very good turnout for the “101” rides, when eight completed the 101 mile ride and a further eight the 101 kilometres. One of those completing the 101 miles was Frank Boyes who, despite being told he was “old enough to know better” on August Bank Holiday Saturday, obviously hasn’t learnt in seventy years.

We called in for cups of tea at Don and Grace’s at Dawlish towards the end of our rides.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 7 October 1979
Afternoon ride: Dawlish
11 Participants: Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Martin Filham, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Kevin Mitchell, Mark Morton, Sue Shepley, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
To add insult to injury we invaded Don and Grace again on the afternoon run at the beginning of October. Not too sure how many would be there when I turned up after being up to Bridport, but at least they hadn’t eaten all the grub, even leaving me some “Jelly Babies and Custard”.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Thursday 11 October 1979
Social: Torbay Section AGM
0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
At the Section AGM it was decided that our present formula appeared to be working quite well and should be continued. So, for the coming year, we have a Secretary (Sue Shepley) but no committee, and will have Section meetings approximately every three months to make up runs lists. The first Sunday in each month will continue to be an afternoon run.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 14 October 1979
Day ride: Exeter Maritime Museum
14 Participants: Mike Bailey, Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Martin Filham, Don Hassall, Grace Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Trevor Marshall, Kevin Mitchell, Mark Morton, Sue Shepley, Philip Wrigley
A good day for our trip to the Maritime Museum today, with plenty of sunshine, though when we got to the establishment and found the price of admission £1.20 there was no great rush as most of us had seen it once already. We did have a tour of the river area and then a look around some of the old parts of Exeter before we descended like a flock of vultures on the Dalley household for tea – many thanks Margaret and Dick for your hospitality.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Saturday 20 October 1979
Weekend ride: Salcombe YH
Day 1
16 Participants: Mike Bailey, Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Madora Downie (Junior, Buckfastleigh), Noel Downie, Don Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Trevor Marshall, Kevin Mitchell, Mark Morton, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
A large contingent of Section members congregated at Totnes on October 20th for a ride to Salcombe YH for the “Harvest Supper” weekend. Bright sunshine lit up the autumn leaves for us as we followed a lane route past Moreleigh and Woodleigh to Churchstow, where most of us has a rest while Don dealt with the effects of one of many thorns on the last hill to the village.

There were many people and much activity at the hostel, although it was not full and, after beds were made and washing completed, there was time for chatter and games before the eagerly awaited meal. The excellent soup was disposed of rapidly, including a second helping for those who were hungry – and quick. Then it was on with the roast beef and several vegetables. Harvest time is, of course, the time for blackberries and apples which, with custard, made a very nice sweet. Thanks a lot Gerry for a fine meal.

A bit of shuffling of chairs and tables then, to clear the area for a show of superb slides taken on Gerald Prizeman’s tours and walks in mountainous areas.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 21 October 1979
Weekend ride: Salcombe YH
Day 2
16 Participants: Mike Bailey, Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Jean Brierly, Colin Downie, Madora Downie, Noel Downie, Don Hassall, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Michael Jones, Trevor Marshall, Kevin Mitchell, Mark Morton, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
The Sunday was rather cloudy and cold, but we did manage to warm our feet up quite frequently on the many hills from the hostel to Gara Bridge, where we found a lunch spot. After lunch, Jean and Adrian left us to press on back to Exeter while we had a closer inspection of the lanes past Crabadon and Harberton.

(Colin Brierly)
Sunday 28 October 1979
Day ride: Dittisham
13 Participants: Peter Adams, Frank Boyes, Colin Brierly, Colin Downie, Noel Downie, Antony House, Carl Jefferys, Kevin Mitchell, Mark Morton, Darren Sharp, Robert Spence, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
By general consensus we decided to cancel our run to Dittisham on October 28th in order to see what was happening at the National Hill Climb at Haytor. The event was very well organised and must have been the biggest gathering of cyclists and ex-cyclists the area has known for many a year. After watching the latter part of the field suffering on the top section of the climb, and seeing the prize presentation by Gillian Miles, we dropped down past Becky Falls to meet Frank and Robert for lunch along the Manaton old road.

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Sunday 4 November 1979
Afternoon ride: Ashburton
8 Participants: Colin Brierly, Antony House, Michael Jones, Mark Morton, Darren Sharp, Sue Shepley, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
Double figures again for our November afternoon run, even if the weather was not too certain. In the event it stayed dry while we wandered through lanes nearly to Ashburton before returning through Ipplepen. There were a couple of pauses while Darren repaired a chain and John repaired a puncture – I think he’s making a prolonged effort to catch up with Phil!

(Colin Brierly)

[Attendance verified]
Page 8 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants