Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 6 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 10 June 1979
Day ride: Buckland Beacon

10 Participants: Peter Adams (13, Holne), Graham Brodie, Iris Buckler, Richard Clayton, Robert Clayton, Paul Dean, Nick Dinsdale, Antony House (13, Ashburton), Carl Jefferys (13, Torquay), Mike Wreaford (Junior, Torquay)
On the following week’s run to Buckland Beacon we were joined by Carl Jeffereys and Mike Wreaford from Torquay, and Antony House and Peter Adams from Ashburton and Holne respectively. Also out were two of the Clayton brothers, Robert and Richard, together with Nick Dinsdale and Paul Dean.

Ten of us set out from Five Lanes (Marldon) and rode out to Staverton and Buckfastleigh (dealing with a few mechanical troubles en-route) where we met Iris Buckler. After stopping at the shops for some of the youngsters to stock up with food we climbed up towards Holne, stopping for lunch near Shuttaford.

We didn’t actually go up to Buckland Beacon but spent the afternoon wandering around Poundsgate and Spitchwick before returning to Holne for a godo tea at The Old Forge. The return trip took us home through Holne Chase, Ashburton, Denbury and Stoneycombe.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 17 June 1979
Day ride: Bigbury

6 Participants: Peter Adams, Frank Boyes, Graham Brodie, Don Cockman, Antony House, John Stuart (14, Buckfastleigh)
Eleven were out on the run to Bigbury, including another lad from Ashburton, John Stuart, along with the other two whom we met at Totnes. Don Cockman and Frank joined us for the morning and the rest of us pressed on to Gara Bridge and had lunch on the climb out of the valley. We then wandered on down to Bigbury.

The tide was out and so we walked across to Burgh Island and back. We took the tidal road back to Aveton Gifford and then the lanes through Loddiswell, Woodleigh and Moreleigh, stopping for a picnic tea before dropping down into Harbertonford and home through Totnes and Berry Pomeroy.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 24 June 1979
Day ride: Kenn Valley

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
(No report written for this ride)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 1 July 1979
Afternoon ride: Coffinswell

4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Kate Unknown (Junior, Paignton), Naomi Unknown (Junior, Paignton)
On July 1st we had a pleasant afternoon run through Kingskerswell and Coffinswell, then on to Combe-in-Teignhead and back through Barton.

There were two new girls out – Kate, who lives opposite Colin Brierly in Paignton and another girl, Naomi, who unfortunately we may not see again as she is working here only until she goes to university.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Saturday 7 July 1979
Weekend ride: Beer YH
Day 1

3 Participants: Colin Brierly, Don Hassall, Trevor Marshall
I didn’t go to the Beer weekend, but Colin informs me that the event was a success, particularly in the Wessex DA sector. Don Hassal and Trevor Marshall were there, incorporating their night’s stay with their cycling holiday tour.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 8 July 1979
Weekend ride: Beer YH
Day 2

3 Participants: Colin Brierly, Don Hassall, Trevor Marshall
(No report available)
Sunday 8 July 1979
Day ride: Teignmouth

1 Participants: Graham Brodie
The Section still held an informal run on the Beer weekend and, with glorious sunshine, we had a lazy ride to Teignmouth via Coffinswell and Combe-in-Teignhead, where we sunbathed for hours on the sea wall before gobbling ice-creams and milk-shakes. We then headed home via Bishopsteignton and Newton Abbot.

(Graham Brodie)
Sunday 15 July 1979
Day ride: Bellever (Bathing)
8 Participants: Peter Adams, Frank Boyes, Graham Brodie, Antony House, Michael Jones, Margaret Maxtead, John Stuart, Philip Wrigley
On the Bellever run, Frank was out again and it was nice to have Margaret with us again. Five lads met us at Buckfastleigh, including one from Bovey Tracey. Torbay Section seems to have quite a wide catchment area this year – let’s hope this trend continues.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 22 July 1979
Day ride: Spreyton

1 Participants: Colin Brierly
There were half a dozen of us out on the Spreyton run but, for various reasons, no one wanted to stay out for tea so we didn’t get nearer to our destination than Whiddon Down. We did, however, have an enjoyable picnic lunch on a seat at the back of a pleasure ground near the Alms houses in Moretonhampstead. The combination of sunshine and friendly chat encouraged us to linger over our sandwiches, and this pushed the destination a little out of our reach on a home-to-tea basis.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 29 July 1979
Day ride: Cawsands
4 Participants: Colin Brierly, Antony House, Michael Jones, John Stuart
The next Sunday’s destination, listed as Cawsands, was also not attained, but this time the weather was the excuse. When I awoke on the morning the gods still had their shower bath going at full strength and I thought it would be a case of “home to lunch” never mind a picnic tea, but I did go out to our rendezvous at Marley Head and was quite surprised when Mike, John and Antony turned up from Buckfastleigh and Ashburton and invited me to join their Section!

We decided, in view of the weather prospects, to forget Cawsands and, after a bit of main road work to Ivybridge, diverted to Cornwood and towards Harford before stopping in a sheltered spot for our picnic. After lunch we wandered from Bittaford to Shipley Bridge and Gidley Bridge before I left the Buckfastleigh Section and headed for home.

(Colin Brierly)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Page 6 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants