Torbay CTC Album


Events Index Gallery Participants
Page 3 of 55 (542 items)
Sunday 10 December 1978
Day ride: Cotley Castle

1 Participants: Graham Brodie
Our run to Cotley Castle took place on the greyest of winter days, with only three of us out. Tha main problem was finding somewhere dry for lunch. Refuge was eventually found under the corrugated iron roof of a cattle shed where lunch was had, and then – a hasty retreat home through Luton and Ideford.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 17 December 1978
Day ride: Lustleigh Cleave

3 Participants: Frank Boyes, Graham Brodie, Basil Ellis
Not content with losing Frank and Basil on our Avon Dam run a few weeks earlier, we lost them again on the run to Lustleigh Cleave! Once again a search party was sent out but with no success so we had lunch at the Cleeve and then made tracks for home via Bovey Tracey and Teigngrace. We caught up with the lost pair once again at Newton Abbot.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 24 December 1978
Day ride: Christmas Cheer Run

5 Participants: Colin Brierly, Graham Brodie, Basil Ellis, Don Hassall, Grace Hassall
The Christmas Cheer run on Christmas Eve was very enjoyable, with Colin, Basil and myself riding out via Gappah and Ideford to the Ship Inn at Cockwood where we met Don and Grace Hassal for a light meal which was very good indeed and reasonably priced.

We all went back to Dawlish along the sea-front and were lucky to dodge the huge waves breaking over the wall. After a brief stop for a welcome cup of coffee at Don and Grace’s we headed for home via Teignmouth and Combe-in-Teignhead.

(Graham Brodie)
Sunday 31 December 1978
Day ride: Penquit

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
The run to Penquit was cancelled due to the snow.

(Graham Brodie)
Sunday 7 January 1979
Afternoon ride: Hennock Reservoirs

1 Participants: Graham Brodie
Four were out on the first afternoon ride to Hennock Reservoirs the following week. The scenery was like that of another planet, with great walls of snow disappearing into thick fog and Trenchford Reservoir frozen solid!

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 14 January 1979
Day ride: Unknown

1 Participants: Graham Brodie
The weather has still dampened enthusiasm for recent runs, but the “Old Faithfuls” still return each week for another dampening!

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 21 January 1979
Day ride: Kenn

2 Participants: Graham Brodie, Don Hassall
On 21st January we had an enjoyable run to Kenn where we met up with Don Hassal. We had a fairly dry, although cold, run into Starcross, where we stopped for tea at the Old Georgian Café, who looked after us very well indeed.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 28 January 1979
Day ride: Millcombe

3 Participants: Graham Brodie, Sue Shepley, Raymond Snelling (Junior, Devon)
The following week our run to Millcombe was a wash-out, although the turnout included Sue Shepley and three of “the lads” as our youthful followers are known. Our route to Ashprington proved very interesting as we took the footpath along the river and, had there been a little more sunshine, the scenery would have been very spectacular. Unfortunately the run ended in a bus shelter at Tuckenhay, where we sheltered form the pouring rain which continued throughout the brisk return journey which followed.

There has been renewed young interest in the Section with a new lad, Raymond Snelling, who braved the rain to come out on his first run, and we are hoping to see two more new youngsters when the weather improves.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 4 February 1979
Afternoon ride: Unknown

0 Participants: No participants recorded for this event
(No report available)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Sunday 11 February 1979
Day ride: North Bovey

1 Participants: Graham Brodie
It was back into the snow for our run to North Bovey. Although none actually fell, the surface snow increased as we headed towards Moretonhampstead and then continued on to North Bovey, after which we found the going a bit tricky on the thick slush as we headed down through Manaton to Bovey Tracey, and then finally home through Teigngrace.

(Graham Brodie)

[The attendance list for this ride is incomplete, and sadly no attendance records were kept for this period]
Page 3 of 55 (542 items)
Events Index Gallery Participants